May 2017 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change - 10/11

For those due on 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Appointments this week? 



GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy?

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change - 10/11

  • How far along are you? 
    11 weeks

    How big is baby? 
    Lime! That's crazy

    Appointments this week? 
    Nothing this week

    Boob tingles that come and go and occasional headaches and oh the bloat

    Just excited to be nearing the end of 1st tri - also telling family this weekend

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy?
    I love chocolate! Snickers and Reese's and Hershey Bars are some of my go tos 
  • How far along are you?  11 weeks

    How big is baby? Lime

    Appointments this week?  I had an appointment today.  Had to get all the blood work and physical exam but I also got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time :)

    Symptoms?  Thankfully the nausea/vomiting really subsided the last week and even the exhaustion seems to be letting up.  Still have sore boobs and need to pee all the time but I'll take that over n/v any day.   

    Rant/raves/questions?  This pregnancy was planned and I'm over the moon about it but I definitely get scared thinking about managing a baby with a three year old.  Anyone else nervous about doing it all over again?

    Favorite Halloween candy? All of it.  
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  • Hi!! 
    How far along are you- 8weeks
    How big is baby- raspberry!  
    Appointments this week- First appointment on Friday!!! I'm super excited and super anxious!  It was supposed to be tomorrow, but they called to reschedule this morning. 
    Symptoms- ugh nausea. All the time. And nothing sounds good to eat. Blah. And I'm super tired, but part of that might be the lack of nutrition I'm getting... 
    Rants/raves/questions- no, not really. I'm crabby about Facebook drama, but I already ranted about that elsewhere! 
    GTKY- favorite Halloween candy- I LOVE all the flavored tootsie rolls! Oooh, those sound so good right now!! I may have to go buy some...

  • how far along? 11 weeks!!
    how big is baby? the size of a lime
    appts. this week? none until the first week of Nov. Had my first appt last week!!
    symptoms... nausea here and there, it is getting better (YAY!!) tired, no motivation to do anything.
    rants, raves, or question... I guess I want to rave about how much better I'm starting to feel!!!!!!
    GTKY- My favorite would have to be Reese's, Hershey's, and Snickers.

    #1 DD Aug 2014 @39weeks via CS

    #2 Due May 2,2017 hopeful VBAC

  • How far along are you? 8 weeks!

    How big is baby? Good & Plenty (which is a gross candy, but oh well)

    Appointments this week? Tomorrow! There is no ultrasound scheduled, but she said she'll put in the order tomorrow and I can schedule it. I'm going to try to find an opening in one of their office locations or the hospital to get the ultrasound ASAP!

    Symptoms? Nausea if I don't eat, or if I eat too much. Or if I eat the wrong thing. *TMI* so much discharge. I seriously run to the bathroom at work so frequently to check what just came out of me. I should go ahead and invest in stock in panty liner companies.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? My biggest complaint this week is my stupid nose. I am battling the cold from hell and have been a mouth breather for the past 4-5 days. SO gross.

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? All of the chocolate things. Specifically Almond Joy, Reese's, and Snickers. Oh, and Kit Kat.  
    Fur daughter: 02/2011
    Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
    *formerly kayemjay*

  • How far along are you? 9 weeks

    How big is baby? Green Olive

    Appointments this week? None this week

    Symptoms? Just the naps (and I don't hate them) - I may make a few enemies here, but I never had nausea/vomiting with my last pregnancy and it doesn't seem like I will have any this time around. BUT... DS has a serious runny nose and every time I use my snot-sucker it makes my stomach turn. I have gagged so many times today! 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I'll rave about a new Japanese restaurant I found - I looooove Hibachi and there just isn't any close to our house. If you're ever in Alpharetta, GA make sure to hit up Sushi Ming! :) 

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? I enjoy chocolate but am very partial to fruity candy! In terms of halloween-specific, I really like the caramel apple lollipops. 
  • How far along are you? 8 weeks

    How big is baby? Raspberry

    Appointments this week? Ultrasound and intake on Friday. Getting very excited!

