December 2016 Moms

Why my pregnant self is crying- September!

Why are you crying?

I thought I'd been getting better with the whole 'crying about everything' thing. My DH was in FL for a week, he got home late last night and needles to say... I was in bed, asleep. When I woke up and went downstairs, I saw a present for each of our kids, including baby Lucas. Immediate tears, a few sobs, and now a congested nose. 
He got our eldest a Harry Potter wand (we all love HP), my middle a set of princess dolls (I don't know how she is so girly), and their little brother a HP onesie! So cute, and I wish I could stop crying...

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Re: Why my pregnant self is crying- September!

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    @slartybartfast that song makes me cry every time too!

    @yellingbanana your hubs is one thoughtful guy! That was so sweet of him!

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    ^ that song was one that my husband wanted in our wedding, so it always gets me too! If only it wasn't from Twilight... haha 
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    @ea301 - I didn't know it was from Twilight!  :neutral:

    @Mamax2 - Oh lord - I couldn't even get through reading that without the tears starting.
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    @KatieJo1205 Don't let that ruin it for you (that is, if you don't like Twilight)... it is a great song! 

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    Songs really get to me.  Yesterday it was A Thousand Years by Christina Perri.  First I was crying thinking about BF but then I started thinking about how the chorus (below) applies to baby and totally lost it:

    I have died every day waiting for you
    Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
    For a thousand years
    I'll love you for a thousand more

    And now I'm tearing up again.
    Thanks a lot! Now I'm crying again! Lol 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @KatieJo1205 I was bawling.
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    I get weepy for no apparent reason. Last night FI asked (politely) "What are you crying for now?" And I was very weepy and snot-nosed and couldn't give him an answer so I just cried harder. Hormones are raging!
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    I feel bad for you girls - I, fortunately, haven't had any issues with spontaneously or otherwise crying.... didn't with DS either. I seem to be able to keep the hormones in check without crying or raging when pregnant. Hugs to you!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Austenista  Austenista member
    edited September 2016
    I decided to catch up with season 2 of Outlander this week. I won't spoil what happens, and even though I knew what was going to happen in episode 7 because I've read the books, I sobbed and sobbed, and had to eventually pull myself together. What can I say? I did it to myself. Walked right into that one with my eyes open. Still, I was a sniveling, snotty mess. 
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    I cried when DH and DD got to see a doctor and we're both diagnosed with bronchitis and pneumonia....and my OB won't even see me until I have a fever for 3+ days and doesn't authorize antibiotics for bronchitis. I'm dying over here and my husband and kid get antibiotics and inhalers. My Dr said Tylenol and cough syrup. Ugh! 

    I also cried when DH said he was taking the rest of the week off work (not even working from home) on tuesday. I had to keep going all week because I don't have a dr note or enough pto to take off time before the baby. 

    I cried when I woke up this morning with a splitting headache then proceeded to puke because of it...then got dressed and went to work. And I want to cry now because this dang migraine just started to come back. Ahhhhh.
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

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    @sourlemon - that sounds like compete hell. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
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    @sourlemon - that sounds like compete hell. 

    Agreed! That's really rough @sourlemon! Drink lots of liquid, tea time!!! Hot water with lemon and honey. I'm prone to bronchitis, and everyone on my house has a cold right now, except for me. Im pretty sure it's that cake batter that I ate last week, and all that won ton soup, and the Costco blueberry muffins...;) I'm starting to eat a lot even though I don't feel like eating. Once I get started its like a marathon... 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @sourlemon yikes I'm really sorry you feel so terrible.  Hopefully tea will help with some relief.

    I've been crying over pretty much every book I read, whether it's happy or sad - I end up crying.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Me: 34 DH: 36
    Married 10/15/11
    M/C October 2014
    BFP #2 4/3/16  EDD 12/8/16  DS 11/19/16

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    @sourlemon that sounds awful! It's ridiculous how pregnant women are treated with regard to maternity leave in our country. I don't have the PTO accrued for a decent leave with baby, so most of mine will be unpaid. With an early return. It makes me ragey, even when I'm not pregnant.

    @katiejo1216 Songs are getting to me too...but in a different way. I teared up when DD was watching the Shake It Off video for the 10,000th time today because I started thinking about that daddy/daughter shake it off video and how cute it was. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person to ever get weepy during the twerking scene of Shake It Off...
    December '16 BMB

    Baby #1                                                            

    ~BFP 03/22/14 EDD 12/05/14~                       
    ~Baby Z born 11/28/14~
    Baby #2
    ~04/19/16 EDD 12/26/16~
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    yellingbananayellingbanana member
    edited September 2016
    @sourlemon that sounds awful! It's ridiculous how pregnant women are treated with regard to maternity leave in our country. I don't have the PTO accrued for a decent leave with baby, so most of mine will be unpaid. With an early return. It makes me ragey, even when I'm not pregnant.
    I so agree! Sometimes I'm tempted to move to Canada, it's only a 2 hr drive from where we currently live. But my friend told me moms get 1 year off paid in Canada, and ever since then, I'm like wtf is wrong with us? All other developed countries seem to have better maternity benefits, is it just me?

