My doc wouldn't let me schedule my AS before Christmas (way too early and I'd rather get a good look at a healthy baby than know the sex early). BUT MH and I caved and are going to one of those elective scans next week so we can tell the family at Christmas. Prior to this pregnancy I thought they were AWish and a waste of money (they still are...) but it's so worth it to us to be able to tell everyone in person. Some of H's extended family felt like they were shafted because they didn't find out about the pregnancy in person, but we just don't see them that often. So this will hopefully smooth things over! Andplusalso, there is some intense pressure from MH's side to have a boy, as he is the only boy capable of "passing on the family name." This way we can either placate them or shut that down right away and be done with it.
@ShadeofGreen816 - That's awesome that your family will be able to find out in person! We were Team Green last time, and I would've said then that elective scans are ridiculous...but I've definitely considered it for this one. The tech at the NT scan said she was pretty certain this baby is a boy (and it definitely looked that way to me), but I almost wish she hadn't guessed. The uncertainty is driving me nuts- I just don't want any surprises...I feel like I've bonded with this little dude already, so it would be weird to shift my thinking...haha. Our AS isn't until January 6!
My confession...I hate sancti-mommy judging....but I've found myself hardcore mommy judging one of my best friends from high school. She has a 10 week old, and posts a billion pictures of him on FB and Instagram (which I have no problem with). He is not strapped into his car seat correctly in any of them (the clasp is just above his belly button), and also sleeps with a big blanket and a pillow in his crib. We aren't super close anymore, so I know saying anything would come across as super bitchy...but I can't help inwardly cringing.
Fur daughter: 02/2011 Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017 *formerly kayemjay*
@kayemjay2, I always try to post something about car seat safety when I see that. I might even tag her and a few other new mommies. Maybe say something, "Just a reminder to all the new mommies! I'm sure you've done your research, but it never hurts to see it again. "
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10 DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI) BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
I too hate sancti-mommying. And yet.... I do it all the time! I think so long as you aren't judging the things that are totally safe (style of clothes, when & what you feed your child, whether you use time out or don't, etc.) you're in the clear. It's a weird thing to be a parent, research and choose what's best for your kid, and then see someone do the opposite for different reasons. That said, judge away on car seat safety & (lack of) vaccination. Also, I might make fun of certain styles of kid clothes in the comfort of my own home. You do you, but those overly ruffly pants/shirts? Oy.
I'm ordering my groceries to be delivered today even though I have NOTHING to do. But it's REALLY cold out and I don't want to go to the grocery store.
@NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot ugh, there's a woman that I used to work with who is a Facebook friend, and she is always posting stuff about how bad vaccines are. Like, this week there was a post saying that ear infections are caused by vaccinations, and allergies and adhd are caused by antibiotics and Tylenol. "Babies are all perfectly healthy when they're born, and then mean old 'big pharma' goes and makes them sick so they can keep making money!" Yeah... Ok. Another friend posted all about how you never need medicine: olive oil, garlic, and sunshine are all great replacements for medicines. Um.... Ok. Yeah, that sounds like a real thing.
So my FFFC would then have to be that I take screenshots of things like that and text them to my nurse sister and then we text each other the snarkiest comments we can think of in response to them.
I totally forgot today was the last day my son will be in his regular daycare room before we leave for Christmas vacation so I didn't get his room staff anything. I'm 50/50 if I feel guilty enough to spend my lunch buying gift cards and dropping them off.
@Squirtgun I legitimately roll my eyes when one of my "friends" post about how evil vaccinations are...DH's grandpa died from polio and that was both painful and entirely preventable. Or when one of my older relatives post about how actual cases of diagnosed autism and ADHD is just a lack of children being spanked.
FFFC: I intentionally flush the toilet when DH is in the shower because 2 years ago we got into an argument about how plumbing works and I love being right too much.
@ShadeofGreen816 I felt the same way about the boutique ultrasounds last time. Towards the end, my in-laws paid for one because they wanted everyone to be able to come and be a part of it, the place held 10 people! I think it's great that you are finding out and that your family will all get to know together.
FFFC: I'm planning on getting McDonald's for lunch today because it's the only thing with a drive-thru close to my work and it's raining. I'm going to feel horrible after eating it, but I'm going to savor every fry.
