Guess no one was feeling glitter-farty before now. Lol.
I already shared in the weekly randoms but will share here. Tonight I'm dropping the kids off with a friend and going to get a one hour prenatal massage courtesy of my parents since my mom wanted me to do something to take care of myself. I'm pretty excited about it. 3rd kid, but first prenatal massage.
As some of you know from my Monday BF rant, some of my family is being real unsupportive and stressing me out. BUT my GF is that through this my DH has been so protective and amazing and makes me feel positive and took the weight of my stress and worry off my shoulders. He is a good man and I am so happy to have our little family even if my family wants to desert me and act like fools. He has genuinely made me feel that everything will be OK and wants me to just relax and be happy while he handles the BS. So I am seeing stars when I think about him and how good of a Dad he is going to be for our little girl.
I have one and it's an update from a BF Monday as well. Some of you may remember my issues with a company I had worked for in the past that wouldn't bring me back on a project because of my pregnancy. A few weeks ago I had a long and mostly frustrating conversation with their HR department. I did get them to admit they bungled the entire situation, but most HR was covering their ass, which was to be expected. I was glad I was able to speak my mind and express my displeasure with the process, and while I still was angry I really wasn't interested in filing a claim.
That same day I was awarded a project to redecorate the Rockette's gift store at Radio City Music Hall. It was a project that I went out on a limb and way outside my comfort zone to pitch for. I work a ton of freelance, but this was my first time pitching myself as the company. It was so rewarding to win the project.
Here are some before and after photos of the window. I am really so proud of this especially since I pulled it together in about a week.
Note to the world: Don't tell me what this pregnant lady can and can not do!!!!
My GF is that my in laws are amazingly generous and knocked me on my ass this weekend (figuratively). This weekend my FIL presented us with the title to H's car. He'd gone to the bank and paid it off for us 2 years early. We now own both our cars. And H was having some car trouble so my FIL said our Christmas present was that he was going to get the work done on the car and pay for it (about $2k worth of work) because he wanted us to have safe cars to drive Baby Betty around.
I am 100% floored by their generosity and so grateful for 1 less bill to pay!
@Gretchypoo WOW that's awesome! What a nice thing for them to do!
My GF today is a simple one: so far my day has been spent on the couch cuddling and playing fetch with my ferret. After working extra hours during Thanksgiving/Black Friday/all weekend doing waaay more physical work than is my norm, this is the best. I also finally started using up some of my fabric stash making baby things, which is always enjoyable!
I had the day off work, and DH had a doctors appt in a town about 2 1/2 hours away. I tagged along and we made a day date out of it complete with shopping and lunch while the kiddos were at school. It was a great day!
@gretchypoo - such sweet ILs you have! And I love when you refer to Baby Betty, so damn cute.
My GF is that I am officially 30w today and did not get dx with preeclampsia at my appt. It was at 30w last time that everything went to complete shit in a matter of hours at my regular 30w appt. I was sent to triage at my delivery hospital straight from my appt and I was dx and given the first steroid shot on the spot. I've been dreading this day for 26w and it's finally here, I'm ok. I'm a super emotional nutcase, but I'm ok.
Awww! I haven't been able to keep up with this thread for a few weeks now. But I'm here today and everyone has such great stories! I'm so happy for you all! @krob I'm totally loving the display! You go, girl!!
Mine is minor by comparison, but we had to run to home depot last night for some last minute rental supplies. We walk in, and one of the cashiers stops us as we go by and says, "You are just beautiful and your bump is so cute!" completely out of the blue! It was so sweet!
And in other good news, we got a tenant in our house and got a rent check last night. Two-for-one glitter special!
One: I started a new job a few weeks ago, and I just got my first paycheck from it. The check is for significantly more than I made in my previous role, PLUS it included my signing bonus. It was awesome.
Two: H is, for once, enthusiastic about the holidays! He usually grumbles when I start decorating the house, and he never wants to get a tree until a couple of weeks before Christmas. But last week, out of the blue, he suggested we go cut down a tree over the weekend. So we spent all day Saturday searching for the perfect tree! THEN he pulled out all the Christmas decorations and put the lights on the tree while I put everything else out, and THEN he volunteered to put lights on the outside of the house, which we have never done. Maybe the baby on the way is bringing out his Christmas spirit, but it was a nice surprise
@PerraSucia very cool. i know who to call now when i have a legal question
@homemake i travel an ok amount, but i get to pick when i want to work. so that's a huge plus. if i don't feel like traveling somewhere i just don't take the gig
Me: 36, H: 37 FTM, 2 Furbabies married 03/17/07 lived in Houston, Austin, Los Angeles and NYC due: 2/15/17
Re: Glitter Fart Tues (11/29)
I already shared in the weekly randoms but will share here.
