Hi there! There's a chance I will be a February FET. We are waiting for the go ahead for ivf and egg retrieval which I am hoping will be end of January at the earliest...
Hi! There is a chance I'm in Feb FET as opposed to January - there is also a chance I don't have any good blasts at all
Siggy Warning--------
CP #1- due April 2017 lost 5.5 weeks cp #2- due May 2017 lost at 4.5 weeks iUI #1- BFN IUI #2-BFN IVF#1- transfer 2- BFP! Due October 2017 c/p#3 lost at 3.5 weeks
I should be having egg retrieval in February but not sure if it will become a FET. What are the main factors they consider when deciding on this? I know a little about overstimming. I feel like IF is not new to me at all but IVF is a whole new game.
@hibiscus118 I will be towards the wand of Feb as well.
@rainbowwishes5 I pray you have some good ones an are able to join us!
@brela11 I'm still kinda new to all of this as well I'm doing FET because I found out I had fibroids that had to be removed back in August. Then I had to heal from the surgery. So this is my first FET and that was my first ER.
I'll either be late Feb or early March depending on how long PGS takes.
me:41 dh:42 me:PCOS, blocked left fallopian tube, hyperprolactinemia (dh's swimmers are perfect/normal) Tried 3 rounds of clomid with Ovidrel trigger (BFNs) May/June 2016 IVF 6/1 ER 7 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilized via ICSI 6 embryos made it to blasts. 6/6 2 AA embryos transfered, 4 BBs frozen Beta 6/18 -- BFN FET #1 August 22 BFN Dec 2016/Jan 2017 Round 2 was a bust. 6 eggs, Only 1 embryo made it, no transfer FET #2 cancelled 10/17 due to uterine polyps. Postponed until 9/2018 due to hip replacement.
FET #3 9/11/18 Uterine scratch and antihistamine protocol/lovenox done this time. 2 AA hatching blasts put in. BFP 9/20/18!!
Welcome back @sleepyrn!! We might be cycle/FET buddies!
Looks more and more like I'll be having the retrieval in mid-late Feb and then a FET in sometime in March. I can't start the ivf cycle until they've built the set-up for PGD testing, and was told yesterday that it will probably take 3-5 weeks to complete.
I'm stimming now for ER early January but PGS takes a while so we will probably be FET buddies. Wishing you success @caseyw8784
me:41 dh:42 me:PCOS, blocked left fallopian tube, hyperprolactinemia (dh's swimmers are perfect/normal) Tried 3 rounds of clomid with Ovidrel trigger (BFNs) May/June 2016 IVF 6/1 ER 7 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilized via ICSI 6 embryos made it to blasts. 6/6 2 AA embryos transfered, 4 BBs frozen Beta 6/18 -- BFN FET #1 August 22 BFN Dec 2016/Jan 2017 Round 2 was a bust. 6 eggs, Only 1 embryo made it, no transfer FET #2 cancelled 10/17 due to uterine polyps. Postponed until 9/2018 due to hip replacement.
FET #3 9/11/18 Uterine scratch and antihistamine protocol/lovenox done this time. 2 AA hatching blasts put in. BFP 9/20/18!!
I go in for my saline sono/trail transfer tomorrow for my February FET. Dr is 2 hours away and I have to arrive with a full bladder! That's so hard to do!
CP #1- due April 2017 lost 5.5 weeks cp #2- due May 2017 lost at 4.5 weeks iUI #1- BFN IUI #2-BFN IVF#1- transfer 2- BFP! Due October 2017 c/p#3 lost at 3.5 weeks
@Bharvey10 drink your water on the way there so it isn't so uncomfortable. Good luck!
me:41 dh:42 me:PCOS, blocked left fallopian tube, hyperprolactinemia (dh's swimmers are perfect/normal) Tried 3 rounds of clomid with Ovidrel trigger (BFNs) May/June 2016 IVF 6/1 ER 7 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilized via ICSI 6 embryos made it to blasts. 6/6 2 AA embryos transfered, 4 BBs frozen Beta 6/18 -- BFN FET #1 August 22 BFN Dec 2016/Jan 2017 Round 2 was a bust. 6 eggs, Only 1 embryo made it, no transfer FET #2 cancelled 10/17 due to uterine polyps. Postponed until 9/2018 due to hip replacement.