@ShadeofGreen816, I am going to try to have someone else go get it for me. So maybe that's another FFFC, I'm going to be lazy and talk my co-worker into it.
@kayemjay2 I don't think it's bitchy to post something. The picture I posted of my DD going home from the hospital had the clasp too low and a girl I hadn't really talked to in years pointed it out. I actually had no clue, and the hospital hadn't told me. So I was grateful she posted the comment. She just worded it like "congrats she's beautiful, just and FYI the chest clip should be a little higher...."
My FFFC is ive been on a psycho kick about saving money.... to the point where fiancé has been annoyed by it.... but I'm treating myself to a manicure and pedicure today
@NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot I am with you on the overly ruffly pants with the crazy prints! Not a fan. @Squirtgun I totally screen shot that stuff and send it to my husband. It is usually someone in his family posting it.
My FFFC is I have only done about 5 loads of laundry in the past year and haven't washed my floor in months. Since moving back near family my mom comes over and does most of my chores while I am at work. I am the luckiest person. Hate away my friends. *Note: I feel totally guilty and wish I could repay her, but it is also amazeballs*
I definitely judge when it comes to vaccinations and replacing real medicine with "natural" medicine. An acquaintance on Facebook posted that you're ruining your children by giving them antibiotics for ear infections and you should be taking them to the chiropractor instead. Well, the chiropractor is great until their ear drums explode from an untreated infection. Major eye roll.
My FFFC: My sister isn't coming to DS birthday (she lives in the same city) because she didn't want to take off work. Which would be fine, except she took off twice last week to go to concerts. So I told DS and recorded his reaction (I miss her! That not nice!) And sent it to her to make her feel guilty. Not my finest moment, but she does this to him all the time.
We had a cookie exchange this morning. I ate one then and had 2 for lunch. I'll probably have another one before I go home tonight. Tis the season, right?
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10 DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI) BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
@Louise_Belcher That reminds me, I have not done laundry in the last couple months. We had the option to rent a washer/dryer for 40/month which is absurd. We have access to 4 coin op machines at our leasing office but we're at the very edge of the complex so doing laundry requires loading up the car, driving over, carrying everything in etc. And we live on the 2nd floor so I totally play the pregnancy card. No way in hell am I carrying two full bags of clothes plus our giant bottle of detergent. Beside once we move to our new house and have our very own washer/dryer (FREAKIN FINALLY), I foresee doing alllll the laundry from there on.
I ate lunch at my "normal" work lunch time (we start at 0630 so it's ok to eat lunch between 1045 to 1130 am) but I got off early and so did DH. He wanted to pick up lunch and I'm totally having him get me something. Second lunch? Don't mind if I do!
@Jen_Shoes I'm ready to go full on snark on the people who have posted once in their entire bump career.... on the Ultrasound or "Birth" Announcement thread. Seriously! I know I've posted before about AW-Only lurkers but a one off post to show us the inside of your uterus? I was thinking of tagging them all in the lurker thread and semi-nicely asking them to come out and play.
The saving money FFFC is the exact opposite of my own. By noon, I had already spent $500.00 today and didn't think twice about it. Although I probably should of since immediately after my last purchase I had to go pay our property taxes.
I'm off work today with nothing to do but clean (hence my presence here today!) So I have 2 more...
1. Snacks and other random things that DH likes, if he leaves the box/container empty in the pantry, I don't buy it again. And then if he asks why I didn't, I say "You have some." Then I go pull out the box to show him and lo and behold, it's empty!! It doesn't really seem to work though as a training tool...
2. I just had my groceries delivered and they were faster than I expected and I'm still in my pjs, hair a mess, haven't brushed my teeth, etc... so I told her I was running errands and to leave them on the porch! Then I creepily stalked around inside to make sure she was gone before I grabbed them. Ugh I hate myself today.
Oh man, anti-vaxxers are the worst. My brother in law is a fake vegan, anti-everything conspiracy theorist who posts a lot about big pharma. He actually called my husband a Nazi on Facebook for believing that mandatory vaccinations are a good idea. So that's neat.
