May 2017 Moms

Body pillows


Re: Body pillows

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    I got the snoogle pretty late in my last pregnancy.  I used it for several weeks after delivery until my husband wanted more room in the bed because he said the pillow took up too much space.  I had some back pain early on in this pregnancy so the snoogle is already back in our bed.  I find it very helpful.
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    march2008march2008 member
    edited December 2016
    @RainyDays86 - yes! I am a side sleeper and I couldn't stand trying to lug the thing from one side to another (it's huge!) and it wasn't comfortable at all to me unless I readjusted it each time I switched sides. I fought with the darn thing every night. Lol. I ended up getting a smaller regular-sized body pillow and that worked much better for me. Everybody is different!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/'s a GIRL!!! :)
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    I have a snoogle and I love it! I put it behind the other bed pillows when I make the bed in the morning. 
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
    Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

    Potato Launcher

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    I almost bought a Snoogle but on Amazon, but when I went to get it there were a lot of recent reviews about bedbugs being on the pillow when they received it!  I opted for the Naomi Home Body Pillow on Amazon instead (the full U-shaped pillow)and have been sleeping great!

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    I recently bought my snoogle off amazon and I haven't had any problems. I also bought a cute cover so I can wash it. Works great so far and there are definitely not any bed bugs. I read the reviews but missed those ones. 
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    I'm glad to hear it! I had a friend who battled bed bugs and it seems like a never ending ordeal so I was definitely overly cautious:) I'm glad you're loving it!
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    I'm loving my Snoogle now that it has flattened out a bit. Hadn't heard about the bed bugs though ... now I'll be awake for the next hour inspecting 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    @CherryBananas I'm sorry to be a jerk and make you nervous!! I'm sure they're all good, it was probably a bad factory and Snoogle is so reputable I'm sure they switched factories immediately. If you hadn't noticed them by now you most likely don't have them! I slept in a hotel for a wedding once for ONE NIGHT and had like 25 bed bug bites all over my bod. If they were there you'd know by now! I'm sure your Snoogle is perfect! 
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    @CherryBananas I'm sorry to be a jerk and make you nervous!! I'm sure they're all good, it was probably a bad factory and Snoogle is so reputable I'm sure they switched factories immediately. If you hadn't noticed them by now you most likely don't have them! I slept in a hotel for a wedding once for ONE NIGHT and had like 25 bed bug bites all over my bod. If they were there you'd know by now! I'm sure your Snoogle is perfect! 
    Lol.  It's all good :smiley:  I promptly forgot about the bed bugs within minutes of my comment. It obviously concerned me greatly! 

    That's awful about your hotel stay though. I would have been so upset if that had been me.

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    @CherryBananas I was horrified but also only 21 so I wasn't aware what they were until awhile later. I should have asked for a refund! I always check before traveling now. :)
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    @sweaterboots I always check that site before we go to Vegas. For some reason I feel like I'm more likely to pick them up there. I'm always in the habit of keeping my suitcases off the beds and floor at any hotel though.
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    I hate the snoogle. I'm 5 11 with a long torso. It is tight on my shoulder when I lay inside of it. I can't figure out how to make it work. 
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    I have the huge U shaped pillow. I like it but it definitely takes up a lot of space. I want to try a regular body pillow. I think that would be perfect.
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    For those that have a Snoogle, how frequent do you have to fluff it back to its original shape? I have a Bump Nest pregnancy pillow and am having to fluff every night. I don't remember having to do this last time...

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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    @mrsrep123 I haven't had to fluff mine but mine is new so someone who is on their second might be able to tell you more. 
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    @mrsrep123 using my snoogle for a 2nd time and no fluffing needed. Its not fluffy to begin with though, at least I don't think so.

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