FET #3 9/11/18 Uterine scratch and antihistamine protocol/lovenox done this time. 2 AA hatching blasts put in. BFP 9/20/18!!
Thanks ladies! I didn't know I could drink so much water in the 2 hours! Everything looks good. Should get my meds Friday! So excited! I been thinking about getting some transfer day socks made. Have any of you done that?
@Bharvey10 - when we first started on the ivf journey my best friend gifted me 2 pairs of socks to wear...one for the ER and one for the transfer. haven't decided which to wear for each yet. they're both knee highs, and one is blue with the superman(girl?) logo (and even had little red capes attached to the calf part!) and the other pair are white with green 4 leaf clovers.
I think I'll wear the superman ones for the ER since the 2-3 weeks of stims and hormones seem to take more out of us, and the 4 leaf clover ones on transfer day for good luck!
Fun! I have a girlfriend making me some think positive transfer socks! Can wait! Our days will be here fast! And yes stims takes a lot out of us for sure!
Kayla I hope you have good luck in feb. @bestofjoy I hope you have some let for FET and don't have to do IVF again! I got all my meds Friday. The 21st can't get here fast enough!
Hi guys i was hoping to do FET in January but AF didnt show up in time, I am currently on BCP, FET is scheduled for Feb. 7th. This will be my 3rd transfer. First one was identical twins that MC 8.5 weeks and 2nd transfer was a CP. Hoping 3rd time is the charm. I have been doing acupuncture the day of transfer before and after and also wore special socks for the 2nd transfer but this next time i have a special shirt from etsy that ill be wearing for my positive vibes.
Me (28) DH (32)
Married: Dec 2011
TTC#1 May 2014
Dx: MFI (low count)
FET#1 May 2016 BFP EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC
Positive thoughts for you! I hope this is our month! This is my first FET. I start lupron shots on the 21st of January. Lining check February 14th transfer sometime after February 20th. Seems so far away!
Hello ladies! I hope I can join you in Feb FET. My original transfer was scheduled for 1/10, but I had an emergency gallbladder removal instead. I immediately stopped my progesterone/estrogen and today is CD 1. I am starting estrogen patches tomorrow and have an FET scheduled for Feb 2nd!
2 Laps and 1 Abdominal Myomectomy 6 rounds of clomid 5 rounds of iui Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month) IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide ER 12/1/2016
ER-Retrieved 22 eggs 10 fertilized 4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls FET 1/10/2017 Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017 FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March
Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a newbie to The Bump but not a newbie to IVF unfortunately. I'm having my second FET around the third week of February after my first FET resulted in a CP last month. Lost two girl CCS/PGS tested embryos and now I'll be transferring my two boy embryos. Should be starting Lupron sometime within the next week. Hopefully I have some better luck this time considering there was an 80% chance of success, grrr! Anyway, on the next round! Good luck to you all!
@FamousAmous welcome! My 3rd FET is scheduled for feb. 7th my RE is very conservative and so far has only been letting us transfer 1 embryo so we will be doing that again but if this cycle doesn't work I'll be pushing to transfer 2 next time. We had no testing done on our embryos which I regret cause now we don't know what's caused the past 2 cycles to fail. First one made it 8.5 weeks and the 2nd transfer was a CP. I sure hope for all of us February brings us lots of love and luck!
Me (28) DH (32)
Married: Dec 2011
TTC#1 May 2014
Dx: MFI (low count)
FET#1 May 2016 BFP EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC
Hi! I want to come join you ladies here too. I was apart of the Jan FET board because I thought my FET would be no later than 2/3 but since I am still stuck waiting on AF (who has never been late in the past but this is my first cycle post ER so I think she is funny). Hopefully if she is here soon I will have ET sometime in the first week of Feb with a beta 13 days after that! This is my 3 FET with no take home baby so I am so anxious and hopeful that this is the cycle that will make me a momma!! I am looking forward to getting to know you ladies and chatting for the next few weeks!!
