1. Introduce yourself (if you're new):
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.):
3. Rants/raves:
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
Re: ***TTCAL Check-In Week of 9/12****
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): TWW DPO 4
3. Rants/raves: My rant is for some reason I'm waking up at 5 am everyday. At least last night I fell asleep at 10, but still super annoying! It's messing with my temps too. My temp dropped to the coverline today which would be either secondary estrogen surge or the fact that I took my temp at an ungodly hour.
My rave is that DH and I went house shopping in the suburbs yesterday. We currently live in a 2 BR condo in the city and its becoming increasingly clear to us that we will be very cramped in here with a (fingers crossed) baby and a dog. We are looking in an expensive suburb so we really can't afford much, but we did find a decent size house that needs a little bit of work, but is a good size! We aren't ready to make an offer yet, so hopefully it sits in the market awhile.
GTKY: I was super anxious about following wedding etiquette while planning my wedding last year and would google things constantly. Eventually I became somewhat active in the Knot community while planning and I lurked on TB on the Babies on the Brain board. I made the switch to TB right after my BFP and joined the June 2016 BMB. I hung out here after my first MC and then joined the November 2016 BMB after my second BFP. I came back here in May and have been here since.
ETF June 2016 BMB, not 2015
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): 3 DPO in my 3rd cycle TTCAL
3. Rants/raves: No rants this week, just raves- I'm excited to get back into "basic bitch" mode with pumpkin flavored everything
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
-Joined the October '16 BMB at the urging of my sisters who raved about how great it was for them during their pregnancies. I never thought that a forum/online community could be so helpful and supportive and beneficial for me throughout the different stages of my journey; I don't know what I would have done without it!
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): CD17, WTO...should be O'ing tomorrow, I triggered last night.
3. Rants/raves: Sort of in limbo right now My father-in-law really pissed me off on Friday night, and normally it takes me a while to get over that kind of stuff with my IL's...but I was relieved to realized I just didn't care enough to waste my energy on that.
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
I started using TB when I began my infertility adventure with my RE. I initially was very active in my TTTC board through my second BFP. I never went back after that loss. I lurk there every now and then, but it isn't as active and most of the posters I knew either moved to BMB or they seemed to have quietly slipped away like me. I came to TTCAL after my D&C/mc and it's where I've felt the most 'at home' and like me. I am so thankful to have a place where I can ask real questions, get honest answers, and support others going through this horrible loss. I guess I felt like once you've experience loss, everything about you and TTC changes and I needed to be somewhere where other people can relate to the highs and lows of going through that. I also see a therapist every now and then and I am considering going to an infertility support group at my local hospital. They meet this Friday, so we'll see.
*edited b/c it's Monday
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): WTO cd 3 of my second medicated cycle. Month 11 (just rolled over) TTC
3. Rants/raves: cd1 on a Saturday sucks because you can't get a hold of your RE to schedule a Monday baseline scan that you need to start clomid. It's stressing me out.
Oh. And it's my birthday. Just how everyone wants to spend it. No birthday sex except with the probe for IF treatments
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
i came over here when we first started TTC because I wanted to find a place I could talk about what we were going through and learn since none of my friends knew we were trying. I wound up staying because after loss, without you guys I would have been in a much worse place
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.16
RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
Clomid + TI Cycle #1: 50mg Trigger 8.24.2016- BFN
Clomid 75mg + IUI#1 9.25.2016- BFP #4 10/6
Beta #1 15 Beta #2 38 Beta #3- 71 beta #4 171 Beta # 5- 21 Natural MC 10/21
HSG- clear
IVF Jan 2017
Egg Retrieval 1.22.17: 32 eggs retrieved,29 mature, 24 fertilized, 14 to blastocyst for biopsy
PGS results: 4 PGS normal 2 XX, 2 XY
FET: 3.13.2017 for 2 PGS embryos
Beta#1: 3.24.2017......... 78; Beta # 2 241; Beta #3 4198
Baby BOY due 11.29.2017
Sorry the birthday sex will be with something long, cold, and hard
1. Introduce yourself (if you're new): Not new. I'm Renae and am waiting for my third miscarriage. Found out no heartbeat on my birthday almost two weeks ago.
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): Benched (per above).
