@canavara so glad to hear everything is fine! My OB told me some times smaller women are prone to contract. she said she would do an internal ultrasound to check cervical length at my next exam in two weeks just to be on the safe side.
Don't know where else to post this. For those of you that have had a cold this pregnancy, who did you call/go see? Did you go to your primary doctor or OB about it? I know it's not a baby thing, but I feel weird going to quick care or something and worried about medicine they might prescribe me. I also know colds are not what my OB is there for. Ugh, I'm worried I might have strep throat, and I don't know what they can do about it.
Holy leg cramp. I don't know if it was from flying and dehydration or what, but the leg cramp that woke me up in the night is up there with the worst pain I've ever had. Gave H quite the scare because he thought I was in labor... ha.
@Teach123 I called my primary care physician and just made sure I asked when prescribed anything that it was pregnancy safe. Technically my GP is also the OB at that clinic but he isn't the OB I see (he's further away and not privileged at my hospital) but I still had to call back and make sure when he wrote my Rx at the very beginning of my pregnancy for a kidney infection. All that being said, you can call your OB if it'll make you feel better about pregnancy safe meds, you aren't bothering them or taking up their time, you're pregnant and their job is to care for you during pregnancy- baby related or not.
@Teach123 I saw my GP for my cold/bronchitis, but I also called the OB afterwards just to let them know what was up and see if they had any particular recommendations over the phone and to make sure they were in the loop about the illness.
I feel like I've been crazy thirsty lately. No matter how much water I'm drinking, it's not quenching my thirst. I need to find a way to add some easy/ healthy electrolytes to my drinks.
Just found out in our preparing for child birth class last night that dehydration us the # 1 cause for preterm labor. Yikes!
I don't think I'm dehydrated though cuz I'm peeing a lot & it's nearly clear. Just thirsty!
My burps have got spicy enough to break out the tums. I took two not even an hour ago and I feel the burn rising up again I used to take Protonix a few years ago for reflux and I am just praying it doesn't get that far. Other reflux ladies - at what point did you decide to ask for something other than tums?
@ceclarlinetlo I believe I started prescription Prevacid around 23 weeks. I was in a lot of pain and my nausea was worsening from the acid. Plus I was eating more than the recommended amount of Tums everyday, even though it never made a difference. My OB wrote me a prescription because it was safer and more effective at that point (rather than downing a bottle of Tums every week).
I'm very late to this symptoms party, but I've learned a lot reading during nap time today! I'm glad everything is ok, @canavara! I'm feeling full of baby. With two other little's running around, though, I'm not in a rush for this babe to come out (yet).
This probably sounds silly since pregnancy is full of aches and pains, but since the middle of the night last night I've had an unusual pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. I've had Braxton hicks and round ligament pain and this doesn't feel like either. I'm thinking of calling my doctor if it doesn't go away by the end of the day. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced a new, centralized pain out of nowhere?
@canavara I'm glad you got checked out and all is fine.
@kenglish1 I had something similar a few weeks ago. I think in my case it ended up being gas, but I did go in and have some tests run to rule out other more serious possibilities, eg, contractions or an infection. My MW said contractions are not usually on 1 side like that though. She also said it might have been a pulled muscle, or less likely, RLP.
@kelseyh62 Awesome. Sometimes excessive thirst can be a sign of blood sugar issues so I thought I'd ask. Hopefully it levels out, drinking more just means going to the bathroom more
Has any one else noticed they take smaller steps now? It's not that I walk slow per se but I feel like my stride is so much shorter that I'm constantly asking people to slow down lol. It's like taking too big (or my usual size) step is just really uncomfortable and my belly feels heavier when I try.
@ceclarlinetlo Yes! I have always taken giant strides from my high school marching band days, and now I take a million tiny steps. I think some of it is my hips ache and I step more out to the side than straight in front, but DH thinks it's great since I used to always rush ahead of him.
@sweetyjenj I wish I could give you a big ol hug right now. I finally got around to the store and I picked up some Miralax powder today. BLESS YOU. BLESS MIRALAX. Not to get completely TMI but I feel like a new person right now. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUGGESTION!!!!!!!
Me: 26, DH: 31 Diagnosed with Hashimoto's 06/17
BFP #1: 05/11/16 DD born 01/01/17, Happy New Year TTC #2: 01/2019 BFP #2 09/24/19--Ended in chemical pregnancy BFP #3 07/02/2020 Due: 03/10/2021
@ceclarlinetlo that's very interesting about smaller women contracting more. I was 25 lb heavier with my first pregnancy, my husband keeps saying this baby is just too big for my body now. So many Braxton hicks.
