May 2017 Moms

TW - pretty sure I'm out

Long version: I started spotting (brown) very lightly and having mild cramping Sunday night. DH freaked out when I told him and wanted me to see a doctor. I tried calling my OBGYN yesterday morning, but I've never met her before (my previous one quit being an OBGYN and is pretty far away anyway), so her office asked that I call my primary care doctor. I called her office, and they took a message, but they never called me back. At around 4pm yesterday I started passing red blood clots, so DH freaked out again and wanted to go see a doctor. I had a lot of work, so I asked him if he could call urgent care to see if they handle this kind of thing. They said they did, so I left work and he met me there. We did a lot of waiting around, filling out paperwork, answering and then reanswering questions. Finally after about 90 minutes we were told that urgent care does not handle this kind of thing and we should go to the ER. Dope. Went to the ER, did some waiting around. Got brought up to radiology, tried a tummy ultrasound, then a vaginal. They couldn't see anything, but I was only 4w7d yesterday so, I didn't expect them to. They did a blood test and confirmed I am pregnant. Did more waiting around (watching the debate super laggy on DH phone) in the absolutely freezing ER, and they refused to take the IV out, so I couldn't put my sweater back on properly. OBGYN physician assistant came to examine me. Basically told me that all they know right now is that I am pregnant, but they don't know where. It could be ectopic, or it could be regular. If it's ectopic, they don't know where it is. If it's regular, they don't know if it will be viable. I cannot imagine how it would be viable with this much blood, but they said sometimes it's normal to bleed this much (what?). Getting lab work done again Wednesday to check levels, but I'm pretty sure I'm out. My boobs don't hurt anymore, and it's so. much. blood. 

TL;DR version: Think I'm miscarrying, but ER isn't sure. Lab work will confirm one way or another Wednesday. I'm disappointed; DH is super super sad. What's meant to be will be. 

Reason I shared this: 1) You guys are great, and I didn't want to just peace out without saying goodbye. 2) Don't go to urgent care if you think you're miscarrying! It's a waste of time! I know a lot of people probably know that, but I wish I had just gone to the ER upfront. 3) If you do go to the ER, don't necessarily expect answers? I guess? 

Anyway, will update when I know more. Thanks for being awesome, ladies! 

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