Me: 29 DH:38
First RE Consult 3/9/2016 IVF ER 5/5/2016 23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6 Transfer canceled OHSS FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw) Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN IVF #2: Started stims 12/2 ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6 Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred 2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right! 3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy 3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry 6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL! 10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
Welcome ladies! I sure hope this is our month! This is my first FET. I start lupron injections this Saturday morning, start baby aspirin on 1/30 and minivelle patch on 2/1. Have a lining/bloodwork on the 2/14. It as taken so long to get to this point! I believe we will be transferring 1. We didn't have any testing done. Baby dust to us all!
So I'm jumping the gun here since I'm not past ER yet but if everything goes well I'll likely have a natural FET in late February. I know nothing yet about FET and preparing for it, so I'm curious why the need for all those meds/hormones for FET? I'd really want to do a natural, no meds whatsoever transfer because I'm fed up with all the hormones I've already taken. Is this unrealistic?
Well I finally got my timeline and it looks like even though I've started the BC pill already that I will have my transfer 3/3. I also asked to do it on a Wed, Thur, or Fri because of work, so that may have pushed it some too. Going to stick around here for now though.
TTC since: 1/2015 11/16: IVF #1. BFN 2/23/17: FET with a BFP on 3/8/17. EDD: 11/11/17 with a baby GIRL!
My doctor would have let me do a natural FET if my cycles were regular 28-32 days and I ovulated on time, but my cycles were too long and unpredictable so I had to do medicated. I'm not exactly sure how the natural FETs work as far as medications go, but I know you don't have to do 10 weeks of PIO shots, so that's a good thing at least.
FamousAmous Thanks. I already had ER and if I've got PGS embryos I'll start the natural FET in Feb (or March). I have regular cycles and ovulation usually.
@hibiscus118 - that's exciting to get your transfer date! Stinks that it's so far off, but I'm sure the time will seem like it will fly by! I'm thinking of asking my Re if i could also do it on a thursday or friday, so i could use the weekend to rest.
AFM - i start BCPs today, and have a sono hsg scheduled for tuesday the 31st (stupid insurance purposes, blah)...this coming friday is the end of week 3 for the pgd test probe, so that should be completed within the week or early next week. once that is done and insurance has renewed the prior authorization, i can get started on the ivf cycle!
My RE says i should be starting stims about the week of Feb 20th, so it's looking like my FET will be in march instead...but i'll still hang out here to see how all of your progress with your FETs!
I hope all is well with everyone! Feb will be here before we know it @hibiscus118 that's not far away at all! March is right around the corner!!
@caseyw8784 EKKKKK! This is so exciting for you! I hope you get your test results soon! Good Luck with your HSG, I would suggest some tylenol beforehand for sure!
AFM: AF came to town last Thursday and now she is on her way out. I started patches and called my clinic Friday and got my schedule. I go for my FET baseline BW/US on 2/1 with a follow up check 2/3 and a tentative transfer date of 2/7/17. It's crazy to think that me and my DH are back to this step. I am anxious and just praying. Mostly trying to take it one step at a time right now Good luck and baby dust to all of us Feb transfers!
Me: 29 DH:38
First RE Consult 3/9/2016 IVF ER 5/5/2016 23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6 Transfer canceled OHSS FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw) Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN IVF #2: Started stims 12/2 ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6 Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred 2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right! 3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy 3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry 6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL! 10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
@Joslynj11 - thanks! it's so exciting (and a bit nerve-wracking!) to think that DH and i are FINALLY here and almost ready to start the stim cycle! It's been a looong year! And so exciting to get your schedule and transfer date! Understandably an anxious time as well, but i'll keep my fingers and toes crossed extra for you this time around! Feb 7th will be here before we know it!
Ladies I don't know how to make a spreadsheet like the other do in groups. Does anyone here know how and would like to? I hope this is our month! Baby dust to us all!
@caseyw8784 it is nice when you have an idea of timeline.
Feb. will be here soon enough ladies!