3. Rants/raves: DH is out of town, but my mom is staying with me while he is gone. I was worried about having the m/c alone, but no signs of it as of yet.
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
I joined TB last June after my first BFP, but never posted. After the loss, I never logged back in. We were finally able to TTC in July 2016 (self-imposed bench for one reason after another: packing, selling house, moving, out of state for business during FW, and two months of UTIs), so I logged in and found this board. I was hoping to find a community that understood the stress of TTCAL. I found that here and am grateful for the support and hope that I give support and comfort to at least some. I do not participate in any other forums.
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
Not new, but trying to use less frequently at the moment, so I apologize if I seem random.
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.):
3 dpIUI
3. Rants/raves: Two raves:
a. IUI on Friday was a breeze, had a million more swimmers than last time (still on the low side, but that's a million more chances!).
b. Over a month ago, we discovered a leak under our dishwasher that led us to have to replace the flooring, so we went ahead and planned a few upgrades and since DH used to work in carpentry/construction, he is doing the work himself (with a little help from me). He has seriously impressed me with his work ethic, skills, and knowledge. I am so grateful for him because I am seriously out of my depth with all of this stuff! It's going to be awesome once it's completed!
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
I found TB during my first pregnancy back in 2013. I lurked and then suffered a loss, so I bailed until the next BFP. Again, I lurked until my loss. At the time, I noticed how catty and petty the members were on the BMBs. I didn't appreciate it and thought it was pretty immature. During pregnancy #3 and subsequent conceptions, I avoided it completely. I had been so turned off by the BMBs and my perspective about TTC had been changed so much, I just didn't have time for that nonsense. After my fifth loss, I found the MC/Loss board and sought comfort there. No one in my real life can really relate to my overall experience. I don't know anyone with as many losses as I have, at least without any living children, so it's hard to find the right support. The MC/Loss board was great and from there I found TTCAL which has been my home since early this year. I dabble on the IF board, mostly on the monthly IUI threads, but this is the best spot on The Bump as far as I am concerned.
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
2) TWW, 3dpo
3) The Patriots won!!! I don't know if anyone else stayed up to watch and I'm not sure if there are any Cardinals fans here (I apologize for rehashing it if there are) BUT we (aka the Patriots) were SO close to losing and the Arizona missed a last minute FG to give us the W! No one was betting on the Pats since we were playing without our two best players so this makes the win even sweeter!
4) I joined TB when I found out we were having twins and realized I had no idea what I was going to do. But I only posted one or two questions (I don't even remember the board) before I found out they were sick. I stepped away for nearly a year after our loss and rejoined when I realized that I needed support from ppl who understood, I needed to stop just talking to my friends and family who had no clue and I wasn't in a spot where I felt like going to a therapist. I participate here and TTTC since we've been trying so long (3 years next month) and have lurked the Infertility board but figured I would hold off from participating over there until after our RE appt in November.
Married 7/13
TTC #1 since 10/13
BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
IUI #1 2/25/16
@DungeonTrollMel I am so sorry for the anxiety of not being able to reach your doctor. I hope that you'll get in today to have the baseline and get the direction you need. Also sorry that your birthday is being overshadowed by this TTC shit.
@Aera11 I am sorry that your FIL pissed you off. Family is so difficult to manage sometimes, especially the in-laws! Good for you for not giving it to much more thought, it sounds like he definitely does not deserve your energy or attention!
@szwill86 You cracked me up with the "basic bitch" comment! Too funny. We're cycle buddies! When do you plan to test?
@chloe97 I understand Chicago is an expensive place to live, so I can imagine how it would be difficult to accommodate a growing family in the confines of the city. Do you both work in the city? How long of a commute do you expect to make? Good luck house hunting! Looking at houses is one of my favorite past times.
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
Not new. Two MCs in Dec. '15 and April '16.
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.):
Benched. Need to retest APS antibodies and thyroid. Also, things have been so crazy outside of TTC that we need things to go back to "normal" before we feel we can handle the stress of TTCAL. I think this means I'll be on the bench until December
3. Rants/raves:
We went to a wine club event with our friends this weekend which was a lot of fun. We liked almost all the wines we got to taste, and the pours were generous. Overall a good weekend.
