This might be an odd question, but I wanted to know from mothers, who have a child with a heart defect, if you were allowed to give birth vaginally or was a c-section required?
My baby has a complete AVSD and I am wondering about giving birth. I am meeting with the Cardiologist next month and will ask, but wanted to hear some experiences.
Re: Heart defects and delivery
Formerly ChoicesMom
"Squishy" 2007
"Lyric" EDD Nov/4/11 - c/p Feb/11
"Fishy" 2012
"Bean" 2014
"Lux" EDD Apr/21/17 - c/p Aug/16
"Kokonah" EDD May/24/17 - m/c Oct/16
1 surprise - 1 Noonie - 1 preemie - 3 gone but not forgotten - One more on the way!!
Grab bag of mental health disorders
TTC #2 - August 2016
IUI #1-3 BFN
BFP 4/21/18 MMC 6/11/18