    Symptoms? Overwhelming exhaustion and boobs like rocks. I also am battling a craptastic cold and have drainage down the back of my throat which is not helping the nausea and dry heaves. 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I'll rave about fall and Halloween. I flippin' love it! Pumpkin patches and cider donuts and coats and flannel and pretty leaves and costumes and CANDY!!!!!! My rant is about this cold. Apparently it unearthed my elementary school asthma and now I am using an inhaler again. Lovely!

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? I LOVE candy!!! I am partial to gum, black licorice (which I am craving, but is a no, no during pregnancy...tears...), and sour candy, but chocolate is also fab!
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • For those due on 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30

    How far along are you? 10 weeks!

    How big is baby? The size of a ferrero rocher! Which happens to be a pretty delicious candy... 

    Appointments this week? I went in for bloodwork for my NIPT this morning. Nothing else...seeing my OB next week!

    Symptoms? The nausea is hitting me less often, which is awesome. I'm still spectacularly tired. And bloated. I think I'm going to have to switch to maternity pants very soon. 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Ladybug'sMama, I'm RIGHT there with you. I've felt that way pretty much the whole pregnancy and it's freaking me/stressing me out a bit. My son just turned 2 and I feel like things have really fallen into a pretty pleasant groove. When I think about doing it ALLLLL over again, it makes me a little sad. Both selfishly, because I hate the idea of lack of sleep/all of the other things associated with newborns, but also sad for my son because he won't be "the center of the universe" anymore. I know it's all silly--plenty of my friends have had the same fears, had 2nd kids, and they are one big happy family now. But the pregnancy hormones are making me crazy about this...I think about it all of the time. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? Reese's! Anything with peanut butter and chocolate. Does Oktoberfest beer count? Man...missing out on that this season. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • How far along are you? I am 7 weeks today.

    How big is baby? Ovia says baby is the size of a raspberry, but the bump says Blueberry. So i guess just a small berry size :)

    Appointments this week?  No appointments. I had my first ultrasound last Friday. Everything looked great and just made me so excited. DH now feels like it's so real. lol

    Symptoms? Terrible morning sickness.And by morning sickness, i mean throwing up all day. It's hard to keep even saltines and sips of water down. My DH is a little worried because even in a week's time, I have visibly lost weight. Food just doesn't appeal to me and when it does, it won't stay down even with anti-nausea meds. 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Not really a rave, but we finally told family and a few close friends over the weekend that were expecting. Now I get to wait for my mom to insert her every opinion into my life...even though this isn't my first. :) 

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? I like the mini 100 Grand bars and milky ways
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Rant/raves/questions?  This pregnancy was planned and I'm over the moon about it but I definitely get scared thinking about managing a baby with a three year old.  Anyone else nervous about doing it all over again?

    I totally understand this. I too am having a little bit of a freak out when I didn't initially think I would. I was so excited about DS having a sibling and now I just don't know what it will be like to split my time with him being 4 by the time baby is born, and a newborn. I know it will happen and we will fine and happy, but the anxiety is real. Plus, I don't remember going through the newborn period at all. None of it. So i've got that going against me too. lol

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • How far along are you? 7 weeks

    How big is baby? Blueberry

    Appointments this week? I had a doctor appt today- just chatted and got my flu shot (bunch of kiddos in my class have been getting sick and I want to avoid that on top of all my grossness). She ordered an ultrasound- so I get that on October 20th!! 

