Baby Names


Thoughts on Frances Jane? DH just brought it up tonight and it seems to be our front runner now. I love it, but would also love to hear your opinions! DD #1 is Charlotte.


Re: Frances

  • LOVE LOVE LOVE! I also love the nn Franny
  • I think it's a sweet name and will grow with her. Definitely a winner
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  • Love it
    DD1: 2/28/12
    DD2: 9/12/13
    Baby #3: Due January 2018

  • I really like it! 
  • I don't agree. Not only is this as much a boy's name as a girls (or more so), it's way too old lady-ish. I have an old lady middle name, and I despised it growing up. Of course your opinion trumps mine, so if you love it go for it, but my opinion is to keep searching.
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
  • I like it a lot! It does make me think of Baby in Dirty Dancing.  :)
    DD (8), DS (5), DD (3)
    baby #4 due March '17!
  • The more I think about it, the more it grows on me, even though it does at first remind me of an old lady name. Agree with PP that Frances is the feminine version of Francis, and IMO the sound of it is much more feminine than masculine to me. I also like the NN potential and love Jane as a MN.
  • TheMcC3 said:
    I don't agree. Not only is this as much a boy's name as a girls (or more so), it's way too old lady-ish. I have an old lady middle name, and I despised it growing up. Of course your opinion trumps mine, so if you love it go for it, but my opinion is to keep searching.
    You are thinking of Francis. 
  • TheMcC3 said:
    I don't agree. Not only is this as much a boy's name as a girls (or more so), it's way too old lady-ish. I have an old lady middle name, and I despised it growing up. Of course your opinion trumps mine, so if you love it go for it, but my opinion is to keep searching.
    You are thinking of Francis. 
    Are they not pronounced the same?
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
  • I am pregnant with #2 right now, and if it is a girl she will be Frances. It was my maternal grandmother's name, and I can't wait to pass it on. 
  • I love it but only for a boy imo. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm loving that name
    Me:35 | DH: 32
    Married: 06-2024
    TTC #1: Since November 2015
    Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
         due to previous issues.
    BFP: 11/4/2016 
    BFP: 07/17/2024
  • I love the name! 
    I would also love telling a tantruming toddler/crazy teenager to, "Lighten up, Frances!"  That would never get old for me.

    DD.R: 2013
    DD.C: 2015
    #3EDD: 8/1/2017

  • This board loves this name, but I just can't get with it. I really don't like it. Quite old lady-ish.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since September 2012
  • I don't dislike it, but I'm not loving it. The sound isn't quite as nice when compared to Charlotte. I definitely get the "old lady vibe" too.
  • I love it!!! Old lady names are coming back :)
  • I love it. Classic and lots of nn options if she chooses.
  • NMS, but all I can think of is Frances (Baby) Houseman from Dirty Dancing - which is good. I know it was said already, but it's worth repeating. 
  • Yup, old lady names are trendy again, and this is right there with the better ones. Harper=best Frances= good Mabel= bad
  • I lived in Italy and the name Francesca is so popular there. They pronounce it "Frahnchesca" and a common nickname is Franci  ("Frahnchi"). I wished we could do it but people would butcher the pronunciation here : (
  • This is one of my top guilty pleasure names! I never saw Dirty Dancing, my reference is Francie Nolan from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, one of my favorite books growing up. I could never get DH to agree with it, but I would love a baby Frances/Francie.
  • jenEPjenEP member
    edited September 2016
    Love it. Franny and Francie are adorable nns. 
  • Thanks so much everyone! I was a bit hesitant on using it because I'm scared that people think it's too "old ladyish" or that it doesn't match up to Charlotte- I'm happy to see a majority of the responses are positive! :smile: I think Franny on a little girl would be adorable too- haven't heard of Francie as a nickname but I'm loving it! 
  • Frances goes nicely with Charlotte IMO! (And definitely a girl's name with that spelling - this coming from a stickler on the BNOG subject.)
  • NMS at all. Don't know what else to say.
  • I LOVE it. But I'm naming my daughter Agnes, so take that as you will
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

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  • Lizbeth86 said:
    I lived in Italy and the name Francesca is so popular there. They pronounce it "Frahnchesca" and a common nickname is Franci  ("Frahnchi"). I wished we could do it but people would butcher the pronunciation here : (
    My sister is Francesca (pronounced the Italian way), and it is very rarely mispronounced. It's gained popularity in the US in the last decade or so. Though people do misspell it all the time (though between me and my three sisters, ALL of our names are misspelled constantly, but we're used to that).

    I like Frances, though I like Francesca better. We call my sister Franny, so maybe I'm biased but I love the NN.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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