That same day I was awarded a project to redecorate the Rockette's gift store at Radio City Music Hall. It was a project that I went out on a limb and way outside my comfort zone to pitch for. I work a ton of freelance, but this was my first time pitching myself as the company. It was so rewarding to win the project.
Here are some before and after photos of the window. I am really so proud of this especially since I pulled it together in about a week.
Note to the world: Don't tell me what this pregnant lady can and can not do!!!!
FTM, 2 Furbabies
married 03/17/07
lived in Houston, Austin, Los Angeles and NYC
due: 2/15/17
My GF is that my in laws are amazingly generous and knocked me on my ass this weekend (figuratively). This weekend my FIL presented us with the title to H's car. He'd gone to the bank and paid it off for us 2 years early. We now own both our cars. And H was having some car trouble so my FIL said our Christmas present was that he was going to get the work done on the car and pay for it (about $2k worth of work) because he wanted us to have safe cars to drive Baby Betty around.
I am 100% floored by their generosity and so grateful for 1 less bill to pay!
@Gretchypoo what a lovely surprise!
My GF today is a simple one: so far my day has been spent on the couch cuddling and playing fetch with my ferret. After working extra hours during Thanksgiving/Black Friday/all weekend doing waaay more physical work than is my norm, this is the best. I also finally started using up some of my fabric stash making baby things, which is always enjoyable!
@Gretchypoo that is super clutch!!! after moving to nyc and selling out cars i can attest the the glories of life without a car payment.
FTM, 2 Furbabies
married 03/17/07
lived in Houston, Austin, Los Angeles and NYC
due: 2/15/17
Husband: 35
Married: June 2007
Son Max born 1/10/17
BFP #2: 10/5/17; EDD: 6/11/18
@gretchypoo - such sweet ILs you have! And I love when you refer to Baby Betty, so damn cute.
My GF is that I am officially 30w today and did not get dx with preeclampsia at my appt. It was at 30w last time that everything went to complete shit in a matter of hours at my regular 30w appt. I was sent to triage at my delivery hospital straight from my appt and I was dx and given the first steroid shot on the spot. I've been dreading this day for 26w and it's finally here, I'm ok. I'm a super emotional nutcase, but I'm ok.
@krob I'm totally loving the display! You go, girl!!
Mine is minor by comparison, but we had to run to home depot last night for some last minute rental supplies. We walk in, and one of the cashiers stops us as we go by and says, "You are just beautiful and your bump is so cute!" completely out of the blue! It was so sweet!
And in other good news, we got a tenant in our house and got a rent check last night. Two-for-one glitter special!
Totally makes me miss being a merchant at Banana Republic. Windows and feature walls were my favvvvv.
One: I started a new job a few weeks ago, and I just got my first paycheck from it. The check is for significantly more than I made in my previous role, PLUS it included my signing bonus. It was awesome.
Two: H is, for once, enthusiastic about the holidays! He usually grumbles when I start decorating the house, and he never wants to get a tree until a couple of weeks before Christmas. But last week, out of the blue, he suggested we go cut down a tree over the weekend. So we spent all day Saturday searching for the perfect tree! THEN he pulled out all the Christmas decorations and put the lights on the tree while I put everything else out, and THEN he volunteered to put lights on the outside of the house, which we have never done. Maybe the baby on the way is bringing out his Christmas spirit, but it was a nice surprise
i normally do freelance event and project management work. Normally for large brands or corporate meetings. I also do film production.
All are very related, but I would love to start doing more windows. It was soooo much fun.
FTM, 2 Furbabies
married 03/17/07
lived in Houston, Austin, Los Angeles and NYC
due: 2/15/17
@homemake i travel an ok amount, but i get to pick when i want to work. so that's a huge plus. if i don't feel like traveling somewhere i just don't take the gig
FTM, 2 Furbabies
married 03/17/07
lived in Houston, Austin, Los Angeles and NYC
due: 2/15/17