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums
I started lurking TB a looong time ago when H and I were thinking about TTC. I wanted to learn as much as I could to speed this up (I naively thought that getting pregnant would be the hardest part). I joined TB and started posting a bit on TTGP in June 2015, but my thyroid was taking forever to regulate and I felt awkward posting on TB when I had no idea when we'd be able to TTC, so I stopped checking TB for a while. We got the go-ahead to TTC in November right before my FW, so I didn't want to be "that girl" that joined TTGP and got a BFP two weeks later so I didn't participate, and then I never really got involved with my first BMB. I started posting here after my loss because you ladies are awesome and I have no idea what I would have done without you all. You are my people. I couldn't go back to TTGP after my loss(es) because I just can't handle the naïveté and excitement around newbies TTCing. I don't participate in any other TTC forums because Glow and Baby Center scare me.... So much misinformation is pandered on those sites, particularly glow. *shudder*
ETA: I knew about TB because, like @chloe97, I was moderately active on The Knot when I was planning my wedding. That was back in 2010.
And plus also, Happy Birthday @DungeonTrollMel!
even if the party is with the U/S technician!
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): I'm 13 days post D&C. Just waiting for the spotting to stop and AF to come. I have a follow up with my family doctor next week and hope to have the green light to TTC after AF.
3. Rants/raves: Rant is that I'm still waiting for spotting to be over. I'm coming up on a month since we found out we lost the baby and it doesn't feel "over" since I'm getting this daily reminder. Rave is that my DH is the best. I know he's dealing with this too but he's been giving me whatever I need through this nightmare.
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
I started when I was pregnant with DS. I lurked the May14 board under a different user name and just started posting when all the drama happened. It left a bad taste and I left TB but didn't follow the others. When I got this BFP I came back and joined the BMB until I came here.
2.) Benched until AF comes I think.
3.) Going to see an RE tmrw for RPL testing since my dr's office has been useless throughout this whole process. When I went to see my dr back in Feb 2015 telling her we were ready to ttc her advice was "relax and it will happen." The only think they have told me through 2 mmc now is that it happens and if I bleed a lot to go to the ER. I just think they are way to laid back for anyone with any sort of problem. So Im feeling good that I am at least doing something that might get us some answers but I also know that 50% of testing for RPL comes up with nothing. But I just keep telling myself one step at a time....
** Question** Did anyone else go through RPL testing and if so were you benched during it?
4.) Joined the bump after 8 months of ttc when I got a BFN on Christmas day and was feeling pretty low after that. Mostly lurked on the ttgp board but learned a lot and ended up getting a BFP that month. Since then I have lurked on October 2016 BMB, then to ttcal, lurked on March 2016 BMB then back here. This Board has definitely felt most like home even when I didn't participate a ton. I feel like after you have suffered a loss/losses that you are instantly bonded with someone who has gone through the same thing. Its hard to relate to people who are just so excited about ttgp and about being in the first trimester of pg when those things have not been happy things for me.
Happy birthday @dungeontrollMel - Happy birthday! Im truly sorry for the sucky birthday circumstances. Hopefully you can treat yourself to something to make up for it!
So, depending on the results from testing, you may end up on the bench. A good thing to remember is that even for women who find nothing wrong during testing, the future success rates for pregnancy are high. Hugs. I'm sorry you find yourself going through this testing!
@TScalei I also started RPL testing after 2 losses. Basically it consists of CD3 blood tests and an HSG Cd6-11. I never got any official word that I should be on the bench. I'm pretty sure it's because most RE patients are not getting pregnant on their own, so unless there's a really legitimate reason to be benched- they don't think to recommend it. Your Dr will know after your testing if there are any major issues- PCOS or other hormonal imbalances, so maybe they will give you advice to bench at that point, but if all looks good- they will probably suggest IVF+PGS as an option or trying again naturally. The rates of live birth are basically the same for both after 2 MCs.
@fivetimesnoluck Good to see you here! No worries about popping on and off, we all need a TB break from time to time. Yes- houses in Chicago can be pricey! DH and I both actually work in the suburbs, so our commutes will be better when we move. There are much more affordable suburbs, but we want to be closer to my ILs when we have our hypothetical kids. Also this is where DH grew up, so he's got attachment to the area.
@NewMommyCoop Thinking of you. Hope things get started for you soon so you can move on. Sending hugs!