    So the crying, I've been crying because I feel like my DDs are growing so fast, and they're so sweet to baby in my belly. They are always giving him kisses and talking to him.
    With my grandpa passed just yesterday, I've been thinking about everything he taught me. I feel like I wouldn't be who I am without his influence, and that makes me cry. Then I think about how angry and in pain he was at that makes me cry. I'm just a walking sprinkler at this point, don't mind me. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @katiejo1216 I came to this thread as a lurker and now I'm seriously crying. I had the piano version (by Piano Guys) of that song as my "walking down the aisle" song for me at my wedding. Oh the memories!!!
    So emotional. Bawling!

    p.s. I also did not know it was from Twilight since I never saw the movies, but one of my bridesmaids told me after so I wouldn't be swayed to possibly change my mind before the wedding.
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    @yellingbananaI am so sorry about your grandpa. Hugs.
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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    Dear lord, what is with the crying for no apparent reason? Sunday and Monday were just...sob-fests without any particular explanation or provocation.

    On Sunday DH and I had been watching TV and then stopped for dinner. After dinner he asked me nicely if I'd like to watch something else or keep watching the same show. Queue weird sobbing, crumple face ugly cry. Why was I crying? Mostly because I didn't want to watch TV anymore. I wanted to go snuggle on the bed. DH happily accommodated me, but why couldn't I just say that's what I wanted without crying? 

    Then yesterday we were having another relaxing day. I had gotten up early, grabbed a snack and was reading my book while I let him sleep in. When he got up he started making us breakfast immediately but we weren't having much conversation while he was scrambling the eggs. And I just start crying. It gets so bad I go in our bedroom and close the door and I just do that thing where you're crying so hard no sound comes out. He eventually wrangles me out of the bed and convinces me to eat and I calm down. 

    Then, we reconvene on the couch where I attach myself to him needily (no explanation). And then I start crying about the things that were bad in my childhood, my concern that he might die first, and lastly I start fear crying about how the baby is going to have to come out of my vagina or be cut out of me. I'm not even that scared about that really! What the heck brought that part on? I don't know.

    My boobs were kind of leaky after that too, so I'm guessing I just had a holy hormone-fest. Here's hoping today stays tear free for the sanity of everyone in this house. 
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    @austenista - that definitely sounds like a hormones joy ride. I can definitely relate. Having a new or different symptom afterward as proof is always sort of gratifying.

    I have a feeling I will be crying the majority of the days til this baby is born. It's just gonna be a third tri reality. The discomfort is ever present and crying about it just feels good.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
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    @slartybartfast I'm with you. I've almost cried about five times today just because I'm so tired
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    .@lisa3379 omg I've been ugly crying at that commercial since I got pregnant.  

    I'm also in the "crying constantly for no reason" camp.  I could always cry pretty easily so my husband is pretty used to it, but any little sad thought for no reason can come floating through my head and I'll be a sobbing mess for an hour. 
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    @Lisa3379 and @Fauxpa me too! I can't watch that commercial when it comes on because it makes me cry every time. DH thinks I've lost it.
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    Bruce Springsteen. Secret Garden. That is all.

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     I cried in the drive through at Tim Hortons because there were no more pumpkin spice muffins left :/
    TT#1 July 2015
    BFP#1 & MC:August 2015 
    BFP: #2 10/01/2015 MC: 10/09/2015   BFP #3: 12/22/2015 @ 5 weeks  MC/CP: 12-23-2015
    Fertility Appointment: Feb 23/16, Hysteroscopy 03/02/2016,
    BFP #4: 03/31/16 EDD 12/01/2016 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    I'm on the "crying for no apparent reason" train as well. On Friday it was because I'm being assigned to a different job duty which I am ok with because it'll be easier on myself and less stress for me. Today I started crying because I was hungry and I had ate all my food that I had brought to work. 

    Wah me. 
     Me (28), H (30)
    Together Since 04/21/2009; Married Since 05/29/2013

    Baby Boy born 11/30/16  <3

    Baby #2 Due December 4

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    Up until now I haven't really cried much. Last night I just sat on the bed, after trying to fall asleep for an hour, and just started crying because I'm so uncomfortable and tired. Not like in pain, just uncomfortable. And I feel gross. And DH and I haven't had sex in awhile, and it's making me feel insecure...not that I've even really wanted to have sex that much...but just that maybe he doesn't want me? Even though I know that's not true. I'm a hormonal mess. Ugh.
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    DH has his screensaver set to show a random pictures slideshow. Everytime I walk by the office (which is a lot, it's by the stairs), I see pictures of when my girls were toddlers or babies and my eyes automatically start leaking. It makes me sad how fast they grow, and that this baby isn't even born yet, but I know it'll be the same. He will grow so fast that I will forget what he looked like at certain stages and I'll have to look back at pictures. So don't feel bad about taking a ton of pictures of your babies! Take a lot of pictures and videos! Thank bob for awesome phone cameras!!!! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    I have been complaining about getting big and people commenting about my size, but now that I'm getting closer to the end, and today I cried that it is going to be over soon. I know, doesn't make sense at all. DH also doesn't want anymore after this, and it sounds so final that it makes me sad. I am going to try and convince him to wait a year until we are sure about no more.
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    We went over to our new rental house last night to fill out our move in inspection list. We're both really paranoid about deposit kind of issues, so we're very detailed on the form about every little thing and take a million pictures. Our last house was a disaster. Like it was seriously falling down. This house is 1000 times nicer. Sure, it could use a coat of paint, but in reality it's a nice house. But it was getting to me having to find and note every little issue. 

    Then MIL and FIL wanted to stop by and see the house. We're less than a mile from them now, so sure, come on over. They proceeded to walk the whole house and point out every issue/thing they didn't like/what they would have done differently. They weren't really trying to be negative, but I was already feeling crappy and it just felt like they were ripping me house apart. They did this for almost 2 hours. When they finally left, I just broke. FI suggested we be done for the night and come back tomorrow to do the rest. I gladly accepted at the time, but now I'm dreading going back to finish tonight =\
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