Baby Names

Boy name decisions!

Hey everyone! I'm relatively new to this board in particular as we just had our gender ultrasound a couple weeks ago. I'm due in Jan 2017 with our second kiddo. Family names are very important to me so each of the names H and I have narrowed down to have significance. I'm just not sure which makes the best first name.

Warren (H's grandfather)
John (my grandfather)
Gary (my dad)

In my head I think I like Warren the best but I hesitate because I kind of want to spite H's family. Though they don't know we're considering Warren as a name, they are making a gigantic deal out of this being the only boy of the next generation (even though there are already granddaughters - I find this unfair to them) They keep making comments about "well you're keeping the *last name* alive" "well there won't be any heirs from MY side" "I want grandkids so much, but it looks like I'll never get them" 

sorry for the rant, hopefully some of you ladies can help me out!
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Re: Boy name decisions!

  • I would have to agree with you and say I like Warren the best. However I love the name John too, as it's solid and timeless. I like both John Warren and Warren John.
  • Sounds like you'd like your side represented in your sons name, so I'd go with John. Gary is not a good first name.

    John Warren has better flow than Warren John. 

    Also, it is the sex of your child, not gender, just as an fyi. 

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  • LOVE John nn Jack.
    Warren is also a wonderful name and unexpected.  
    I want to love Gary, because it is your dads name, but it isnt a name that works for me.
    I suggest Warren Gary.
    P.S. If family is already talking about your name choices.....I suggest that you keep the names a secret. It is hard but worth it in so many ways. 
  • I think of that creepy awful Warren Jeffs (religious cult leader) when I hear that name. That ruins it for me, sorry! :(

    I'd use John as a middle name and pick a new first name that you love. 

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  • @Mamabeagle indeed sex, not gender. Can I blame pregnancy brain for that one?
    "Gary is not a good first name." sounds harsh to me as it is my dad's name. His first name. So I'm just going to hope you didn't mean it that way and it's just my hormones messing with me.

    @saham07 Unfortunately I think I agree with you, I want to use Gary because I love my dad, but it just doesn't sound quite right in my head. Also, no one in the family knows about names (we're keeping it hush) just that we're having a boy. :)

    @FreshBakedBrownies I've never heard of that person so it doesn't bother me at all, H is very set on Warren as he was very close with his grandpa so it'll be there one way or another, though I'm hoping as a middle name.
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  • My favorite combination would be Warren Gary.
  • Of the choices, I like John the best.  

    Big Bro 7/14/13
    Little Bro 2/6/17

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  • John Warren then Warren John would be my top 2 picks. I like Gary as a middle too though! I think it would work with either name.
  • Another person here who prefers John Warren.

    Gary as a FN is NMS.
  • In case you decide to go with John Warren, figured I'd mention he was a continental army surgeon and founded harvard medical school. He was also a top name in the Masons...Don't get me wrong he's a stand up guy and I'm not sure how many would make the connection but just in case it mattered to you...
  • leighry said:
    I would have to agree with you and say I like Warren the best. However I love the name John too, as it's solid and timeless. I like both John Warren and Warren John.
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
  • Gary is a name in my family, too. I think the name is a bit dated, and thought if we had a boy (we're expecting our third girl), I'd consider naming the baby Garrett. It's a more modern version of the name and still honors family tradition. Something to think about!
    DD #1 Eva- April 2011
    DD #2 Violet- October 2013
    DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

  • I actually really like Gary! I like Gary Warren or Warren Gary. You can't go wrong with John either but I like the other two options more as they are unexpected and refreshing. 
  • thanks so much everyone! I definitely appreciate the input :)
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  • Families always seem to say stuff like that.  I would take all those male heir/keeping the name alive comments with a major grain of salt.  It's just typical pre-baby, family chatter.

    Warren is a great name.  Go for it!
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • I love Warren! One of my favorites. Another Warren Gary vote

  • I really like the name Warren.  I am in Mormon country and know who Warren Jeffs is, but I never think of him when I hear the name.  If it matters to you he is the leader of an extremist group that practices polygamy. He's a horrible pedophile that had dozens of teenage wives.  Like I said I don't think of him but someone else did so just FYI. I think Warren Gary would be nice and honor both sides.

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  • @neverblushed Unfortunately I know this isn't just pre-baby chatter. They've been saying the "I guess I'll never get an heir" line since I married Hubby almost 10 years ago before we even started trying for kids. If it had just started I would like to think I'd let it slide off my back, but they've been saying these things for close to 10 years already :( 
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  • Warren Gary. 
  • John warren 
  • @Kittievr4 didn't mean it's not a good name, I just prefer a full formal name. I'm exclusively mobile so sometimes I am brief and I can understand why it read like that. 
  • @Bringmemylongswordho I love that idea!! If I end up going with Warren as the first name I am TOTALLY stealing that idea :)

    @Mamabeagle No worries, there's always misunderstanding on the internet so I try not to assume the worst! And I can understand that (about liking a full formal name) 
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  • @Kittievr4 I agree with @kaswanson ...have you thought about using names similar to Gary such as Garrett, Garron, Garrison, Garth, etc. I definitely see where you're coming from! DH and I would love to name a child after  one of our grandfathers that have both past away during our lives, however I'm not too excited about having a son named Fred or Hobart. ;)
    I do think Warren Gary sounds nice! Or you could always have one of those kids that go by their middle names and have his real name be Gary Warren, some people are in to that.    
    Good luck, I hope family doesn't keep giving you a hard time!

    Me: 23   DH: 30

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    BFP on 9/8/16 after cycle #9 of 16 months TTC!! 1st US 10/3

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    Currently: Very anxious!!
  • I like Garrett Warren 
  • @Kittievr4 I agree with @kaswanson ...have you thought about using names similar to Gary such as Garrett, Garron, Garrison, Garth, etc. I definitely see where you're coming from! DH and I would love to name a child after  one of our grandfathers that have both past away during our lives, however I'm not too excited about having a son named Fred or Hobart. ;)
    I do think Warren Gary sounds nice! Or you could always have one of those kids that go by their middle names and have his real name be Gary Warren, some people are in to that.    
    Good luck, I hope family doesn't keep giving you a hard time!
        Or Gray.......same letters just moved around
  • I definitely appreciate the ideas ladies, though none of the Gary alternatives really appeal to me. I'll have to keep thinking about how Gary sounds or other alternates for it :)
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  • John Gray!
  • I like John Gary or John Warren. I think Gary can be a good name in either spot if you have the right second name to go with it, if that makes sense.
  • Gary seems super dated to me. My mom's name is Barbara and I wouldn't use it for the same reason- it's dated. It doesn't mean I don't love my mom and I wouldn't take offense to someone saying they don't like the name.

    Warren and John are both solid. 

    DX PCOS Jan 2012
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