@szwill86 LMAO at the basic bitch comment
@DungeonTrollMel happy birthday!! I'm sorry it's no fun in the sex department but I hope you can find something else to do to make it fab.
@fivetimesnoluck i'm so impressed your husband is able to do all/most of the work himself. my DH has many great qualities but the man can barely hang a picture.
1. Introduce yourself (if you're new): I'm not new but a quick re-intro. I'm ttcal number 2, I had an ectopic in February and ttcal since May.
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): CD4 and feeling blah.
3. Rants/raves: rant- i finally pulled the trigger and started the refinancing process. I have been putting it off out of sheer laziness but I know it will save us a ton of money so I finally got my act together and compiled all our documents and sent everything over to the bank. Way too much adulting for a Monday morning if you ask me.
4. GTKY: Tell us about your history with The Bump. How did you find the Bump community? What made you start participating in The Bump? Do you participate in any other TTC forums?
** TW child mentioned** I joined TB back around March 2014 when I was pregnant with DS and clueless, I was the first of my close friends to get pregnant and I needed people to talk to who knew what I was going through. I also had a ton of questions. I never participated in any online forum before or since but i fell in love with my bmb. At first I was turned off by the bitchiness and snark but it settled down and we found our groove. TB imploded shortly after DS was born and I hadn't been back until I got ku in January. I lurked O16 but never participated, I knew from the beginning something wasn't right. I found this board after my ectopic and have been here ever since. I am still very close with girls from my bmb, they are some of my best friends.
Married 10/12
DS 11/14
Ectopic 2/16
PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
IUI x 3- BFN
Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
FET- 6/17- BFP!
Due Feb 15, 2017
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
@RiverSong15 - Sorry for the long bench.
@MyNamesTaken and @TScalei I'm sorry for your losses. Hoping we can all get back on regular cycles quickly.
@chloe97 Thank you. I really am too. We have a trip to Colorado in October and I want to have all of this done before then. My OB is going to prescribe Misoprostol on Friday.
Has anyone else used Misoprostol instead of waiting to naturally miscarry or having a D&C?
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
2. Benched after a c-section in July. High-risk OB recommends waiting until at least January. Midwife recommends waiting until October. We want to get started ASAP and haven't decided whose advice we'll follow.
3. I LOVE to knit, but I only made a few things for our son because we didn't know if he'd survive. Now I've decided to start knitting a gorgeous unisex baby wardrobe. If you build it, they will come? *grin*
4. I joined TB in November after our BFP. I was thrilled and wanted to share the news with someone, but felt too cautious after our loss to tell friends and family. The July 2016 BMB was so awesome/hilarious/snarky/supportive. When we got the bad news, they were there for me. When we temporarily moved out of state for our son's birth and surgery, they sent care packages and so much love. When he died, they bought a brick in his name to be laid in the garden at the hospital's family housing. They are incredible women.
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
2. Status: Got the word that everything is on track for my second FET tomorrow! This will be my second & last frozen embryo, so hoping for better luck all around.
3. Rants/raves: Totally random, but the progesterone I am on is making me crazy. I have two cats and my older one (8yrs) never sleeps with me and last night she decided to sleep next to me. This put me into, OMG, something is wrong, why is the cat sleeping with me, she must be sick!?!? Pretty sure this was fueled by taking her to the vet this weekend for a checkup and watching a sad Youtube about friend's cat that passed.
4. GTKY: I first started using TB during my round of IVF when I only ended up with two embryos to freeze and needed support. The ladies on the Infertility board have been so wonderful and supportive. I also lurked on the May BMB, and they seemed like a good group and not too bitchy. After my loss, I did not think about this being a board until the other week when we learned the FET in Sept was a go.
@pleasesendpicklesnow - That is so incredibly nice and thoughtful what the July BMB did for you. Im so glad you had that support during a difficult time.
@mjacks16 - fx for you!
@newmommycoop - I didn't opt for the Mistropol I miscarried naturally both times. I know that Mistropol makes everything a bit more intense and sometimes doesn't work the first time. Honestly, that kind of scared me. Since I mc naturally the first time and it was "manageable" I wanted to wait it out so I waited 2 weeks to mc naturally. If it was any longer than 2 weeks I was going to call my drs office and try to go the d&c route. I figured I could at least schedule the D&c and then if I mc naturally in the interim I could cancel. Not meaning to alarm with this just telling you my thought process for it. Im so sorry you are still waiting I know how awful it is. Im sending you hugs and fx it just happens naturally for you soon!
