December 2016 Moms

Overdue Club

Who's with me?

When were you due?
Any signs/symptoms of labor?
Any plans to get baby out?

Re: Overdue Club

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  • is my due date, and it's not looking like we're having a baby today. I had a membrane sweep on Tuesday and lost mucus plug yesterday. Loose bowels, and some crampy feelings & a few contractions. Nothing regular/timable. LOTS of BH, I just wish they'd turn into something real. 

    I've been pumping and doing stuff on my birthing ball, walking, and using primrose oil. Really don't want to be induced but that's where I'm headed if I don't go into labor before my appointment on Tuesday. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @aevan011 My next appointment is Monday. If I'm not in labor yet they're going to schedule me for induction. My hope is that they'll be booked up for next week and won't be able to get me in until the following week though, and that will hopefully give LO enough time to come out on his own. Fingers crossed for you too!
  • Well the night is not over but my due date was today. At my appt yesterday I was not dilated but 80% effaced. Being so over pregnancy is an understatement. I'm trying everything to speed up the process naturally... Walking, bouncing on birthing ball, pineapple, dates, spicy foods, sex, etc. I'm almost more annoyed at the fact that my family is alll up on my grill like them asking if anything is happening will speed up the process...
  • Agree with you guys on the "baby isn't here yet??" comments.  It's not like it's uncommon for women to go past their due date.  I'm not a speshul snowflake.  And it's not like the baby actually came and we just decided to not tell anyone, soooo why do you think you need to text me?  

    @R0824H - I'm starting my maternity leave next Wed and will be induced Thurs... If my doctor wasn't going to induce me I'm be on the struggle bus trying to continue to work.  I only get 12 weeks maternity leave though, so I want every second.
  • My due date was yesterday 12/2...and it has come and gone. Now officially in the overdue club and it is not fun. Went for lots of walks and would get some cramping but would subside after getting back home. No contractions that are timeable. So frustrating! At my appointment last Tuesday doctor said I was 3cm dilated. I go back on Monday if baby hasn't arrived yet.

    I know she is nice and comfortable in there but if want to cuddle and kiss her little face soo bad! Fingers crossed that she makes her arrival this weekend.  

    Also hugs to all the other overdue mama's as we patiently wait for our sweet babe's to arrive! 
  • Lmao @yellingbanana that is perfect! 
  • @penelope4612 that was smart that you picked a day after your due date to keep working. I do understand the struggle of not wanting to work I totally felt like that and even turned down two shifts they offered because I was SURE I wouldn't be working them I wish I had..I'd be making more money that way at least lol. 12 weeks sucks
    TT#1 July 2015
    BFP#1 & MC:August 2015 
    BFP: #2 10/01/2015 MC: 10/09/2015   BFP #3: 12/22/2015 @ 5 weeks  MC/CP: 12-23-2015
    Fertility Appointment: Feb 23/16, Hysteroscopy 03/02/2016,
    BFP #4: 03/31/16 EDD 12/01/2016 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Tb ate my post..I don't know how y'all do it with 12 weeks or less!
    TT#1 July 2015
    BFP#1 & MC:August 2015 
    BFP: #2 10/01/2015 MC: 10/09/2015   BFP #3: 12/22/2015 @ 5 weeks  MC/CP: 12-23-2015
    Fertility Appointment: Feb 23/16, Hysteroscopy 03/02/2016,
    BFP #4: 03/31/16 EDD 12/01/2016 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • My 1st was 13 days "overdue"... narrowly avoided an induction. 
    2nd amazingly can on his DD (still have no idea how I managed that).
    3rd was 9 days overdue. 
    4th was 4 days overdue...

    I would love (like reallllly be happy) not to go over but it's never done me wrong. 
    I feel for you all! Hang in there... you all are rocking this thing.

    Oh and the down side to repeatedly going over... or really, never early... no one thinks it's possible I might go early. My parents who live 8 hours away are suppose to come and help us with our kids just told me that they won't come until a week before my DD... which is making me nervous... what if??? 

    Due December 27th with baby #7

  • TT#1 July 2015
    BFP#1 & MC:August 2015 
    BFP: #2 10/01/2015 MC: 10/09/2015   BFP #3: 12/22/2015 @ 5 weeks  MC/CP: 12-23-2015
    Fertility Appointment: Feb 23/16, Hysteroscopy 03/02/2016,
    BFP #4: 03/31/16 EDD 12/01/2016 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @smashjam I feel better the more appointments and friend time I make.  I got my hair done and a pedicure and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting away with having fun when I shouldn't I'm playing hooky from work or something. And it makes the days and waiting go by faster. I'm just making lunch and dinner dates and figuring I would love to have to cancel for labor!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • This secretary from work keeps emailing me (at least once every other day) to check to see if "there's any news".  Today I said "nothing yet" and she responded "OMG nothing yet".  I'm not even a week overdue, lady.  She's the same one that keeps telling me I'm going to have a 10lb baby because "I look big".  GTFO.
  • Due date was 12/2 and as of my appointment last tuesday i was still dialated less than 1cm and 25% thinned.  ive been walking a lot and it hasnt helped but the dr is talking about induction thursday
  • Yargh the induction happy doctors are making me crazy. Today they wanted to schedule mine for next week and today is my due date. I'm like are you serious, you really think a due date based on my last period is that accurate? It's just ridiculous. Up until now they treated me like I had months to go, then bam, last week at 39 weeks they started talking induction. They pushed me to do a membrane sweep today - again, I'm not even technically a day overdue yet! So I did it, even though it's only 50% effective according to the doctor today. 