    Symptoms? Still a buttload of nausea, exhaustion, lightheaded, discharge overload, boobs on strike.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I am just so tired. Ahhhhhh. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? Reese's 
    Me: 25 | DH: 24
    Married: 06/14/14
    Fur Babies: Samara (Lab) & Akiva (Pom)
    Foster Parents
    MC: 8/18/2016
  • @Louise_Belcher
    My answers match up to yours so much! 8 weeks, raspberry, having an appointment this Friday (can't wait to hear the heartbeat!), and what's up with this asthma?---I totally hear you on that one. I had to go see my PCP about my lungs being all wheezy, and she's like, have you ever had asthma, and I'm like, not in forever, and she's all, it's back. Wow. Awesome.
    @Kipperoo @ladybug'smama @alr5k I feel the same way. Am I ready to do this all over again? Did I just make a big mistake going down this road? Is this going to make my little family better or worse?! All the doubts. Can't get them out of my head.
    GTKY: Can't believe no one said Reese's Pieces yet! ... Yum... fake peanut butter.
  • @SKZW ha that is wild! We will just be over here shaking our inhalers together! Also I ate Reese's pieces tonight! 

    Count me in on the "oh shit..what have I done to my sweet little family" train. The worry hit for real this weekend when I saw a photo my mom took of the three of us walking together. It won't be like this again and that makes me a bit sad. Don't get me wrong this was planned and I'm pumped, but there is a bit of sadness in the change. 
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 8w2d 


    Last appointment was on Monday. Received an ultrasound too

    I'm extremely tired and still feeling nausea all day. As soon as I came home from work, today I ate a bowl of cereal and went straight to sleep. I just woke up a few minutes ago and it's 11:30pm now. It felt good to just sleep and do nothing. 

    Rant- I'm so sick of feeling sick and I'm just waiting for it to settle down. I feel miserable all day.

    My favorite Halloween candy is Snickers. I have a bag on the counter now. :smile:
  • Hello Tuesday Tickers!

    How far along are you? I am 10 weeks today.

    How big is baby? Ovia says baby is the size of a tart kumquat, but the bump says strawberry. 

    Appointments this week?  No appointments this week. I'll have my second appointment next Monday for checkup and NIPT blood work (yes I'm considered "Advanced maternal age" because I just turned 35- thanks OB for making me feel old even when I didn't on my birthday, LOL.)

    Symptoms? Sore boobs are new. Hard nipples have made a comeback. Food aversion and nausea, though improving, are still lingering. Oh and the bloat too. 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Rant: I am so bloated that I wish I could let everyone know I'm pregnant and not just a piggy. Rave: That I'm not alone in the "uh oh, are we really doing this again" arena @Louise_Belcher @Kipperoo @alr5k
    @ladybug's mama. My son is turning 15 months and I am quite sad all the attention won't be on just him...

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? @SKZW I'm so with you on the Reese's Pieces... and I only have them around Halloween. 

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • I forgot to say I'm bloated like crazy @mrsrep123 and I can't even get excited for this concert I'm going to on Friday. I can't find anything to wear that is flattering and cute. 
  • @MrsCPALeslie Maybe Friday will be freezing cold and you could wear a comfy hoodie and not worry about something cute?
  • Oops! I completely forgot to chime in yesterday-
    How far along are you? 11 weeks

    How big is baby? Lime  - I realize that the objects are rough estimates to visualize it better, but a lime that's only 1.61 in? Ok, sure.

    Appointments this week? This Friday to discuss family history/genetics. I don't know exactly what all that will entail though.

    Symptoms? Nausea has tapered off quite a bit, but trigger for vomiting seems to be more sensitive (although thankfully still very manageable) right now. Starting feel more energized but headaches and bloat are starting to become a daily staple. I probably need to up my liquid intake.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? We shared the news with my family over the weekend. My dad was so excited that he hugged me a little too hard, haha. And my stepmom, who isn't particularly good with kids in general, has been very excited about being a grandmother. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite Halloween candy? Holiday Reese's (pumpkin/tree/egg), although they give me terrible heartburn even when I'm not pregnant. Sour Patch Kids are also a favorite of mine.
  • @SKZW - What do you mean reece's pieces have FAKE peanut butter?! I have to question so many things in life now!
  • @emilyalso
    LMAO! Sorry for sounding the alarm. I don't mean fake fake, I just mean... well... not the natural yummy non-sugared PB that I'm used to nowadays? Don't get me wrong... Halloween is right around the corner and Reese's Pieces will be crammed down my gullet soon enough!
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