Hi ladies, I'm trying to come up with some middle names for DD#2, who will be named Julia. She'll be named after my mom who died unexpectedly 3 years ago and with whom I was very close.
DD#1 is Josephine Rose. DH has nixed Penelope, Rosalie and Mirabel, but says Eleanor is okay. We like classic names and I'd like one that doesn't end in -a. Please send your suggestions!
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
My Married Bio
Re: Middle name for Julia?
Julia Beatrix
Julia Magdalen
Julia Delphine
Julia Colette
Julia Heloise
Julia Maeve
Julia Aileen
Julia Rosalind
Julia Celeste
Julia Corrine
Julia Noelle
Julia Estelle
Julia diane
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
My Married Bio
Julia Florence
Julia Elise