When DS was born, I tried to convince my (doctor) sister that we weren't going to vaccinate him. She did not find it too funny....but I did.
Fur daughter: 02/2011 Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017 *formerly kayemjay*
I have two friends from high school (they're sisters) who in recent years have taken a hard right turn into conspiracy theory la-la land. (As in anti vaxxer, big pharma is out to get you, sandy hook wasn't real, the earth is flat Out There!) so my fffc is I'm kinda glad it doesn't look like either of them will have kids because I'm kinda against stupidity breeding.
I have two friends from high school (they're sisters) who in recent years have taken a hard right turn into conspiracy theory la-la land. (As in anti vaxxer, big pharma is out to get you, sandy hook wasn't real, the earth is flat Out There!) so my fffc is I'm kinda glad it doesn't look like either of them will have kids because I'm kinda against stupidity breeding.
Stuck in the box. I just hope their not having children is by choice and not that you are glad they're infertile.
Me: 38 DH: 36 Married 8/27/2011 BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012 BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014 BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017 BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018
@Jen_Shoes I'm ready to go full on snark on the people who have posted once in their entire bump career.... on the Ultrasound or "Birth" Announcement thread. Seriously! I know I've posted before about AW-Only lurkers but a one off post to show us the inside of your uterus? I was thinking of tagging them all in the lurker thread and semi-nicely asking them to come out and play.
I've marked several people on the spreadsheet with double asteriks as I feel that they are lurkers who rarely post but still seem to log in a bit. Some of them did say hi in the thread but most of them haven't. Just saying....
@kayemjay2 My husband does the same thing with the clasp and all I can think of is that fb child skeleton shot of the clasp only being down by belly doing nothing! I cannot stand it. Also now my son pushes it down himself anyone have an idea how to stop that?
My FFFC is working off of @MoshiMoshi7 . My husband is very against drs and medication. He honestly thinks you do not need antibiotics for ear infections and pink eye etc that you are not giving your body the ability to learn to deal with the infection itself.............. I have to lie and say the daycare wants him checked out so that I can take him to get medicine otherwise my mommy gut gets over ruled and then I worry about a burst ear drum. I honestly can't wait till my son can communicate he is in pain so my husband can be forced to agree to go to drs.
@pshaortao You've won me over with your gif of my man toy Ryan. If I get a free second in between my work projects today, I'll see how many call-outs that might be. I'll play nice when I suggest they do more than show us their lady bits/kid's first picture.
There is a small part of me that wants to be team green just to annoy certain people.
I spent the majority of the work day typing Christmas card mailing labels so I don't have to hand address 70+ Christmas cards this year (or in future years.) It look awhile, but totally worth it for the future.
FTM here. MH can go a little over board with his sarcasm. Today I felt like he was being insensitive about my needing to have a c-section. I didn't think he was taking the whole thing seriously. So I tricked him into watching a video of a c-section. I admit I got some satisfaction watching him squirm. At one point he turned to me and said "You mean your awake the entire time?". I'm hoping now he gets it and will stfu with his snarky comments.
@clebl24 When I was a receptionist I wasn't allowed to use mailing labels on the company Christmas cards. They wanted them to feel personal. Over 250 envelopes done by hand!
I wore a pair of GAP maternity jeans - with the tags still on - to the grocery story tonight. I know it's against the rules, but I needed to see if they would hold their shape or stretch into oblivion.
ETA(sk): @pshaortao - What does the single asterisk mean?
@emilyalso that they used to participate some but they haven't logged in for some time. I've deleted quite a few that haven't been on since sept or early oct, or just added themselves without even a hi. Nov and later, I give them some time in case they got caught up with life etc. Can you tell I have too much time on my hand? Bored sahm with a lot of activities on hold for the month of Dec.
My doc wouldn't let me schedule my AS before Christmas (way too early and I'd rather get a good look at a healthy baby than know the sex early). BUT MH and I caved and are going to one of those elective scans next week so we can tell the family at Christmas. Prior to this pregnancy I thought they were AWish and a waste of money (they still are...) but it's so worth it to us to be able to tell everyone in person. Some of H's extended family felt like they were shafted because they didn't find out about the pregnancy in person, but we just don't see them that often. So this will hopefully smooth things over!
