Any appointments this week? Today in about 3 hours.
Symptoms? Had some weird cramping a few days ago and my dream are crazy!!
Rants/Raves/Questions? Not much ranting for today. My rave is that my fiancé is home for Christmas and they cut my shift, for tonight, at my 2nd job. So we get to spend the whole day together.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? My son goes to his dad's the week after Christmas. I know that sounds awful but I will get peace, quiet, and a week of alone time with my fiancé.
Any appointments this week? Nope, but our a/s is next Wednesday morning.
Symptoms? A little more tired than usual, but otherwise I feel good. Baby's pretty active!
Rants/Raves/Questions? I read this article yesterday about a daycare shortage where I live, and now I'm stressed about what we're going to have to go through next year. Is anyone else freaking out about finding daycare?
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? Moving to a larger place where we can start getting ready for this baby. I'm off work this week and next, so I'm in the throws of apartment/house hunting.
How far along? 21 weeks. And weirdly excited about only having 19 weeks to go.
How big is baby? Actually I'm not sure. I think I read a carrot.
Any appointments this week? 3 weeks for another ultrasound.
Symptoms? Headaches seem to be getting a tiny bit better. I still feel pretty hormonal which sucks for everyone.
Rants/Raves/Questions? None I can think of.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? Resting and putting all the furniture back where it belongs because our tree is massive. Also I turn 30 a few days after Christmas. Really wish I could drink but oh well. And DH turns 35 a few days after that. Lots going on but all fun!
@cclaineDC I am so stressed about daycare. Moving to a new state when the baby will be 2 1/2 months old is stressful, since I've never lived anywhere but Oklahoma. However, Heath has already put the baby's name on a list for a private preschool, which provides childcare until school age, in Providence. It's very weird to me but he said it's a must. I keep thinking, "but what if it's not a good fit for OUR baby?"
@JonesBaby0624 That's great that you've already got your baby on a list. It's good to have a backup, even if it isn't a great fit.
We've been waiting to get on waiting lists until we know where we'll be living. Luckily we have about 5 months of parental leave between the two of us, and my MIL offered to watch the baby 1 day a week if she retires next winter. But despite those lucky perks (I'm incredibly grateful, don't get me wrong), I'm still stressed out because we're still way behind, everyone in DC is turbo-charged, and it annoys me that people hold open spaces when they don't even have kids yet. And I don't want to quit working.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Just a bit down. Not really getting into the holiday spirit, and I have a 2 year old so I feel like I should care more.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? Not much. I don't enjoy the months of Jan-March, even April sometimes. Weather is miserable here and there isn't a whole lot going on to look forward to. Getting things ready for the baby just stresses me out rather than gets me excited.
Married since 8.2.08 DS born 8.11.14 BFP #2: 9.14.16, EDD: 5.24.17
How big is baby? -About the size of an heirloom tomato
Any appointments this week? -No
Symptoms? -Very bad RL pain and SI joint pain.
Rants/Raves/Questions? -None this week.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? -I am finally starting a job out here in WA. I am a little nervous because we didn't address the pregnancy in the interview. The job was originally supposed to start in December, but got bumped to January. Now I won't qualify for FMLA and the new employers will be getting a big surprise when they notice my bigger baby bump. For the record, I didn't hide it for the interview. I got congratulated on my baby bump by a stranger later that afternoon. I do feel a little bad, though. Hopefully they will like me enough to let me come back after the baby is born.
Re: Wednesday Ticker Change- 12/21
How big is baby? Tall frappucino
Any appointments this week? Today in about 3 hours.
Symptoms? Had some weird cramping a few days ago and my dream are crazy!!
Rants/Raves/Questions? Not much ranting for today. My rave is that my fiancé is home for Christmas and they cut my shift, for tonight, at my 2nd job. So we get to spend the whole day together.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays?
My son goes to his dad's the week after Christmas. I know that sounds awful but I will get peace, quiet, and a week of alone time with my fiancé.
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
How big is baby? The size of an artichoke.
Any appointments this week? Not until 1/10.
Symptoms? No symptoms other than having a cold.
Rants/Raves/Questions? None really, just looking for some relief from this cold. It is hard to breath.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? Getting things ready for this babe and MH possibly getting a new job.
How big is baby? A banana.
Any appointments this week? Nope, but our a/s is next Wednesday morning.
Symptoms? A little more tired than usual, but otherwise I feel good. Baby's pretty active!
Rants/Raves/Questions? I read this article yesterday about a daycare shortage where I live, and now I'm stressed about what we're going to have to go through next year. Is anyone else freaking out about finding daycare?
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? Moving to a larger place where we can start getting ready for this baby. I'm off work this week and next, so I'm in the throws of apartment/house hunting.
@achays11 Ugh colds are the worst... hope you feel better.
How big is baby? a carrot
Any appointments this week? Nope, not for a couple more weeks.
Symptoms? carpal tunnel! I hate it.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I have a little bump and I feel baby move when I get into bed each night. Finally feeling pregnant.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? Getting rid of a bunch of stuff and making room for baby.
How big is baby? Actually I'm not sure. I think I read a carrot.
Any appointments this week? 3 weeks for another ultrasound.
Symptoms? Headaches seem to be getting a tiny bit better. I still feel pretty hormonal which sucks for everyone.
Rants/Raves/Questions? None I can think of.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays? Resting and putting all the furniture back where it belongs because our tree is massive. Also I turn 30 a few days after Christmas. Really wish I could drink but oh well. And DH turns 35 a few days after that. Lots going on but all fun!
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
We've been waiting to get on waiting lists until we know where we'll be living. Luckily we have about 5 months of parental leave between the two of us, and my MIL offered to watch the baby 1 day a week if she retires next winter. But despite those lucky perks (I'm incredibly grateful, don't get me wrong), I'm still stressed out because we're still way behind, everyone in DC is turbo-charged, and it annoys me that people hold open spaces when they don't even have kids yet. And I don't want to quit working.
18 weeks
How big is baby?
sweet potato
Any appointments this week?
not until Jan 4th
not really
Just a bit down. Not really getting into the holiday spirit, and I have a 2 year old so I feel like I should care more.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays?
Not much. I don't enjoy the months of Jan-March, even April sometimes. Weather is miserable here and there isn't a whole lot going on to look forward to. Getting things ready for the baby just stresses me out rather than gets me excited.
DS born 8.11.14
BFP #2: 9.14.16, EDD: 5.24.17
-19 weeks!
How big is baby?
-About the size of an heirloom tomato
Any appointments this week?
-Very bad RL pain and SI joint pain.
-None this week.
GTKY: What are you looking forward to after the holidays?
-I am finally starting a job out here in WA. I am a little nervous because we didn't address the pregnancy in the interview. The job was originally supposed to start in December, but got bumped to January. Now I won't qualify for FMLA and the new employers will be getting a big surprise when they notice my bigger baby bump. For the record, I didn't hide it for the interview. I got congratulated on my baby bump by a stranger later that afternoon. I do feel a little bad, though. Hopefully they will like me enough to let me come back after the baby is born.