Is this your first child? I was told by my OBs that parts of your children's blood/cells will remain and circulate in your body for years after they are born (It's a comforting story for many loss moms, that your babies are always a part of you). But it made me wonder when they do the NiPT, what if they just happened to get a residual sample from one of my previous pregnancies? (I am not a scientist or a doctor; this is idle uninformed curiosity).
YEP!!!!! This happened to me with this baby. Not with gender but they told me my daughter had Turners Syndrome. I had to have the FISH test and micro ray from the aminiocentsis to confirm she is fine chromosomally. It's very stressful and for me it was earth shattering.
@LOTON01 what did they say the sex was per NIPT and what did they say the sex was per CVS?
I didn't think about the sex being incorrect... I've already started on the nursery and went with more of a boy theme instead of gender neutral like we did for the twins... ::face palm::
I'm thinking I could see it being wrong if done too early where they say girl but it is a boy, but I don't see there being a Y chromosome and then they say girl...
Weird that it would capture a rogue Y chromosome...but the NIPT I did specifically said that results for multiples would be less accurate.
My fetal fraction was in the low side so I'm still not convinced there isn't a Y in there that it missed, but I've always thought it was a girl so it'll likely be a quick confirmation at the AS in a few weeks and that's it.
I clearly am no expert, but I have also read that the test could pick up a Y in the case of a vanishing twin, or multiple, in your case that was a male.
I would think that if there was a y present, either it is a vanishing twin (triplet?) that was male, or the cvs is somehow wrong. I funny really know anything though, so I guess trust your doctor but maybe wait until the anatomy scan to make any big gender-specific decisions. Glad to hear everything else was good though. Yay for healthy babies!
I would think that if there was a y present, either it is a vanishing twin (triplet?) that was male, or the cvs is somehow wrong. I funny really know anything though, so I guess trust your doctor but maybe wait until the anatomy scan to make any big gender-specific decisions. Glad to hear everything else was good though. Yay for healthy babies!
I'm note sure what happened. I know Vanishing triplet did not because I had IVF and got ultrasounds from consenting weekly so we would have seen something at some point.
I'm so confused... @xath does that mean for any STM or more it could be wrong as it could be picking up traces of previous children?
I feel like such an ass hat now because I just totally sold a coworker that the test is so great and she should do it... since it wasn't available the last time either of us were pregnant... so if it is picking up previous childrens' DNA it makes me question everything and my results. I know it is screening and diagnostic though, so not 100%.
I would think that if there was a y present, either it is a vanishing twin (triplet?) that was male, or the cvs is somehow wrong. I funny really know anything though, so I guess trust your doctor but maybe wait until the anatomy scan to make any big gender-specific decisions. Glad to hear everything else was good though. Yay for healthy babies!
I'm note sure what happened. I know Vanishing triplet did not because I had IVF and got ultrasounds from consenting weekly so we would have seen something at some point.
Stuck in the box...
Got it. I have no other ideas then. Hopefully your babes are cooperative for the anatomy scan!
Well damn... Makes me feel even better about being team green. I'm the type that if I knew the sex, would go out and buy something absurd for the coming home outfit (eg "little brother" or "little sister"). I guess I would be SOL if I thought boy and the baby came out all girl. "Sorry honey, but today you are going to have to deal with being 'little brother'. Tomorrow you can be 'little sister'. Better yet if a few years from now you claim your sex doesn't match your gender, I can claim the ultimate mother's intuition." Bonus points.
No test/screening is 100% perfect. The chances of the NIPT being wrong are super slim according to my OB. Most of ours are probably right....of course I am still waiting until my anatomy scan in two weeks to buy nursery things for my little girl
Me: 34 DH: 35 Married: July 2009 BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013 Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016 3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3 First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17
I believe that MOST of the threat of incorrect sex assessment on NIPT is related to a mother who has previously had a boy, and still has traces of Y chromosome in her blood, where the test picks up that Y even though the baby is actually a girl. I was told that for FTMs or moms with only daughters, it was as close to 100% as possible, though I could see how perhaps an existing Y chromosome could be somehow missed if the test was done too early or something. I did Panorama and they did somehow have results for "vanishing twin" (negative for me) so I guess that test at least tries to account for that as much as it can, but the tests are all slightly different.
Did the new sex assessment via CVS come from the cord blood or just from the ultrasound? I'm really interested to hear what happens when you have your next scan!
