Baby Names


We finally have our girl names narrowed down to the final four, but simply cannot decide. Maybe it will hit us when we meet her, but in the meantime I would like to see opinions on our choices thus far. Here is a little background info on our family... we have a 2-year old son named Greyson and our last name is one syllable and starts with P. Middle name options are Claire, Elyse, Kate, and Jade and can be easily interchanged with the first name options.

1) Everly:  I love Evelyn, but my husband thinks it sounds old. He loves Avery, but I think it sounds too generic. Enter our compromise... Everly. 

2) Penelope:  Adorable! I think it would transition from little girl to young woman beautifully. Plus, my mom always called me Nellie growing up, so naturally Penelope could become Nellie and would have significant meaning. My husband hates it...

3) Briella: This is my husbands favorite. He would call her Brie for short. We talked about Gabriella since it would flow nicely with our son's name (Greyson) but decided against it with fear she would become "Gabby" to some. I don't hate Briella, but I can't convince myself that I love it either.

4) Blakely: There is no rhyme or reason for this one... We just both think it's cute. But is it too cutesy? Too boyish for a girl?


  • I only like Penelope, the rest are a little too Teen Mom to me. If your H doesn't like Penelope, though, that won't work. If you like Nellie, how about Danielle? I'd even enjoy Daniella over Briella. 

    Elyse as a first name
    Claire as a first name or Clara, Clairinda
  • Penelope is my fav out of the four for sure. I can deal with Everly but I do not think that it ages well. Really dislike Briella and Blakely is a no no. 
    Penelope Jade would be my pick with Everly Kate second. 
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  • Another vote for Penelope, the others are trendy/teen mom ish.

    But unfortunately,  if your husband hates it, it can't really be an option. 

    I'd say go with Gabriella.  Introduce her as Gabriella nn Brie. 
  • Penelope is great.  It's classy and wont be time stamped.  

    The others are trend city and I agree a bit teen mom vibe.  

    Gabriella is much much much better than Briella.  Blakely is like Blake into a smooshname and doesn't sound sophisticated.  Everly is very trendy and reminds me of Jenna and Channing Tatum.  

    Based off of these:


  • Penelope by a long mile. PP are right. The rest are awful teen mom, and probably won't have the staying power that Penelope has (meaning they will 'date' her, like the Jessicas / Jennifers / Stephanies born in the 80s)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My vote is for Gabriella and then nn her Briella or find another name that gives you the nn Brie like Briana. Penelope is my 2nd choice but I'm not a huge fan of the name and I don't think it ages well. The others are teen mom like pps have said.
  • edited August 2016
    I could be wrong but Penelope looks like the only legit name on your list.  The rest seem made up.  Do you not like Brielle instead of Briella?

    I think Blakely is the worst offender of the whole list though - it's base is a boy's name and then it just got special snowflake selling to make it into a fake name.

    ETA Ahhhh sorry I didn't realized this thread was a few days old.  ignore me!
  • I only like Penelope as well. 
  • Middle name options are Claire, Elyse, Kate, and Jade and can be easily interchanged with the first name options.

    1) Everly:  This one is my fave. I like whimsical names. Everly Kate is a safe bet, but I kind of like Everly Elyse too! Other suggestion would be Katherine Everly, and you could call her Kate. 

    2) Penelope:  This one is NMS, but if you love it, perhaps you could call her Nellie and your DH could call her his "Lucky Penny?" Any of the MNs work here. 

    3) Briella: I don't love this one. It sounds stunted without the "Ga" on the front. As for the NN thing, you could easily cut off the "Gabby" phenomenon by just saying "Actually, I go by Bri" (I'd avoid Brie, as it's a type of cheese, and if you go with the shortened version, don't use Jade for a MN.)

    4) Blakely: Another poster asked about this one. I think it's pretty unisex, particularly if you live down south. I'd use Elyse or Kate on this one. Claire doesn't flow well IMO, and I again suggest avoiding the initials BJ. 

    Good luck and God bless!
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
  • Everly and Blakely are trendy non-names that will eventually seem dated.  I like Penelope, but your husband hates it, so that is dead in the water.


    Is the only reason you hate Gabriella the fact that you don't like Gabby as a nn?  I mean that's pretty easy to get around, just start calling her Brie and that's what people will call her.  There is a risk that your daughter will decide she prefers Gabby, but that's completely her right.  Briella doesn't seem like a real name, but Gabriella is really nice.






    Helen, Helena, Ellen, Janelle (all possible Nellie nn)

  • delujm0 said:

    Everly and Blakely are trendy non-names that will eventually seem dated.  I like Penelope, but your husband hates it, so that is dead in the water.


    Is the only reason you hate Gabriella the fact that you don't like Gabby as a nn?  I mean that's pretty easy to get around, just start calling her Brie and that's what people will call her.  There is a risk that your daughter will decide she prefers Gabby, but that's completely her right.  Briella doesn't seem like a real name, but Gabriella is really nice.






    Helen, Helena, Ellen, Janelle (all possible Nellie nn)

    To the bolded: YES. Also, if you're in the market for a NN, I know a Gabrielle that goes by "Briley." I've always liked that nn. 
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