September 2015 Moms

Christmas Gifts

What is everyone buying their wee ones for Christmas? 
My daughter loves climbing, music, sitting on things, balls, animals, her toy phone....but I am having a hard time picking a Christmas gift for her. I don't want to spend a lot, but I would like to get her the "perfect toy."

Any ideas would be great......

Re: Christmas Gifts

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    I'm in Minnesota, so we're buying LO a sled to pull him on in the winter - that will be our "big gift" for him. For his first birthday, we bought him a Cozy Truck (like the Coupe but a truck) and he loves it! (If you're in a warmer climate)
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    KidKraft retro kitchen set in blue! She loves the one at her cousins house, so we're getting it for her. It's like $110 on Amazon!
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