I'm getting to an age where Mother Nature is starting to play dirty tricks on me. I miss being able to run out with no makeup w/o looking like death. Shortly before I found out that I was pregnant, I splurged on the Rodan + Fields reverse regimen. My doctor advised against using the skincare line while pregnant. So, my question is, what skin care are you using to reverse aging and is it also pregnancy safe?
Re: Let's talk about skin care.
1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks
Right now I've pared it down because I'm tired AF but my core pregnancy regimen is:
oil cleanser (the face shop rice water)
cream cleanser (the face shop rice water)
witch hazel toner (I used to use a salicylic acid one pre pregnancy but it is a no no now)
glycolic gel (not a peel, it's a lower concentration for exfoliating)
2% benzoyl peroxide (because blackheads)
vitamin c serum (Paula'a choice)
Biore UV sunscreen (very light but it's important with the glycolic acid)
clinique moisturizing gel
if I'm really tired I will skip the glycolic gel, benzoyl peroxide, serum and sunscreen.
For makeup i am I am very low maintenance. CC cream, light dusting of powder and blush for shine control, mascara, and brows.
May '17 labor memes
Edit- posted too early.
Right now now I do minimal because my skin is very sensitive. I like Aveeno products the best. Face wash in the shower, moisturizer with sunscreen for the day and a night cream for bed.
I do need to find something to help these dark circles under my eyes, but nothing has ever worked for me!
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
I recently switched to Garnier Micellar Water and I love it. Literally, it is the only product that I use--it's an all in one cleanser, eye makeup remover, and moisturizer. I should be using something anti-aging, too, but I figure I'll get serious about that after this baby comes along.
Trying to decide if my body is freaking out to something I'm putting into it. Or if this is just some unfortunate pregnancy thing I get to deal with.
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
May '17 labor memes
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
My current regime is wash face with above face wash in shower (I shower at night), use Norwex cloth and vaseline to remove straggler eyeliner, apply Pacifica anti aging moisturizer. In the morning I rinse, not wash (at my derms recommendation) use the Pacifica moisturizer again and apply makeup. On weekends I'll play with the cleanser samples I get in my Birch Box since I am showering in the morning. I also will do a random mask about once a week.
If anyone is interested in the face wash it's called Skin Script.
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
#1 DD Aug 2014 @39weeks via CS
#2 Due May 2,2017 hopeful VBAC
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
Face Wash: I found that Origins "Checks & Balances" face wash is the most incredible cleanser, and has the most gentle & delicious vanilla-y mint scent. I don't feel dry or tight after and it's just wonderful. My new dryness issue and the resulting acne disappeared.
Moisturizer: This part is a little embarrassing, mostly because of expense, but I trust you ladies. I got a sample of Pacific Amore Future Response moisturizer from Sephora and fell. in. love. Well little did I know how much it is ($190). I said no WAY and tried a million other moisturizers, and nothing compared. I ultimately decided to buy a jar and see what happened. To make myself feel better, I think to myself "People spend $300 on jeans! This is my SKIN for crap-sake!". I have to buy about 3 jars a year and I really do love it so very much. I make my own jeans or get affordable pairs from Levi's so I feel it's ok to have this be my ultimate splurge. If you are open to having the same mindset, that your skin is a worthy investment, this is a magical formula with Green Tea and Japanese Mushroom. It has a very soft, distinct tea scent. My skin is born anew.
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
My biggest issue has always been finding a simple routine. I have a hard time not just falling into bed each night, so more than one-two steps and I'd never do it.
If not, and if have a Sephora near you, maybe ask them for a sample of the Pacific Amore so you can try it? They might even give you extra if you tell them a single sample isn't enough to see how your skin will react.
Also, Origins has small travel-sized versions of the Checks & Balances cleanser if you were interested in trying without investing in the full bottle. It's so gentle and just yummy feeling and smelling. I do also use Origins "Never a Dull Moment" fruit scrub, but only once a week or so in the shower.
I have always had bad skin growing up, and having a simple routine has really been amazing...though I'll admit it's partially because my skin changed from oily & blemish-prone to Normal (with the right products)!
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
I'm passionate about it because I value my current skin so much, having had just painful & abysmal skin all my life. I used to cry as a teenager because my skin just hurt so much, I had so much deep acne. Now that it finally balanced at 33 I will fight tooth & nail to keep it! I guess one positive is I mastered makeup because I had to try so hard to cover up my cystic acne!
Sephora is SO good about returns if it breaks you out, and they will give you a sample of anything you want to try
Yes, I've had problem skin since a teen as well. VERY oily skin that if I wasn't on oral birth control, I had acne all over my face. Trying everything over the counter as well as prescriptions were so disappointing. Now that I'm pregnant with my second and think I'm done and not wanting to resume the pill or get my tubes tied (yet), I really need to invest time, $ and effort in my skin. It's a bit daunting, though, as I try to find more natural/less chemical products. Guess the research starts now... thanks again for the motivation!
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17