May 2017 Moms

Monday madness

I'm so angry. I live just outside Jacksonville,FL. This is my first pregnancy so obviously I'm terrified and ready to ask my doctor all my questions. I had my first appointment scheduled for Thursday last week. Needless to say it was cancelled due to the storm. I didn't find out until 9:00pm the night before that they were cancelling appointments. I was instructed to call Monday to reschedule. I just called right when they opened and was told I couldn't get an appointment until the 20th. Almost two weeks. Are you kidding?!?!? I had an appointment. They cancelled it and they're  not even going to try to fit me in. I'm disappointed and angry. We had planned on telling our families after we made sure everything was ok. Now I have to wait another week and a half. Anyone else experience something like this? Did you switch drs? 

Re: Monday madness

  • I'm sorry you got your appointment cancelled and you have to wait longer. I had my last appointment bumped back a week due to a rescheduling of meetings. For me, it's not a switch-worthy offense. They still had established appointments and a hurricane was an "act of God" to use an airline term. They can't boot everyone else out of their appointments to accommodate others for an unforeseen circumstance. It sucks, but unless you have other gripes with them that you didn't say, I'd stay. It'd take even longer to get a new patient appointment with a new office. 
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
  • What PP said. We were affected by the hurricane here in NC as well. A lot of medical offices in additional to schools and daycares have been closed. I know jacksonville got hit harder so I imagine its even worse. Its unfortunate timing at the least, but not the time to switch unless you have prior poor experience with them. If you try elsewhere you may run into the same issue regardless. Sorry you have to wait even longer

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  • I don't have the same situation over here but it is hard to make appointments at my midwives office as well. Making a last minute appointment is pretty challenging. My last pregnancy, I made several months of appointments in advance so that I could have the time slots and days that worked with my work schedule. I think this is common with most practices...
  • Thank you for the advice. :) I realize I'm being a selfish hormonal lady. I'm not proud. Lol.  Jacksonville wasn't hit as bad as NC or SC. We are such a big city that if you say Jacksonville you could mean anything within an hour and halfs drive of your home. We were lucky to only get some strong winds and storm surge. I'm farther inland so the wind was the only worry. Most of our coastline was flooded. Anyway, thanks again for your advice. 
  • Maybe call back and ask if they can put you on a list for a sooner appointment if one cancels? I had my next appointment scheduled for literally the worst time possible for my work schedule and asked if they could call if there was a cancellation that I could be moved to, and sure enough, 3 days later got a call that a much better time opened up!
  • I agree with the previous posters and also totally understand your frustration. Having to wait even longer is really annoying and unnerving. That said, I've also had a hard time booking appointments--I think because of the nature of pregnancies, most doctor's calendars are booked far in advance and with SO many appointments needing to be rescheduled, it would be impossible to fit them all in immediately. If you like your doctor, I'd say stick it out.:-) 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • IME there is a lot of waiting around when it comes to OBs. They are doing a job that involves a lot of unscheduled surprises. Having to wait longer sucks but things like this will probably happen again and again. I'd been waiting over an hour for my doc once and had the nurse come in and tell me I'd have to reschedule as he'd been called to a delivery, while I was there already I had to reschedule for a week or two later haha! I agree with pps, if you're happy with your doc otherwise I'd leave it. 
                                          Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers   Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

                    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersBabysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
                                                                     Formerly ChoicesMom
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                                                           "Lyric" EDD Nov/4/11 - c/p Feb/11
                                                                            "Fishy" 2012
                                                                            "Bean" 2014
                                                             "Lux" EDD Apr/21/17 - c/p Aug/16
                                                       "Kokonah" EDD May/24/17 - m/c Oct/16
                                1 surprise - 1 Noonie - 1 preemie - 3 gone but not forgotten - One more on the way!!
                                                          Grab bag of mental health disorders
  • My first appointment isn't until the 25th. I understand you wanting to see the doctor. It stinks but I wouldn't change providers. The had to reschedule a lot of people and there were also already people scheduled. 
  • I think their ability to reschedule within a few weeks is reasonable. It's a little hard to have perspective so early on but they have a lot going on and many people that need appointments sooner than someone trying to reschedule their first. Later on as you get further along and god forbid you need extra appointments or care know that you will be the priority and some early first tri mom will be waiting. It's just how it works. 

    I don't even have a first appointment scheduled and probably won't for several weeks if it makes you feel better! 

    May '17 labor memes
  • If it makes you feel any better I still haven't even found a doctor and like PP, probably won't have an appointment for weeks! 
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