Baby Names

Critique Our Boy's List

I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant, so we have plenty of time. But I can't help but be a little dismayed that I'm not excited about any boy's name this time. Older brother is Hank. Our top girl choices are June, Rose and Ada. 

What do you think of the names on our short list? Any I should add? TIA!

Grady (friend just had a Grayden)
Emmett (family name, but i just don't love it)
Campbell (DH's late mother's maiden name, DH doesn't love it as a first name)
Brody  (DH is Cody, is that weird?)
Jack (too popular?)
Charlie (but I dislike Charles)
Dashiell nn Dash (does it give off a trying too hard vibe?)

My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny :)

Re: Critique Our Boy's List

  • I agree with all your assessments. I also feel like Campbell lends better to the feminine side of things. I like Charlie and Grady the best. I'm actually pondering the same thing with Charlie. Love the nn, but not fond of Charles. 

    Due December 27th with baby #7

  • Grady (friend just had a Grayden)  I just find this very unattractive trendy and bleh.  Brady is nms either but I think better than Grady.
    Emmett (family name, but i just don't love it) My favorite on your list but if you don't love it you don't love it
    Campbell (DH's late mother's maiden name, DH doesn't love it as a first name) I find it very awkward as a first name maybe a middle if you want to honor family
    Brody  (DH is Cody, is that weird?) This name always gives me a frat bro vibe.  I also wouldn't do anything that rhymed with a name in your immediate family
    Jack (too popular?) It's popular but nice and I think pairs best with Hank.
    Charlie (but I dislike Charles) I don't like Charlie as a given, I would think as an adult he might want something more adult than Charlie.  
    Dashiell nn Dash (does it give off a trying too hard vibe?) I like this name actually, I don't think it's trying to hard



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  • Hank and Dash seem to go together. I know a boy, in school with my son, named Dash (not Dashiell) ...also
  • Love Jack.
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • I love Campbell and Charlie - and I think you could use it without using Charles. 

    I'll throw in...

  • I love Campbell, but I will say it was on our girl list. For me I wouldn't use it for a boy. Charles is also on our list, I want Charlie but like pp said if you go with Charles they'll have more name options as the get older. 

    Jack is VERY popular! I know at least 5 under the age of 4. Of your names I like Charlie and Emmett. 
  • Grady: meh
    Emmett: I like it, but I feel like there are a million and a half Em- names out there for kiddos these days. Suggesting Everett?
    Campbell: soup
    Brody: super weird how it rhymes with you H's name, imo
    Jack: I like it, and it's similar in feel and sound to Hank. Probably my favorite of your list.
    Charlie: Toss it if you don't like Charles. I teach high schoolers and there are a LARGE number that have NNs as legal names that complain about not having something more formal/professional to use.
    Dashiell nn Dash: DS's MN is Dash after a family member, so I'm biased. I don't think it's trying too hard. :)
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  • I would get rid of the ones in bold.

    Grady (friend just had a Grayden)
    Emmett (family name, but i just don't love it)
    Campbell (DH's late mother's maiden name, DH doesn't love it as a first name)
    Brody  (DH is Cody, is that weird?)
    Jack (too popular?)
    Charlie (but I dislike Charles)
    Dashiell nn Dash (does it give off a trying too hard vibe?)

    Me:35 | DH: 32
    Married: 06-2024
    TTC #1: Since November 2015
    Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
         due to previous issues.
    BFP: 11/4/2016 
    BFP: 07/17/2024
  • Thank you so much for all of the suggestions ladies! It's so tough because we live in a small town and DH won't use a name if he ever knew someone (close) with that name. We were thinking of adding Caleb and Oscar to the list. Wdyt?
    My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny :)
  • Love Oscar, Caleb, Emmett, and Jack. 
  • I like Dashiell! That's my favorite on the list. Oscar is good except I can't help it - I think of the Grouch. Or the Wiener. 
  • I love Oscar and Caleb
  • @emilyray14 Caleb, Emmett, and Jack are great and go with Hank. I agree with PPs about reasons to dismiss other choices (rhyming, adulthood, soup). And like you said, you def have time! Nothing's sweeping you off your feet now but give it a chance. There are literally thousands of names out there that you have yet to consider. Give it time and space and you'll come up with more!
  • Of your list, Dashiell is a favorite of mine. Love Dash as a NN. 
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
  • I agree with all your assessments. I also feel like Campbell lends better to the feminine side of things. I like Charlie and Grady the best. I'm actually pondering the same thing with Charlie. Love the nn, but not fond of Charles. 
    Same. My Charlie is 15 months and we were so happy to see Charlie on his birth certificate! People ask if it's Charles but haven't had an funny comments or anything.
  • Jack is my favorite 
  • Love Oscar and Caleb. From your originaliteit list I'd keep Dashiell (no, not trying to hard :) ), Emmett and Jack. Suggestions: Rhett, Dale, Jasper and Otto.
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  • Don't name anyone Charlie without the full name of Charles. I wouldn't do Brody if Dad is Cody. Of your list, I think Campbell is the nicest, esp since it's a family name. But it's also a fresh alternative to the Connor/Carter/Carson trend. Emmett is a little wimpy to me (sorry!) but I like Elliot or Everett.
  • Sorry but I also thought of soup.

    I like Jack and Charlie best.
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