AFM, I have another updated timeline. When I spoke to my nurse a few weeks ago she told me there was a delestrogen shortage (which they suggested I take) but if I could get it from another pharmacy aside from the one my insurance requires, then they suggest that and to pay OOP. Then I spoke with the person who sends over the prescription and it was for Estrace tabs. So I told her about my previous conversation and she sent over the delestrogen to another pharmacy, I had it set up for delivery the next day. And then I talked to my nurse again and she said the tabs would have been ok but changed my protocol to the delestrogen. I guess the injection works faster because my new FET date is 2/23!!!
I was was a little stressed out over this confusion last week but all is good again. I get frustrated because I don't have cell service in the building I work in, so we play phone tag all day long. I do have an appt. with my dr. On 2/1 before I start meds to make sure we are all on the same page.
TTC since: 1/2015 11/16: IVF #1. BFN 2/23/17: FET with a BFP on 3/8/17. EDD: 11/11/17 with a baby GIRL!
Hi everyone! I had a transfer in January that resulted in a chemical pregnancy. I am going straight into another transfer. I am doing a natural transfer, and I think it will be around February 13.
I copied the January FET buddies spreadsheet and tried to enter people's info for February, but there wasn't much to go on. Please add your info to the spreadsheet, keeping things in order of transfer date.
@Joslynj11 looks like we will be transfer buddies and it will also be my 3rd FET.
@SingleGeneMe sorry to hear about your last cycle but glad you dont have to wait in between cycles.
@hibiscus118 that sucks about the confusion but yay that it ended up pushing your transfer date up!
AFM i started Estrace 2mg 3x/day, had blood work done a few times and had my baseline ultrasound, i go back in again on Friday for a 2nd ultrasound and more blood work, in my previous FET's i have been on progesterone pills 4x/day so im sure ill be put on those by Friday and i start PIO 2/2/17. with my last transfer i felt disconnected and this time around i feel even more disconnected to the process. My Due date for my first BFP was 2/4/17 so it sucks that our transfer is going to take place after that, i was really hoping that i would be at least well along into another pregnancy to ease the pain of that day but no such luck.
I look forward to seeing lots of good news this time around! February is the month of Love right, so lots of love and happiness coming to each of us!
Me (28) DH (32)
Married: Dec 2011
TTC#1 May 2014
Dx: MFI (low count)
FET#1 May 2016 BFP EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC
Re: February FET anyone?
11/16: IVF #1. BFN
2/23/17: FET with a BFP on 3/8/17.
EDD: 11/11/17 with a baby GIRL!
CP #1- due April 2017 lost 5.5 weeks
cp #2- due May 2017 lost at 4.5 weeks
iUI #1- BFN
IVF#1- transfer 2- BFP! Due October 2017 c/p#3 lost at 3.5 weeks
@rainbowwishes5 I pray you have some good ones an are able to join us!
@brela11 I'm still kinda new to all of this as well I'm doing FET because I found out I had fibroids that had to be removed back in August. Then I had to heal from the surgery. So this is my first FET and that was my first ER.
me:41 dh:42
me:PCOS, blocked left fallopian tube, hyperprolactinemia (dh's swimmers are perfect/normal)
Tried 3 rounds of clomid with Ovidrel trigger (BFNs)
May/June 2016 IVF 6/1 ER 7 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilized via ICSI 6 embryos made it to blasts.
6/6 2 AA embryos transfered, 4 BBs frozen
Beta 6/18 -- BFN
FET #1 August 22 BFN
Dec 2016/Jan 2017 Round 2 was a bust. 6 eggs, Only 1 embryo made it, no transfer
FET #2 cancelled 10/17 due to uterine polyps. Postponed until 9/2018 due to hip replacement.
FET #3 9/11/18 Uterine scratch and antihistamine protocol/lovenox done this time. 2 AA hatching blasts put in. BFP 9/20/18!!
Looks more and more like I'll be having the retrieval in mid-late Feb and then a FET in sometime in March. I can't start the ivf cycle until they've built the set-up for PGD testing, and was told yesterday that it will probably take 3-5 weeks to complete.
me:41 dh:42
me:PCOS, blocked left fallopian tube, hyperprolactinemia (dh's swimmers are perfect/normal)
Tried 3 rounds of clomid with Ovidrel trigger (BFNs)
May/June 2016 IVF 6/1 ER 7 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilized via ICSI 6 embryos made it to blasts.