How far along were you when they did the test?? I know my OB made us wait a little longer to take it so that it would be more accurate. Just wondering if that could have been a reason for the incorrect read.
I'm so confused... @xath does that mean for any STM or more it could be wrong as it could be picking up traces of previous children?
No idea! That was just idle curiosity on my part because of an article I'd read. I'm assuming if it was a real factor, it would be in the paperwork for the NIPTs.
I didn't have NIPT so I am not really in a place to comment but I have to say...
I am never the one to point out the incorrect of usage of "sex" vs "gender", even though I always notice it now, but I have to say that I am shocked that no one has commented on it yet. OP said it 5 times - I know some of you always jump on this, what happened??? Have you given up??
Me: 36; DH: 38 DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17! **TW** MMC & D&C Aug 2016
I didn't have NIPT so I am not really in a place to comment but I have to say...
I am never the one to point out the incorrect of usage of "sex" vs "gender", even though I always notice it now, but I have to say that I am shocked that no one has commented on it yet. OP said it 5 times - I know some of you always jump on this, what happened??? Have you given up??
I admit, I'm just downright exhausted by always being "that guy" at this point. I've lost the will to continue the battle
I didn't have NIPT so I am not really in a place to comment but I have to say...
I am never the one to point out the incorrect of usage of "sex" vs "gender", even though I always notice it now, but I have to say that I am shocked that no one has commented on it yet. OP said it 5 times - I know some of you always jump on this, what happened??? Have you given up??
I admit, I'm just downright exhausted by always being "that guy" at this point. I've lost the will to continue the battle
This, me too. I just make sure to use the proper terms in my responses and move on. Mostly because I already have one warning against me, so I can't afford to get into any more heated discussions anytime soon ;-)
Ok, this is a serious question, so I hope it doesn't come across as all drama llama. I am totally on board with correct usage of sex and gender, as in, what we can know at this point about our children is sex, not gender, because gender is performative and socially constructed. BUT, aren't you all going to more or less assume that your children's sex matches their gender once they are born until/unless they indicate otherwise? It just seems like unless I am going to raise my child completely genderless (neutral name and pronouns, neutral clothing and toys only, neutral nursery, not revealing their sex to others who would gender them, etc), it is sort of splitting hairs to insist on only using the word sex for the next 5 months until they are born. I mean, I am pretty down on overly gendered things (especially toys), but I do use feminine pronouns and usually somewhat feminine clothing and my daughter has a very clearly female-coded name. Can someone explain to me why we are so careful about this now but it all seems to go out the window when they are born and everyone is fine with it? Or are those of you who are especially sensitive to this even more down on gendered clothes, toys, etc, than I am?
Edited because autocorrect is the wrist.
Edited again to add that I am realizing this may not be an appropriate place for this comment. Sorry, @LOTON01.
I could be mistaken, but I think I remember my doctor's office telling me the sex result is like 97 or 99% accurate, something like that, so I guess there's a small chance it can be wrong. FWIW, I had the NIPT blood draw at 11 weeks and then had an (unrelated) ultrasound at 16 weeks which confirmed it was accurate, but most people will confirm at the 20 week anatomy scan.
@LOTON01, sorry for the drama and hope you get your confirmation soon.
@ellie111227 I feel the way you do but I notice now when people use the words incorrectly and there seems to be a lot of people who get very irritated by it on this board so I just brought it up because I was so surprised to see that there were so many comments and no one said anything about it!
@LOTON01 I didn't mean to hijack your thread, I just really had to ask the question because I think this is the first time I have seen it happen and no one commented on it. I'm personally not all that bothered by it.
Me: 36; DH: 38 DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17! **TW** MMC & D&C Aug 2016
@ellie111227 yes and no? My daughter will have her brother's hand me downs and whatever we get her and other people get her. She'll have quite the mix. Also for toys she'll have access to whatever she seems interested in. My son has a broad spectrum of toys both considered "girly" and "boyish". As he is developing preferences we let him decide what he wants to wear, play with, etc.
Will my daughter have some pink stuff? Sure, probably more than my son but i can't control what people get her. If we are gifted something cute, useable, functional, we'll go with it.
And their room will be pretty neutral since they're sharing and in a few years may want something different.
Am i living a perfectly non-gender specific lifestyle with my kids? No. So should I stop using correct terms? No.
And I spoke up about this early early on in the board's history. I was told by certain people they literally did not care. I can't make someone be sensitive to this topic. Sometimes you get tired of correcting internet strangers.
