Ugh @lemieuxk I was thinking of you yesterday and was hoping you were swooning over your new baby/ignoring us and that you weren't having a long delayed labor. Prayers and fingers crossed for you today, Mama!
@lemieuxk So sorry your induction is so slow going! I hope you got decent rest after they stopped the Pitocin overnight. This PPROM mama stuff is frustrating all around:(. Sending all the positive thoughts your way.
@lemieuxk I'm sorry things are slow and exhausting. That sounds tough to be dealing with, especially when you've already been in the hospital for so long. Thinking of you and hoping things start moving.
Caroline Alice joined the exclusive club of Febubabies last night (1/3) at 7:34 pm. As most of you know, I was on hospital bed rest for the last month due to PPROM with a plan to induce at 34 weeks. Caroline ended up joining us at 34+2 because she apparently likes to work on her own schedule. After 2 1/2 days of alternating cytotec and pit, I was only dilated to 3 and we were discussing taking a break for a day or so to let everything wash out of my body as I was getting exhausted from mild but painful and unproductive contractions. Then, at 415, the doctor stripped my membranes and lowered the pit and it was like a switch flipped. I went from 0 to 100. I labored in the tub with nitrous for a while and when the checked me around 630 and I was at a 6. I started begging for an epidural because I knew I couldn't handle the pain for several more hours. However, by the time I got out of the tub and they hung fluids, I felt a strong urge to push. They checked me, I was fully dilated, and there was no epidural for me! She was out in four pushes.
She is stable overall, getting some support from cpap with room air. We are hoping to get to hold her today. I did get to do delayed cord cramping and skin to skin after birth, which was amazing! She is 4lb, 13 oz and gets very angry when the nicu staff poke and prod her. We are super excited and can't wait to get her home when she's ready.
I also wanted to just say thank you to everyone for the support you've offered. I was a creepy lurker who didn't start participating until late in the game and this group has completely embraced me. It was so wonderful feeling you all cheering us on! I can't wait for the rest of you to meet your LOs and know that I'll be part of your cheering squad ❤
Congratulations @lemieuxk!!! She's so cute!! I'm so glad you are finally done with the pregnancy/labor and can finally enjoy cuddles with your new little squish you certainly deserve it after all that! I'm glad you're both doing okay too. I really like the name you picked for her too. Congrats again!
Lemieux I was so happy to wake up to your announcement this morning. What an experience you've had!!! So glad you are both safe and doing well. Big kiss
She's perfect @lemieuxk! Glad things went well and fast for the pushing/delivery part. Enjoy those snuggles once you can get them. Once they are here, you just want to hold them and and snuggle so much, it's hard waiting. Hopefully yours is a short wait!
Just getting caught up after a holiday break--congratulations, @lemieuxk! She is so gorgeous, and I'm so happy for all of you. Hope the wait to get her home isn't too long!!
Me: 34 Husband: 35 Married: June 2007
Son Max born 1/10/17 BFP #2: 10/5/17; EDD: 6/11/18
Re: ***The Great Big Labor Thread***
@lemieuxk fingers crossed things start progressing more!!!
She is stable overall, getting some support from cpap with room air. We are hoping to get to hold her today. I did get to do delayed cord cramping and skin to skin after birth, which was amazing! She is 4lb, 13 oz and gets very angry when the nicu staff poke and prod her. We are super excited and can't wait to get her home when she's ready.
I also wanted to just say thank you to everyone for the support you've offered. I was a creepy lurker who didn't start participating until late in the game and this group has completely embraced me. It was so wonderful feeling you all cheering us on! I can't wait for the rest of you to meet your LOs and know that I'll be part of your cheering squad ❤
Now here's what you're really here for:
First BFP: 12/16/13
EDD: 08/23/14
Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
Married: 9/2013
Love my LEO!!
TTC #1: 9/2015
BFP: 2/1/16 MC 2/8/16 @ 5wks
EDD: 1/30/2017 *IT'S A GIRL!!!!*
Kirsten Grace 1/20/17
Me: 37 - H: 39
TTC#1: 01/2016
BFP: 06/18/2016 - EDD: 02/20/2017 - Born: 01/27/2017
Glad you are both doing well!
TTC since January 2016
BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
BFP - 6/11/16
TTC #1: 3/2016
Me 39 - DH 44
BFP 5/27/16 EDD 1/30/17
DD born 2/3/17
BFP #1 8/4/2015, MMC 9/24/2015
DD 2/13/2017
BFP #3 8/24/2017, MC 9/20/2017
BFP #4 11/14/2017, CP
BFP #5 1/5/2018, MC/BO 2/17/2018
BFP #6 7/15/2018, CP
BFP #7 12/15/2018, EDD 8/28/2019
Husband: 35
Married: June 2007
Son Max born 1/10/17
BFP #2: 10/5/17; EDD: 6/11/18
Gosh everytime I see these baby pics I get teary eyed!!!