May 2017 Moms

Randoms and Questions 11.28 - 12.4

I can't believe we're about to enter December! How is it going this week?


Re: Randoms and Questions 11.28 - 12.4

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  • Haha,@Squirtgun ,I don't have any of those. Thanks goodness!

    I'm exhausted. I love the time off, but wish we got Monday too!
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • @pshaortao Yay! I forget, what state are you in?
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • @pshaortao wow congratulations! You moved FAST on your offer and acceptance!!! I know the next few weeks/months are going to be a whirlwind of moving and house set-up but it will give you such peace of mind to have your house settled well in time for this baby to come :) 

    We've had a major renovation project "about to start, any day now, yes absolutely it will be soon" for about a year and our architect's latest time-frame has us right in the middle of construction for when the baby comes. I find it best to be in oblivious denial for the time being. 
  • I'm just going to complain a little.  16w and morning sickness isn't any better.  My doctor said... "Oooh, if it isn't easing up by now, settle in for the long haul!"  SMH.

    I would like to not feel sick for ONE DAY... 10 weeks is a long time to feel constantly ill.  At least I don't usually throw up. 
  • pshaortao said:
    So much is going on in the last few days! I mentioned that we put in an offer on a house. Well it got accepted and things have escalated! I'm pretty overwhelmed by everything so I just made us a to do list so we can do one thing at a time. I'm excited that we will get to move sooner than anticipated so I will get some time to settle in and enjoy the house for awhile before LO arrives. 

    I also had routine checkup with my midwife today and all is good! Heartbeat of 155bpm got found quickly and my anatomy scan got scheduled for 12/22. I'm excited to see lo before xmas=)
    Exciting! FWIW, try to get the appraisal on the house done first BEFORE ordering any other inspections. I mentioned in another post that we will be entering escrow today as our offer was accepted the evening before Thanksgiving (whew). But, a previous deal fell through because the home didn't appraise for the asking price (and because the sellers didn't want to budge on anything else as we were still willing to pay $10k over the asking price). At that point we were out over $1k in other inspections we already had done. This round, we asked for a longer escrow and are getting the appraisal done ASAP! 

    Good luck! 

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • @cato99 we're in the same boat! Projected to start in September, now in the "should be soon" phase.  The project shouldn't take more than 4 months but with construction delays, who knows.  We're building an addition that will house our master bedroom and bathroom and until it is done we're staying in the guest room and using the future nursery as a guest room, so no baby setup until we're getting close to done (both of our families our from out of town so we really want to have a guest room when the baby comes so people who come and help have somewhere to stay).  I know the baby will in our room for at least 4 months so we can live without a nursery, but I really really really want to get started on setup!
  • @cato99 and @rainydays86 we will be doing a complete renovation on the "new" home we just purchased. According to the timeline, it should be done right when this baby is, lol. We shall see. Good luck with your home projects!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • I'm just going to complain a little.  16w and morning sickness isn't any better.  My doctor said... "Oooh, if it isn't easing up by now, settle in for the long haul!"  SMH.

    I would like to not feel sick for ONE DAY... 10 weeks is a long time to feel constantly ill.  At least I don't usually throw up. 
    I'm so sorry. I was like this last pregnancy with DD. I was sick until the very end. 

    This is weird but canned string green beans helped me a little bit. I probably ate a can a day (on the days I could eat). I was on the max dosage of Zofran as well. I had to get up in the mornings and force myself to eat a heavy carb (bagel) that would help too. 
  • Just throwing this out there 

    I am SO excited to do some major Christmas decorating in the house.

    On a side note does anyone else's bump app freeze close then start back up when your trying to look thru the ultrasound forum or the birth announcements forum??
  • @pshaortao yay!!! Congrats! Very exciting  :)

    #1 DD Aug 2014 @39weeks via CS

    #2 Due May 2,2017 hopeful VBAC

  • Thanks all! We are very excited and definitely did not expect to move this fast, but we loved the location and had gone to a nearby playground the day before and there were tons of kids including some around DD's age. Plus good schools and we just really liked the house overall. How could we not? =)

    @mrsrep123 Thanks for letting me know! I know there will be an appraisal done since I heard our realtor say something about one, but we have no idea what the order will be. I brought it to DH's attention since he's the one constantly on the phone with him, so he can mention it.

  • Just throwing this out there 

    I am SO excited to do some major Christmas decorating in the house.

    On a side note does anyone else's bump app freeze close then start back up when your trying to look thru the ultrasound forum or the birth announcements forum??
    Mine take forever to load whether it's on mobile or the computer. It doesn't freeze on me though, but I use the browser instead of the app. 