6/6 2 AA embryos transfered, 4 BBs frozen
Beta 6/18 -- BFN
FET #1 August 22 BFN
Dec 2016/Jan 2017 Round 2 was a bust. 6 eggs, Only 1 embryo made it, no transfer
FET #2 cancelled 10/17 due to uterine polyps. Postponed until 9/2018 due to hip replacement.
FET #3 9/11/18 Uterine scratch and antihistamine protocol/lovenox done this time. 2 AA hatching blasts put in. BFP 9/20/18!!
CP #1- due April 2017 lost 5.5 weeks
cp #2- due May 2017 lost at 4.5 weeks
iUI #1- BFN
IVF#1- transfer 2- BFP! Due October 2017 c/p#3 lost at 3.5 weeks
me:41 dh:42
me:PCOS, blocked left fallopian tube, hyperprolactinemia (dh's swimmers are perfect/normal)
Tried 3 rounds of clomid with Ovidrel trigger (BFNs)
May/June 2016 IVF 6/1 ER 7 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilized via ICSI 6 embryos made it to blasts.
6/6 2 AA embryos transfered, 4 BBs frozen
Beta 6/18 -- BFN
FET #1 August 22 BFN
Dec 2016/Jan 2017 Round 2 was a bust. 6 eggs, Only 1 embryo made it, no transfer
FET #2 cancelled 10/17 due to uterine polyps. Postponed until 9/2018 due to hip replacement.
FET #3 9/11/18 Uterine scratch and antihistamine protocol/lovenox done this time. 2 AA hatching blasts put in. BFP 9/20/18!!
I think I'll wear the superman ones for the ER since the 2-3 weeks of stims and hormones seem to take more out of us, and the 4 leaf clover ones on transfer day for good luck!
EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July
FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC
FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC
Fur-children: 3 dogs + 2 cats (all rescued)
6 rounds of clomid
5 rounds of iui
Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP
Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month)
IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide
ER 12/1/2016
4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls
FET 1/10/2017
Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017
FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March
1st ER 9/16 - 4 PGS/CCS tested embryos
FET w/2 embryos, 12/16 - CP
Our IVF Journey https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuRIjWLD-BG8iiuf6xtgM4Q
My 3rd FET is scheduled for feb. 7th my RE is very conservative and so far has only been letting us transfer 1 embryo so we will be doing that again but if this cycle doesn't work I'll be pushing to transfer 2 next time. We had no testing done on our embryos which I regret cause now we don't know what's caused the past 2 cycles to fail. First one made it 8.5 weeks and the 2nd transfer was a CP. I sure hope for all of us February brings us lots of love and luck!
EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July
FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC
FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC
IVF ER 5/5/2016
23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6
Transfer canceled OHSS
FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos
Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN
FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw)
Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN
IVF #2: Started stims 12/2
ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6
Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX
FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred
2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP
Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right!
3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy
3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry
6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL!
10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
11/16: IVF #1. BFN
2/23/17: FET with a BFP on 3/8/17.
EDD: 11/11/17 with a baby GIRL!
1st ER 9/16 - 4 PGS/CCS tested embryos
FET w/2 embryos, 12/16 - CP
Our IVF Journey https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuRIjWLD-BG8iiuf6xtgM4Q
AFM - i start BCPs today, and have a sono hsg scheduled for tuesday the 31st (stupid insurance purposes, blah)...this coming friday is the end of week 3 for the pgd test probe, so that should be completed within the week or early next week. once that is done and insurance has renewed the prior authorization, i can get started on the ivf cycle!
My RE says i should be starting stims about the week of Feb 20th, so it's looking like my FET will be in march instead...but i'll still hang out here to see how all of your progress with your FETs!
I hope all is well with everyone! Feb will be here before we know it
@caseyw8784 EKKKKK! This is so exciting for you! I hope you get your test results soon! Good Luck with your HSG, I would suggest some tylenol beforehand for sure!