Andplusalso, there is some intense pressure from MH's side to have a boy, as he is the only boy capable of "passing on the family name." This way we can either placate them or shut that down right away and be done with it.
Look at all my justifying...
My confession...I hate sancti-mommy judging....but I've found myself hardcore mommy judging one of my best friends from high school. She has a 10 week old, and posts a billion pictures of him on FB and Instagram (which I have no problem with). He is not strapped into his car seat correctly in any of them (the clasp is just above his belly button), and also sleeps with a big blanket and a pillow in his crib. We aren't super close anymore, so I know saying anything would come across as super bitchy...but I can't help inwardly cringing.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
May17 Siggy Challenge
So my FFFC would then have to be that I take screenshots of things like that and text them to my nurse sister and then we text each other the snarkiest comments we can think of in response to them.
May '17 labor memes
FFFC: I intentionally flush the toilet when DH is in the shower because 2 years ago we got into an argument about how plumbing works and I love being right too much.
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
FFFC: I'm planning on getting McDonald's for lunch today because it's the only thing with a drive-thru close to my work and it's raining. I'm going to feel horrible after eating it, but I'm going to savor every fry.
23 y/o;
First time mommy
90% of the way there
23 y/o;
First time mommy
90% of the way there
@Squirtgun I totally screen shot that stuff and send it to my husband. It is usually someone in his family posting it.
My FFFC is I have only done about 5 loads of laundry in the past year and haven't washed my floor in months. Since moving back near family my mom comes over and does most of my chores while I am at work. I am the luckiest person. Hate away my friends. *Note: I feel totally guilty and wish I could repay her, but it is also amazeballs*
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
My FFFC: My sister isn't coming to DS birthday (she lives in the same city) because she didn't want to take off work. Which would be fine, except she took off twice last week to go to concerts. So I told DS and recorded his reaction (I miss her! That not nice!) And sent it to her to make her feel guilty. Not my finest moment, but she does this to him all the time.
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
May17 Siggy Challenge
The saving money FFFC is the exact opposite of my own. By noon, I had already spent $500.00 today and didn't think twice about it. Although I probably should of since immediately after my last purchase I had to go pay our property taxes.
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
1. Snacks and other random things that DH likes, if he leaves the box/container empty in the pantry, I don't buy it again. And then if he asks why I didn't, I say "You have some." Then I go pull out the box to show him and lo and behold, it's empty!! It doesn't really seem to work though as a training tool...
2. I just had my groceries delivered and they were faster than I expected and I'm still in my pjs, hair a mess, haven't brushed my teeth, etc... so I told her I was running errands and to leave them on the porch! Then I creepily stalked around inside to make sure she was gone before I grabbed them. Ugh I hate myself today.
When DS was born, I tried to convince my (doctor) sister that we weren't going to vaccinate him. She did not find it too funny....but I did.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
Married 8/27/2011
BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018
@ShadeofGreen816 - that's brilliant about the snack boxes. I should use it on MH.
Married 8/27/2011
BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018
#1 DD Aug 2014 @39weeks via CS
#2 Due May 2,2017 hopeful VBAC
My FFFC is working off of @MoshiMoshi7 . My husband is very against drs and medication. He honestly thinks you do not need antibiotics for ear infections and pink eye etc that you are not giving your body the ability to learn to deal with the infection itself.............. I have to lie and say the daycare wants him checked out so that I can take him to get medicine otherwise my mommy gut gets over ruled and then I worry about a burst ear drum. I honestly can't wait till my son can communicate he is in pain so my husband can be forced to agree to go to drs.
May17 Siggy Challenge
There is a small part of me that wants to be team green just to annoy certain people.
I spent the majority of the work day typing Christmas card mailing labels so I don't have to hand address 70+ Christmas cards this year (or in future years.) It look awhile, but totally worth it for the future.
@clebl24 When I was a receptionist I wasn't allowed to use mailing labels on the company Christmas cards. They wanted them to feel personal. Over 250 envelopes done by hand!
ETA(sk): @pshaortao - What does the single asterisk mean?
My FFFC. This time of year, our clients drop off a lot of goodies for us staff. We got a box of truffles today and I stuffed half of them in my purse.