  • I finally gave up tossing and turning and slept on the couch from 4-6 this morning. I'm so sick on waking up every hour to switch sides! Anyone else sleeping on the couch?
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

  • What are people's thoughts on two second cousins (?), that could be born days or week apart, potentially having the same name? 

    Background: MH's cousin and his wife are expecting around the same time as us and have picked out the same girl name that we have. (Keep in mind, the only girl name that MH and I love.) They are finding out at on Saturday if their baby is a boy or a girl and we are Team Green. We only see them 3-4 times a year. 

    I want to stick with our name regardless and MH is on board. 
  • achays11 To me it would depend on how often we see that part of the family. I personally wouldn't name my kid the same as a cousin's kid, but we see them at least at Christmas. Maybe I'm a jerk, but if you guys are due at the same time, I say whichever baby is born first gets the name. I'd probably have a back up if it were me though. 
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

  • KMD1106KMD1106 member
    edited November 2016
    RainyDays86 I think unsticking it would be good. Somewhat soon, people will most likely be done announcing on social media. If anyone new posts though, it'll bump up anyway. Does the original poster have to ask for it to be unstickied or can we do that?
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

  • For sure the name has got to be changed, drives me nuts! I'm all for unsticky-ing it too. Like KMD said, soon people will be done with announcements and it'll be bumped anyway.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • edited November 2016
    bacorrea Just the thought of canned beans turns my stomach, but I will give the bagels a try.  Doctor gave me Diclegis, but it doesn't seem to do much more than make me sick and groggy instead of just sick.  She said she would only give stronger meds if I was losing more weight, and I'm holding steady weight-wise.  I am okay with that advice, but just tired tired tired of never having a reprieve from nausea.

    KMD1106  I feel you so hard on the waking up to turn over hourly thing.  Or I sleep 90 minutes, wake up for no reason and take an hour to fall back to sleep.  I've gone to couch or guest room a few times.  But the guest room bed is really uncomfy to me.  The struggles.... but I guess we'll be already in practice when our newborns are up every 2 hours to eat. <3 

    Jen_Shoes  She sounds amazing!  I hope she enjoys her retirement. :)
  • achays11achays11 member
    edited November 2016
    How exciting @Jen_Shoes! My mom is the same, but not near retiring yet. Way to go strong mom's!!

    ETA: Spelling is hard. 
  • @Jen_Shoes that is so awesome! Congrats to your mom, it sounds like she deserves a very restful retirement.
  • starphish18starphish18 member
    edited November 2016
    @Wildflowers and Ferns Have you tried vitamin B6? At my last appointment, I mentioned to my doctor how I was feeling nauseated 95% of the time, and she told me to take 25mg of B6 every 6 hours, and that I could also drink vitamin water. I did both...the pills and also water if I felt a nausea flare up, and I swear it did wonders for me. I was the same way, just wanting one day where I didn't feel so awful, now I feel a million times better. 
  • @lulubemadness My app crashes when I try to look at the threads with a lot of pictures, too. I end up opening them up on my computer from time to time instead. 
  • @starphish18 isn't it a wonderful feeling?  I got the urge to clean, organize, and make to-do lists this weekend.  It's awesome.
  • I know I could ask this in the movements thread, but I don't want to.
    Is it too soon for me to be able to push my stomach and make baby move?
     I started feeling some movement over a week ago (at 15/16 weeks). I decided to poke at my stomach just now and see what'd happen and I swear the baby moved.

    I know, I know, you guys cant tell me what I am feeling, but...?
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • starphish18 Ooh, I'll ask about that!  Sounds worth a try, thank you!
  • Rant of the day -- I have had a craving for over a week now for toblerone candy (original / milk chocolate). I got a dark chocolate toblerone at the airport while traveling about a week and a half ago and it just made me want a milk chocolate one, hence the craving.

    After trying several stores over the past week, I FINALLY found one. I was sad they only had one left because I was feeling the craving strong and wanted more. Well, I opened it up and had some and it's just clearly not fresh (probably why there was ONE left and the product was on sale). I mean, I'm eating it, but it has that old chocolate taste to it. I'm so disappointed! And my craving isn't really satisfied!

    Anyone else have a disappointing craving story?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @kat81 Yes! I wanted some creamy mac and cheese with lots of crispy topping. We only had a box of some lame whole wheat mac and cheese. It wasn't creamy enough so the panko topping I added made it even drier. So disappointing. 
  • I've been having really bad RLP pain and SPD pain lately, almost as bad as it was during third tr in my last pregnancy. My OB recommended I go to physical therapy. Has anyone else done this? I was just thinking I'd go to the chiropractor. 
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