    It didn't hurt that bad, so I'm grateful for that, but I'm already pissed about how pushy this practice is with interventions. I just hope my daughter comes this week so they leave us alone to do our natural thing. Or as natural as we can anyway. 

    1.5cm and 50% effaced so that's something. And cramping after membrane sweep. Hoping that means something!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @SaraRose83 that sucks. It sucks to be surrounded by people like that. I'm sorry. I hope they back off. I posted this somewhere else but here it is again:
    I don't understand how a care provider could justify fear mongering that early. That's just absurd to me. And it's not at all supported by numbers at this point.

    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
  • oh ahaha sorry I realized it was this thread that I posted it in. My zombie baby is eating my braaaaaaaaiiiinnnssssssss
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
  • acreight13acreight13 member
    edited December 2016
    Due dates are just a number - I was induced at 42+3 last time and he came at 42+4. I totally get how frustrating it feels to be overdue, especially when doctors are pushing for induction. Stay strong if you are against an induction, because trust me if your body is not yet ready induction is incredibly hard. Also, remember that you might not be "overdue" yet even though your doctor says you are. 

  • @slartybartfast @acreight13
    Thanks, guys. Great article! It's just silly to me that they're pushing induction when they know I could have ovulated later and their due date could be off. Plus, just like our eggs don't suddenly turn to mush at age 35, week 40 doesn't mean diddly. It's all a process and we're not machines. I hate being treated like one. I just don't feel the baby is ready to come out yet. I've been having sex and bouncing on the ball - she's just content in there for now. And if they give me pitocin I know my chances of a more natural birth go down. I know for some people pitocin doesn't wreak havoc but just in case it does for me, I want to put it off. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @R0824H I here ya! I get inspiring messages from my DH's grandma every day, my mother in law pops me up just to double check that we aren't going into labor today because she's our coverage for DS and she just likes to let us know if she'll be in service. I went 12 days over with my last you'd think they'd just expect it by now..but I guess two isn't a pattern, haha.
  • ugh that would for sure drive me nuts @SmashJam its like people lose all common sense when dealing with pregnant women!
    TT#1 July 2015
    BFP#1 & MC:August 2015 
    BFP: #2 10/01/2015 MC: 10/09/2015   BFP #3: 12/22/2015 @ 5 weeks  MC/CP: 12-23-2015
    Fertility Appointment: Feb 23/16, Hysteroscopy 03/02/2016,
    BFP #4: 03/31/16 EDD 12/01/2016 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I just have to say- way to resist the inductions ladies. I'm glad you guys have done your research and are trying to do things naturally. Seriously. Inductions are no joke.  <3 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Well still no sign of baby at 40w 6d.  I actually thought maybe I had my bloody show this AM and was hopeful that today would be the day... still plenty of time I guess but who knows.  Having stronger contractions but nothing super strong or consistent.

    I actually sort of panicked about being induced tomorrow and called my doctor to see if I could put it off for a few more days to see if he'd come on his own, so I am going in for an appointment to check on the baby tomorrow instead and then we'll decide when to re-schedule for at that appointment.  She did say no later than Monday.

    Now I'm stuck with @R0824H on maternity leave (which started today in anticipation of induction tomorrow) and no baby.
  • contractions are a good sign though at least! :) welcome to the sitting around waiting room @penelope4612 *pats seat* :/
    TT#1 July 2015
    BFP#1 & MC:August 2015 
    BFP: #2 10/01/2015 MC: 10/09/2015   BFP #3: 12/22/2015 @ 5 weeks  MC/CP: 12-23-2015
    Fertility Appointment: Feb 23/16, Hysteroscopy 03/02/2016,
    BFP #4: 03/31/16 EDD 12/01/2016 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I just made a hair appt for next Thursday. I'll be 41 weeks 5 days, the point at which I was induced with DS. I'm just daring her to come at this point, lol
  • SmashJam said:
    I just made a hair appt for next Thursday. I'll be 41 weeks 5 days, the point at which I was induced with DS. I'm just daring her to come at this point, lol
    It's like going to the bathroom in a restaurant when you are waiting for your food. Hopefully getting a haircut will do the trick ;)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Visit The Nest 
    Fur Baby Momma 4/2/2010
  • I'm not over due yet, but I remember the horror stories my mom told about me (3 weeks late). @SmashJam, my mom got her hair done the day before she had me. She decided to be funny and call her hair stylist after I was born saying that she really messed up her hair and needed it fixed, he told her to head right in, but then she said she couldn't because she had a baby.
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