2. Status (WTO, TWW, Benched, etc.): WTO, CD 17. OPKs remain white as can be, so probably have another week yet before FW.
3. Rants/raves: This cycle follows the first from last month where I believe I ovulated since the MC, so my body is taking it's sweet time regulating. I did bloodwork in July because of abnormal uterine bleeding (~5 weeks of bleeding) and it shows a slightly elevated TSH level and elevated prolactin. I have an appt with my OBGYN Wednesday so going to address those issues then. But, I'm feeling much better this cycle and hopeful that I'll ovulate.
This Wednesday (9/14) was supposed to by my first EDD, so that's weighing heavily, especially as I got news this week that two others who had MC after me have their BFPs, including my SIL.
4. GTKY: I didn't find the Bump until after my MC, but I believe I was trying to find information about how long it would take until my hcg levels would drop to zero and found the Miscarriage/Loss Board. It was very comforting to know I wasn't alone in this and I've lurked the forums, including TTGP and TTCAL for months. You all are so knowledgeable and helpful!
BFP: 10.3.16 | CP: 10.11.16
BFP: 12.14.16 | CP: 12.14.16
BFP: 1.23.17 | EDD 10.6.17 -- DS born 10.7.17
BFP: 9.9.18 | EDD 5.23.19 -- DD born 5.24.19
BFP: 9.1.21 | MC 10.1.21
Anybody else have experience with or knowledge about misoprostol?
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
Its hard to compare b/c I took cytotec at 6 weeks and had 2 D&Cs at 10+ weeks, but in terms of recovering and anxiety- I thought I recovered much faster from cytotec. I also obviously wasn't TTC right away, so it's hard to judge. A friend had no issues and said that she felt good enough to go to work the next day. I bled like crazy for a week and passed the sac a week later- on Xmas at a rest stop in the middle of Wisconsin, alone bc my BF at the time was visiting family out of the country.
Either way it just sucks and I wish you weren't going through this!
I never elected to have D&C, mostly because I didn't need to, but I also was scared of how much it would cost - even with insurance - and the thought of getting that bill always seemed like it would be insult on top of injury. But, again... I didn't have to have one - I am sure I would have followed doctor's orders should that have been the case. I am sure you will feel fine with whatever you decide. It's a tough place to be though, and I am sorry you're going through it at all.
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
@fivetimesnoluck the HP queen got a remote control wand for my TV. My dreams are complete
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.16
RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
Clomid + TI Cycle #1: 50mg Trigger 8.24.2016- BFN
Clomid 75mg + IUI#1 9.25.2016- BFP #4 10/6
Beta #1 15 Beta #2 38 Beta #3- 71 beta #4 171 Beta # 5- 21 Natural MC 10/21
HSG- clear
IVF Jan 2017
Egg Retrieval 1.22.17: 32 eggs retrieved,29 mature, 24 fertilized, 14 to blastocyst for biopsy
PGS results: 4 PGS normal 2 XX, 2 XY
FET: 3.13.2017 for 2 PGS embryos
Beta#1: 3.24.2017......... 78; Beta # 2 241; Beta #3 4198
Baby BOY due 11.29.2017
@fivetimesnoluck My OB did not mention a pill. She said it would be a cream that you put on a tampon and wear overnight. Did you have any MMC? As for doctor's orders, she said she preferred to wait and see, but she would not let it go past four weeks. When I talked to her last week about waiting another week and then doing the cream, she thought that was a good approach. I guess we will talk about it more on Friday. I will ask her about pain meds though. Thank you for the info.
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
@mjacks16 FX for your FET tomorrow, keep us posted
@PleaseSendPicklesNow I was in the July '16 BMB briefly too and loved the ladies there. I lurked the August one because my EDD was end of July but found so much comfort in the July one that I just stayed there until my m/c.
About misoprostol @NewMommyCoop I took it just before my D&C. I had a MMC that was detected at 8w and only measured 6w. My doctor told me to wait 2 weeks and if it didn't happen naturally, he recommended the D&C. So the day of the procedure I was at the hospital from the morning (total fast) and they gave me the pill 2 or 3 hours before the procedure to help getting all the tissue out. I started cramping and bleeding intensely, but soon enough I was going to surgery.