Weird new symptom. Wondering if anyone else has this. My belly is actually painful to the touch sometimes. I assume it is when the babies booty is poking out, (or her head if she's breech). My sweet toddler was gently touching my belly, she hit the hard spot (assuming it was a hiney) and I about flew off the bed. Anyone else?
@thepax89 I definitely have some times wherr the skin on my belly feels so tight and it feels like my abs are being pulled to shreds - it would definitely make me jump is someone accidentally touched it with too much pressure.
Tonight I've got acid reflux (so much earlier than last pregnancy ) and ringing in my left ear, which I don't remember getting last time. Neither are painful, but goodness they're annoying! Will be mentioning the ringing to my OB tomorrow - probably nothing, but Dr. Google says in some cases it's a symptom of pre-eclampsia. Better safe than sorry!
@ThePax89 this happened to me a couple nights ago near my rib cage. At first I was really worried because it was pretty tender to the touch, but then I could feel the baby (assuming it was his butt) and he was moving around and kicking and all that. Once I was able to lay down for a bit it eventually went away.
Weird new symptom. Wondering if anyone else has this. My belly is actually painful to the touch sometimes. I assume it is when the babies booty is poking out, (or her head if she's breech). My sweet toddler was gently touching my belly, she hit the hard spot (assuming it was a hiney) and I about flew off the bed. Anyone else?
Haven't had this yet this time but DD loved to stick her knee in this one particular spot in the middle of my stomach all.the.time. it became very tender and I think she actually bruised me. Didn't stop being sore until after she was born. Hasn't happened with this baby yet - I'm guessing either she's still too little for that (currently 25w5d) or it's because I have an anterior placenta this time. Or maybe she's just more chill than DD was; I've actually been thinking that's the case for a while now... guess we'll find out!
Yes, @thepax89!!! It comes and goes, and honestly I'm not sure if it's position (I'm guessing it is), but it will be tender and painful in a very localized spot to the touch. For me, it's a little up and to the right of my belly button - not by much, maybe an inch or so. I think here are more nerves in that area so we will it more if baby is pushing there.
I've had leg cramps this pregnancy a handful of times in the middle of the night. I've gotten good at making it go away pretty quickly by stretching and flexing just the right way. Last night was a different story. I got a cramp it what was seemingly a muscle right off of my shin - so on the front of the leg (normally they're in the calf for me). It was so hard to stretch it out!!! Ultimately, I think the only thing that helped it was getting up and walking around bc it is much harder to stretch the front of your leg than the back of it.
@ceclarlinetlo - OMG yes. I used to be the QUICKEST walker and now im being passed every time I leave my house. I'm assuming I'll just get slower and slower...
@leahnicole I had a week after my flu & whooping cough shots where I started getting a horrible headache every day. I literally called my midwife every time it happened. So paranoid about it!
@Thepax89 YES! I am getting this. I assume it's from his head or behind. But I'll get this one spot somewhere at the top that is SOOOO painful. It feels like someone is taking a rod and just jamming me from the inside out. I found if I rest my hands(while standing) or my arms(while sitting) at the top it'll help relieve the pain. I assume that's because I'm just pushing him down a bit so it's not poking me so much.
But omg sometimes it's unbearable. I can't imagine what it's going to be like in a few weeks...
Tonight I've got acid reflux (so much earlier than last pregnancy ) and ringing in my left ear, which I don't remember getting last time. Neither are painful, but goodness they're annoying! Will be mentioning the ringing to my OB tomorrow - probably nothing, but Dr. Google says in some cases it's a symptom of pre-eclampsia. Better safe than sorry!
Follow up on the ringing in my ear - it's still going on, but while my OB said I was right to check up on it at my appointment today, he said that after my exam he is not worried about risk of pre-eclampsia for me because my blood pressure is better than his is! So that's obviously really good news. But I do wish the ringing would stop - it's soooo annoying!
Every other night or so, the top of my bump KILLS! It's a spot the size of a lemon, and literally feels like someone is stabbing me. Tonight I had to succumb, and have DH do bath/bed time with the kids, so I could sit on the couch with a hot water bottle. Though it helps, having a hot water bottle near the baby makes me nervous for the baby. But nothing else helps! I think it's the condition where your absominal muscles separate. It's like I feel it happening real-time! Will bring it up in 3 weeks at my next appt, unless it gets worse, then may call.