@ellie111227 From my POV, it is important that we as adults own our use of words by making the appropriate distinction. Electing to raise a baby either gender neutral or gender aligned to the baby's sex is very different from stating "I just found out the gender of my baby". None of us will find out the gender of our child until later in life. We are all mothers here and I believe/hope we all want what is in the best interest of our children. That means educating ourselves and our children on topics such as this that will surface throughout their lives. If I use the appropriate terminology, my children will use the appropriate terminology and they will understand the distinction. Hopefully if my child sees me respecting the distinction, they will do the same for others and recognize "Huh... my mom seems really open and understanding about this topic. I feel like I can be more open with her about who I am OR I know how to speak respectfully with peers.". I would hate for my child to worry about being accepted by me if he/she hears me speaking ignorantly on a topic that could impact him/her. Also, they might have friends whose gender doesn't align to their sex and I want my kids to be supportive. Leading by example I guess. I point it out to others here just as a reminder that it is an important distinction. It doesn't make me mad or make me think less of the person for mixing the two up (unless the poster recognizes the difference and admittedly doesn't care).
@Mother0fDragons that's pretty much my attitude, too. I am definitely not saying we shouldn't use the correct terms, just that I think it is interesting that so many people jump on using the word gender before birth but I haven't seen anyone discouraging others from planning to gender their child hardcore as soon as they are born. I was wondering how people thought through those contradictions. Thanks for your answer!
@Mother0fDragons My SIL is not a very accepting person. As such, she only lets her boys have "boy toys/clothes/room decorations/etc". She always says something to me if I have DD wearing something "too boyish" (I mean WTF is "too boyish"!). I want my kids to be their own people. Wear what colors/clothing they want. Play with whatever toys they want. My rough and tumble son was wearing a NYE 2017 crown and walking around calling himself a princess. Fine. DD has way more pink than her brother, but that is because my ILs won't freakin stttaahhhhppp. I don't need a second toy car because the first one is blue and "she needs pink" as SIL says. My DD's favorite toys are her brother's construction trucks and basketball hoop. I was a tomboy growing up and just want my kids to be happy and comfortable in their own skin.
Re: NIPT test wrong
How did they discover the error?
Doctir said CVS is more accurate.
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
It just never even crossed my mind the gender could be wrong with the NIPT test.
I didn't think about the sex being incorrect... I've already started on the nursery and went with more of a boy theme instead of gender neutral like we did for the twins... ::face palm::
I'm thinking I could see it being wrong if done too early where they say girl but it is a boy, but I don't see there being a Y chromosome and then they say girl...
Thays kind of the look the doctor had on his face.
My fetal fraction was in the low side so I'm still not convinced there isn't a Y in there that it missed, but I've always thought it was a girl so it'll likely be a quick confirmation at the AS in a few weeks and that's it.
I feel like such an ass hat now because I just totally sold a coworker that the test is so great and she should do it... since it wasn't available the last time either of us were pregnant... so if it is picking up previous childrens' DNA it makes me question everything and my results. I know it is screening and diagnostic though, so not 100%.
Me: 34 DH: 35
Married: July 2009
BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013
Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17
Did the new sex assessment via CVS come from the cord blood or just from the ultrasound? I'm really interested to hear what happens when you have your next scan!
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
I am never the one to point out the incorrect of usage of "sex" vs "gender", even though I always notice it now, but I have to say that I am shocked that no one has commented on it yet. OP said it 5 times - I know some of you always jump on this, what happened??? Have you given up??
Me: 36; DH: 38
DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
MMC & D&C Aug 2016
Edited because autocorrect is the wrist.
Edited again to add that I am realizing this may not be an appropriate place for this comment. Sorry, @LOTON01.
@LOTON01, sorry for the drama and hope you get your confirmation soon.
@LOTON01 I didn't mean to hijack your thread, I just really had to ask the question because I think this is the first time I have seen it happen and no one commented on it. I'm personally not all that bothered by it.
Me: 36; DH: 38
DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
MMC & D&C Aug 2016
Will my daughter have some pink stuff? Sure, probably more than my son but i can't control what people get her. If we are gifted something cute, useable, functional, we'll go with it.
And their room will be pretty neutral since they're sharing and in a few years may want something different.
Am i living a perfectly non-gender specific lifestyle with my kids? No. So should I stop using correct terms? No.