My procedure went very well, I bled a lot for a week (it was much worse than 1st day AF for like 5 days) but got strong pain medication to handle it at home. I took days off from work and rested at home. It was good for me to stop being on the limbo and have closure about my loss. Then I started to grieve my angel baby that was no longer with me.
i hope yours will go very well too!
BFP 01.03.2016 / MMC 6w5d D&C 02.2016 // BFP 05.06.16 / natural MC 05.12.16
Benched 06.2016-08.2016 / TTC again 09.2016! On a diet. Cranky.
BFP 10.02.2016 / NT scan at 12w looked normal / Anatomy scan at 20w everything ok
Team blue! / EDD June 11th 2017
DAVID ROGER was born on May 23rd at 37 weeks.
Architect, Peruvian living in Chile. I love art, opera and good chocolate.
Started PhD studies in Architecture on 2017.
Fur mom of a rescued miniature poodle called Luke Skywalker.
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
T w -----------
When I had my CP that was a natural MC it surprised me at home really early -thank God- and DH was with me. It was really painful and a lot of bleeding. But the worst part was having to see the things coming out of me. And then expecting some more bleeding and tissue passing. That was so awful to experience.
im sorry it sucks so bad!
hugs to you
BFP 01.03.2016 / MMC 6w5d D&C 02.2016 // BFP 05.06.16 / natural MC 05.12.16
Benched 06.2016-08.2016 / TTC again 09.2016! On a diet. Cranky.
BFP 10.02.2016 / NT scan at 12w looked normal / Anatomy scan at 20w everything ok
Team blue! / EDD June 11th 2017
DAVID ROGER was born on May 23rd at 37 weeks.
Architect, Peruvian living in Chile. I love art, opera and good chocolate.
Started PhD studies in Architecture on 2017.
Fur mom of a rescued miniature poodle called Luke Skywalker.
@NewMommyCoop I had two D&C's and recovery was vastly different between the two. After my first, I had heavy bleeding/passing clots and lots of contraction like cramping the next day. It was very intense. I bled for about ten days afterwards, like a heavy period tapering off. After my second, I had a small amount of brown spotting for a day or two. No pain, essentially. Just wanted to share that the experiences can be different for each person, and different for the same person more than once. It's hard to predict what path is the easiest to choose. Each option had pros and cons. I found that being asleep and knowing things were "complete" was very helpful to me. I hope you can come to a decision that is right for you. Sending hugs your way.
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
The 2nd d&c, I did end up with some retained tissue and my OB assured me that this is a rare occurrence. I had a hysterscopy and d&c to remove the retained tissue but what they found was that I had a fibroid and the tissue was stuck to it, so both were removed. The fibroid may have been causing the MC's, so I'm glad they needed to go back in with a scope.
I hope this helps.
Me 31, DH 30
BFP #2: 5/25/16, MC 6/23/16 (8 weeks), D&C 6/24/16, 2nd D&C for retained tissue and fibroid removal 9/1/16
BFP #3: 12/24/16 EDD 09/04/2017
Happy, happy birthday @DungeonTrollMel!!!
1. Hey! Again! I'm Amber! "ruka" is Swahili for "jump". Just always liked it. CP January and developed Graves disease about 2 weeks later. @laeberge3 I'll take some of your TSH, if you don't mind . It's finally started to not be "undetectable" but I still have a long way to go.
2. TWW 3 DPO.
3. R/R. Nothing too crazy this week.
4. GTKY: I started lurking on TB immediately but about one week later when I found out it was a CP, I discovered the miscarriage board and what an amazing, strong group of people we all are. Which led me to TTCAL. I couldn't even lurk for a long time on TTGP because of what PP said, now I do occasionally but find it's the online equivalent of a mosh pit, no?
CP 1/25/16 4.5 weeks, developed Graves' disease
Not going to lie, but it kind of pisses me off that TB got rid of a lot of these "controversial" boards and groups have disappeared. It would be nice to have a place to go when your pregnancy wasn't textbook to discuss the issues specific to your pregnancy. Instead you have to count on your BMB having someone knowledgable in it. Not helpful.