December 2016 Moms

More December Randoms


Re: More December Randoms

  • @BabyRobbinsAdventure Agree I'm worried about hospital staff during the holidays. BIL was born on Christmas 26 years ago. FIL says the place was a ghost town. No one checking on them. No janitorial staff. He said there were literally needles on the floor. Now my aunt has had one baby xmas eve and one the day after xmas in the last few years. She had no issues either time. So it seems things have gotten better. 
  • @maamawaabangi, me!! For the last month my doctors have been telling me that there is no way I'd make it to my due date, so I was hoping that I wouldn't be the family member burden. Looks like I am. Both my brothers came into state for the holiday, one coming from Maine and one from London and I cannot commit to any plans since I have no idea when this kid will be coming out. 

    @BabyRobbinsAdventure, I am going to the store tonight to get a bunch of snacks for the L&D staff to take with me tomorrow evening for when I get induced. I was thinking some different granola bars, candy, cupcakes, instant coffee packets, gum, and other what nots. 
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  • @Mamax2 that's wonderful news!! Very happy for your family!
  • I'm back at work, one of our cars check engine light came on, my bratty supervisor is getting all technical about when "the law says" I can pump, and I miss my babies =(
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @brittnic86 that's heartbreaking- both the missing your girls and a boss that unsupportive. That's just ridiculous 
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
  • @slartybartfast I'm very sad =(

    Also this is the first time in awhile I've been on TB on a computer, and it moved me to November birth month! I don't know how to change it! ugh.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @brittnic86 it moved me too!  If you figure out how to change it, let me know

    So many birth announcements today!  Super exciting!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Me: 34 DH: 36
    Married 10/15/11
    M/C October 2014
    BFP #2 4/3/16  EDD 12/8/16  DS 11/19/16

  • @brittnic86 That's horrible. I'm so sorry. Hugs mama! 

    Due December 27th with baby #7

  • @karmba wtf, I don't know these November people. lol. Not my fault my babies couldn't wait! lol.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • On your home screen it should have a 'favorite' for BMB - mine says edit next to it and I just changed it back to December.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker     

  • Thanks @BabyRobbinsAdventure

    @brittnic86 I'm sorry your boss is being a twat. Maybe snuggles from your girls tonight will help you feel better. 
  • @Mamax2 congratulations to you and your husband!! Great news!

    @brittnic86 I hate your boss. Does she have children? 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Woohoo @mamax2! Congratulations! 

    Ugh, @brittnic86 what a twat waffle. Your boss needs a swift kick in the babymaker.

    I just spent 45 minutes bouncing on my medicine ball and rotating my hips. I don't know if it really does anything to encourage labor, but it does feel good (like relaxing the muscles)!

    Pregnancy Ticker 

  • @ajstevenson I came home from my appointment today and spent my last 2 hours working from home on my ball. I feel like all it did was make my back hurt, my butt go numb, and my feet swell. I think I'm doing something wrong. Haha. Lucky it's productive and relaxing for you! :)
  • @brittnic86 ugh I'm sorry :( your boss sounds awful and I'm sure it's not making being away from the girls any easier 
  • @jennbaylor12 Yes. Yes.
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    Together since 2003 | Married 2010
    TTC #1 January 2016
    BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016
    Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017

    TTC#2 March 2018
    BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
  • @DiFazette dd1 lost all her hair between 2-4 weeks old and at first it was definitely only on top. I even did a comb over and poor kid looked like my bio dad. I was happy when the rest fell out haha. We put lots of hats on her during that time! 

    So far dd2 hasn't started losing it but I'm just waiting. Right now she has red hair and fair my BIL (who we don't speak to...well, he doesn't speak to us) so I'm kinda hoping her hair falls out and comes in either blonde like I was as a kid or brown like dd1/me/dh. It's bad but I want her to look like our family, not BIL. 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • @sourlemon L was a baby Leprechaun. Red hair, blue eyes, pasty white. Now he has some blonde hair, but it never fell out.

    Formerly known as Kate08young
    August '18 Siggy April Showers:

    Me: 28 H: 24
    Married: 7/22/14
    Baby L: 8/4/2015  August 2015 Moms
    Baby E: 11/18/2016   December 2016 Moms
    TTC #3 08/2017  BFP 11/27/2017. 
    Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well. 

  • I'm Swedish/irish/German and looked very very much like a little Swede growing up. Super straight blond hair , green eyes, pretty light skin. Now I have light brown hair. My older half sister has red/brown hair. 

    DH is irish/German and is darker toned with dark brown hair. His brother is definitely a leprechaun. 

    DD1 is dhs clone and a total daddy's girl. You wouldn't know she's mine by looking at her! 

    I just hope dd2 at least eventually looks like she's related to me! I look just like my'd be nice if one of my kids looked a tiny bit like me. Just a smudge! Is that too much to ask lol.
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • My work is falling apart right now. Nothing is working. People are complaining to me about it, but it's nothing I can fix. Today is much due date. So tempting to just pretend I'm in labor and bail.
  • From good news yesterday to sad news today. I just got word that my Poppy passed away. Any prayers/thoughts you ladies can spare for me and my family would be greatly appreciated. 
  • @Mamax2 so sorry for your loss❤️
  • @mamax2 I'm sorry. This is a hard time to lose someone. Prayers all around you. 

    Due December 27th with baby #7

  • @Mamax2 I am so sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you and your family. We are all thinking of you.
  • @mamax2 prayers for you and your family  <3

    @tinattt23 i vote do it and leave work :) then later say it was a false alarm if anyone notices. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @mamax2 I'm sorry for your family's loss. Thoughts and prayers to your and your family.

    Pregnancy Ticker 

  • Feeling like I might be getting sick. Ugh. I'm 6 days away from the RCS so I need to kick this like now. 
  • Thank you ladies. 
  • It's raining pretty hard and steady here and I have to take the baby out today (doctors appointment and some groceries so we don't starve over Christmas). I feel totally unprepared to take her out in the rain. A rainy day at home would have been perfect.
  • @cgss11 I took LO out yesterday in the rain. Got her in the carrier somehow dry. I was soaking wet but she was dry! It's pouring today...doubt I'll get out. Really killing my daily outside walk! The treadmill just isn't the same mental relief as being outside!
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • We're at the ER with Ethan (more accurately - I'm at the ER).  He had a few projectile vomits last night, then became disinterested in food and visible breathing concerns.  He's on IV fluids and oxygen now and waiting for the RSV test to come back.  He's had to be suctioned quite a few times already - lots of mucous buildup.  Wish us luck... my gut says we're here at least for the night.  
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  • @DiFazette hope things go ok! 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

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