@Thepax89 YES! I am getting this. I assume it's from his head or behind. But I'll get this one spot somewhere at the top that is SOOOO painful. It feels like someone is taking a rod and just jamming me from the inside out. I found if I rest my hands(while standing) or my arms(while sitting) at the top it'll help relieve the pain. I assume that's because I'm just pushing him down a bit so it's not poking me so much.
But omg sometimes it's unbearable. I can't imagine what it's going to be like in a few weeks...
Saw this after I just posted mine, just now :-). Sounds similar to my pain, except I feel the baby really down low moving around while I have he pain that can last hours..., and my pain is in the same spot at the top (center) of my belly. Mine doesn't feel like baby, but more muscle. Terrible pain!
I think baby is kicking or punching my cervix! It's this quick jab of pain that kind of makes me feel like I have to pee, but also runs down inside my crotch if that makes sense? Very uncomfortable!
Oh my word, what's with the mood swings!? I thought that the worst of that was going to be in the first trimester (when I only had one breakdown). In the past week, I think I've cried like 3 times and my moods are so quick to make a 180. What the heck hormones?? I thought we were on the same team! (Lol, while sobbing)
@BAJDesigns sounds like lightning crotch. I haven't had it to bad yet but in previous pregnancies It would literally stop me in my tracks sometimes it was so bad!
OK! Rash between/under my breasts..... I've had it since my breasts started growing. However, after getting bigger bras, trying to keep them clean more frequently most of the redness and itching has gone away. Now it's like the skin between my breasts is kinda rough and every once in awhile will start to itch insanely.
It's really driving me crazy! I know it's caused by heat and sweat, my boobs have felt a lot hotter since the second tri started. What am I supposed to do, clean my boobs in the bathroom at work??? I want my soft, regularly colored boobs back.
Also, can my nipples stop growing already? That'd be great...
@SquirrelGiggles83 It really caught me off guard too to suddenly have them in 3rd tri! First tri, despite the insane morning sickness, was such a happy time emotionally and everything was happy tears and now everything in 3rd tri is ragey or anxiety-inducing.
Re: Symptoms w/o 10/10:
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
Just found out in our preparing for child birth class last night that dehydration us the # 1 cause for preterm labor. Yikes!
I don't think I'm dehydrated though cuz I'm peeing a lot & it's nearly clear. Just thirsty!
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
I'm glad everything is ok, @canavara!
I'm feeling full of baby. With two other little's running around, though, I'm not in a rush for this babe to come out (yet).
@kenglish1 I had something similar a few weeks ago. I think in my case it ended up being gas, but I did go in and have some tests run to rule out other more serious possibilities, eg, contractions or an infection. My MW said contractions are not usually on 1 side like that though. She also said it might have been a pulled muscle, or less likely, RLP.
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
Diagnosed with Hashimoto's 06/17
TTC #2: 01/2019
BFP #2 09/24/19--Ended in chemical pregnancy
BFP #3 07/02/2020 Due: 03/10/2021
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
I laid in bed for 2.5 hrs last night before I could finally fall asleep...leaving me with <5 hrs of sleep for my 12.5 hr shift today....
I'm excited to come home and go to bed.
I've had leg cramps this pregnancy a handful of times in the middle of the night. I've gotten good at making it go away pretty quickly by stretching and flexing just the right way. Last night was a different story. I got a cramp it what was seemingly a muscle right off of my shin - so on the front of the leg (normally they're in the calf for me). It was so hard to stretch it out!!! Ultimately, I think the only thing that helped it was getting up and walking around bc it is much harder to stretch the front of your leg than the back of it.
@leahnicole I had a week after my flu & whooping cough shots where I started getting a horrible headache every day. I literally called my midwife every time it happened. So paranoid about it!
But omg sometimes it's unbearable. I can't imagine what it's going to be like in a few weeks...
BFP#5 5/22/17 EDD:1/27/17 It's a GIRL!!!!
It's really driving me crazy! I know it's caused by heat and sweat, my boobs have felt a lot hotter since the second tri started. What am I supposed to do, clean my boobs in the bathroom at work???
I want my soft, regularly colored boobs back.
Also, can my nipples stop growing already? That'd be great...
*boob rant over*