July 2016 Moms

Mood swings galore

Hello ladies!
So, I'm 28w 1d FTM. And the past 2-3 days I've noticed some pretty intense mood swings. One minute I'll be fine, and the next, I'm bawling my eyes out with no explanation. Hubby is unsure how to handle it, as there's really no reason other than hormones, but I had 2 cry-fests,as I've named them, in the past 24 hours. Yesterday afternoon before hubby got home, and then again at around 430 this morning. Now, I've been kind of easy to set off, but I have never cried as hard as I did those two times and 430am was unprecedented. I got up to pee, laid back down, and lost it for no reason. What do you ladies do when you're overcome like that? Has anyone had similar experiences, or is it just me?

Thanks in advance!

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