I hate hate hate when people post their opinion about something on Facebook. My aunt does this all day long. "Thank goodness they are making steps to remove the policy that transgendered can use the ladies room blah blah blah" "gay marriage is wrong!" "Black lives matter isn't a thing" all this stuff. When you post shit like that on facebook it's like you are walking into my kitchen while I make coffee and you start shouting at me about how I should agree with you. There was actually a study that showed 90% of people say they will not be swayed by something someone says online. Basically you are sharing your opinion and if someone tries to argue the point you plug your ears and go "LALALALALALA". So I assume those who post like that is the equivalent of those who just like to hear themselves talk and want their opinions validated rather than looking for an actual discussion on the issues. *Sigh* rant over.... My aunt annoys me.
I'm not even on Facebook and I have a relative who sends alarmist crap via email. Like thank heavens we saw your email because now we're all going to get angry and fight for your cause...
My mom does this in person. She's just a paranoid and alarmist person. Gun rights, immigration, natural disaster prep... She made me really paranoid about going into preterm labor and also for being positive for group b strep, both because she used to be a nicu nurse and had worked with extreme cases of babies with each of these.
Dont really have a UO other than I thought about inventing a device to hold pacifiers in a baby's mouth. The image in my head is of a ball gag, only with a pacifier, but then I realize that is probably incredibly unsafe. Otherwise someone would have invented it already.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
@meggyme Have you tried a WubbaNub? Sam hates the pacifier and doesn't use one, but a friend of mine uses the WubbaNub friend and its a stuffed animal that rests on the baby's chest, holding the pacifier in place.
My mom does this in person. She's just a paranoid and alarmist person. Gun rights, immigration, natural disaster prep... She made me really paranoid about going into preterm labor and also for being positive for group b strep, both because she used to be a nicu nurse and had worked with extreme cases of babies with each of these.
Dont really have a UO other than I thought about inventing a device to hold pacifiers in a baby's mouth. The image in my head is of a ball gag, only with a pacifier, but then I realize that is probably incredibly unsafe. Otherwise someone would have invented it already.
My mom used to work in NICU and they used to use surgical tape on the pacifiers! Insane
@meggyme My husband and I joke about doing something like that all the time. I can't wait until he can a) keep it in and b) put it in himself if it comes out.
My UO is that I'm sick of people (my sister in law actually, who has a 3 week old) brag about how good her baby is on FB. How he has already slept through the night and is "such a good sleeper" and "never cries". I suppose I should be happy for them, but the bragging sorta makes me want to gag. Or maybe I'm just jealous bc I'm 10 weeks ppd and sleep deprived
My UO is that I'm sick of people (my sister in law actually, who has a 3 week old) brag about how good her baby is on FB. How he has already slept through the night and is "such a good sleeper" and "never cries". I suppose I should be happy for them, but the bragging sorta makes me want to gag. Or maybe I'm just jealous bc I'm 10 weeks ppd and sleep deprived
Maybe her LO will stop sleeping through the night after the 3 week growth spurt... Mine did!
My UO is that I'm sick of people (my sister in law actually, who has a 3 week old) brag about how good her baby is on FB. How he has already slept through the night and is "such a good sleeper" and "never cries". I suppose I should be happy for them, but the bragging sorta makes me want to gag. Or maybe I'm just jealous bc I'm 10 weeks ppd and sleep deprived
Haha I'm the opposite, our baby is really as good as could be, but I hesitate to broadcast it. Besides not wanting to jinx it, I can just imagine people thinking, if the baby is so good then why is Mommy still so disorganized, forgetful, and always late?!!
Re: UO Thursday
Dont really have a UO other than I thought about inventing a device to hold pacifiers in a baby's mouth. The image in my head is of a ball gag, only with a pacifier, but then I realize that is probably incredibly unsafe. Otherwise someone would have invented it already.
My mom used to work in NICU and they used to use surgical tape on the pacifiers! Insane
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20