AFM: AF came to town last Thursday and now she is on her way out. I started patches and called my clinic Friday and got my schedule. I go for my FET baseline BW/US on 2/1 with a follow up check 2/3 and a tentative transfer date of 2/7/17. It's crazy to think that me and my DH are back to this step. I am anxious and just praying. Mostly trying to take it one step at a time right now
IVF ER 5/5/2016
23 eggs retrieved; 15 mature; 8 developed to embryos; 6 frozen day 5; 2 frozen day 6
Transfer canceled OHSS
FET #1 6/2/2016 transferred 2 embryos
Beta #1 6/15/2016 BFN
FET #2 8/1/2016 transferred last 2 embryos (lost 4 in the thaw)
Beta #1 8/12/16 BFN
IVF #2: Started stims 12/2
ER #2 12/14/2016; 16 follies retrieved, 8 fertilized to day 1, 4 frozen day 5, and 1 frozen day 6
Praying my frosties are strong through the next thaw FX
FET # 3 2/07/2017 2 embabies thawed 2 embabies transferred
2/14/2017 *TW* First ever BFP
Beta #1 2/20/2017 277 Beta #2 2/23/2017 8,945...did I hear you right!
3/10/2017 One beating heart HR 168!! So very happy
3/10/2017 Official graduate from Jones Institute for Reproductive Health!! Couldn't help but cry
6/8/2017 Anatomy Scan proves ITS A GIRL!
10/30/17 An angel was Born; Riley Charlize 7:50 AM my heart is so full
Feb. will be here soon enough ladies!
AFM, I have another updated timeline. When I spoke to my nurse a few weeks ago she told me there was a delestrogen shortage (which they suggested I take) but if I could get it from another pharmacy aside from the one my insurance requires, then they suggest that and to pay OOP. Then I spoke with the person who sends over the prescription and it was for Estrace tabs. So I told her about my previous conversation and she sent over the delestrogen to another pharmacy, I had it set up for delivery the next day. And then I talked to my nurse again and she said the tabs would have been ok but changed my protocol to the delestrogen. I guess the injection works faster because my new FET date is 2/23!!!
I was was a little stressed out over this confusion last week but all is good again. I get frustrated because I don't have cell service in the building I work in, so we play phone tag all day long. I do have an appt. with my dr. On 2/1 before I start meds to make sure we are all on the same page.
11/16: IVF #1. BFN
2/23/17: FET with a BFP on 3/8/17.
EDD: 11/11/17 with a baby GIRL!
I copied the January FET buddies spreadsheet and tried to enter people's info for February, but there wasn't much to go on. Please add your info to the spreadsheet, keeping things in order of transfer date.
Met: 2009
Married: 2015
Gene Testing: April/May 2016
Straight to IVF for autosomal dominant genetic disorder (50% of all embryos)
ER#1 : Sept 2016 - 46 eggs retrieved - 17 blastocysts for PGD & PGS testing - only 1 normal
ER#2 : Nov 2016 - 61 eggs retrieved - 16 blastocysts for PGD & PGS testing - 5 normal!
FET#1: Jan 2017 - c/p
FET#2: Feb 2017 - c/p
Natural Pregnancy: July 2017 - TFMR Nov 2017
FET#3: March 2018 - c/p
FET#4: May 2018
looks like we will be transfer buddies and it will also be my 3rd FET.
@SingleGeneMe sorry to hear about your last cycle but glad you dont have to wait in between cycles.
@hibiscus118 that sucks about the confusion but yay that it ended up pushing your transfer date up!
AFM i started Estrace 2mg 3x/day, had blood work done a few times and
had my baseline ultrasound, i go back in again on Friday for a 2nd ultrasound and more blood work, in my previous FET's i have been on progesterone pills 4x/day so im sure ill be put on those by Friday and i start PIO 2/2/17. with my last transfer i felt disconnected and this time around i feel even more disconnected to the process. My Due date for my first BFP was 2/4/17 so it sucks that our transfer is going to take place after that, i was really hoping that i would be at least well along into another pregnancy to ease the pain of that day but no such luck.
I look forward to seeing lots of good news this time around! February is the month of Love right, so lots of love and happiness coming to each of us!
EDD 2/4/17 - TWINS- MC July
FET#2- 11/9/16 BFP- MC
FET#3- 2/8/17 BFP- MC