Baby Names

2nd Guessing Boy Name

Hi all! We find out the sex of our baby in 9 days. We've had the name Anders Jude "Cushion" picked out since like week 6/7, but I am second guessing it now. 

Could you throw me some uncommon but known names? I prefer 2 syllables and for it to sound good with MN Jude. Baby's older sisters are E$me and Ph0ebe.


 <3 DD1- Aug11 <3o:) Angel Baby- June13, said goodbye Oct12 o:)<3 DD2- Aug13 <3<3 DD3- due Feb17 <3

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Re: 2nd Guessing Boy Name

  • Ethen/Ethan Jude
    Quinten Jude
    Ellison Jude
    Baxtor Jude
    Orson Jude
    Rafferty Jude

  • Alton

  • Loading the player...
  • Amos, Theodore, Shane, Paul, Samuel, Drew, Gage, Cade, Raymond, Xavier, Louis, Leon, Elijah, Hugo, Ian, Gus, Nigel, Rudy, Callum, Aaron, Harvey. 
  • Arlo Jude
    August Jude
    Avery Jude
    Langston Jude
    Hendrix Jude
    Lennon/Lennox Jude
    Poet Jude
    Orion Jude
    Memphis Jude
    Simeon Jude
    Titus Jude
    Gabriel Jude
    Talon Jude
    Oakley Jude
    Anchor Jude
    Archer Jude
    Thatcher Jude

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                                                                     Formerly ChoicesMom
                                                                         "Squishy" 2007
                                                           "Lyric" EDD Nov/4/11 - c/p Feb/11
                                                                            "Fishy" 2012
                                                                            "Bean" 2014
                                                             "Lux" EDD Apr/21/17 - c/p Aug/16
                                                       "Kokonah" EDD May/24/17 - m/c Oct/16
                                1 surprise - 1 Noonie - 1 preemie - 3 gone but not forgotten - One more on the way!!
                                                          Grab bag of mental health disorders
  • Maybe deciding on 2 or 3 name options and waiting until he's born to pick? (If baby is a he, of course!)

    This might be a weird thing to bug me, but I avoid choosing names that end in "s". I can never decide how to write or say either Anders's or Anders' when needing a possessive form.

    Isaiah Jude
    Caleb Jude
    Kellen Jude
    Ronan Jude
    Desmond Jude
    Asher Jude

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  • Is there a particular reason why you're second guessing it? I kind of love Anders, personally, and I think it goes nicely with your sibset. I also like PPs suggestions of Asher, Archer, and Arlo (I'm stuck on the A names, for some reason ;)). 
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Maybe deciding on 2 or 3 name options and waiting until he's born to pick? (If baby is a he, of course!)

    This might be a weird thing to bug me, but I avoid choosing names that end in "s". I can never decide how to write or say either Anders's or Anders' when needing a possessive form

    @SnarkasaurusRex a few reasons! What
    @FreshBakedBrownies said, and it suddenly feels like the epitome of hipster names. Also, we have a very good friend who's baby is named Asher. We see them 2-3x a week, I am wondering if its too similar.

     <3 DD1- Aug11 <3o:) Angel Baby- June13, said goodbye Oct12 o:)<3 DD2- Aug13 <3<3 DD3- due Feb17 <3

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I agree that Anders is quite nice despite your reservations. Are you looking for a Scandinavian names in particular?
  • I would skip Asher then if you truly do see those friends 2-3 times a week.

    FWIW, DS is James and I originally thought the possessive form would bother me, but it really doesn't. Both forms are grammatically correct, and I usually use James' because it looks cleaner to me.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • kimikimi said:
    I agree that Anders is quite nice despite your reservations. Are you looking for a Scandinavian names in particular?
    Not particularly, but they have been appealing to me more so than most other categories. the girl name we have picked is Heidi Josephine.

    @SnarkasaurusRex - thanks for the input! Do you say "James-es thingamajig" or do you just assume people know its possessive when you say "James thingamajig"?

     <3 DD1- Aug11 <3o:) Angel Baby- June13, said goodbye Oct12 o:)<3 DD2- Aug13 <3<3 DD3- due Feb17 <3

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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