August 2016 Moms

Randoms 8/8/16


Re: Randoms 8/8/16

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    jacmkelleyjacmkelley member
    edited August 2016
    I really like Adele's new song (no clue what the title is but the one when she says send my love to your new lover) lol every time it comes on I think "You go girl".
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    @Katm89 yes! I'm also worried I won't have the energy for labor after working all night. I keep hoping my water will break or I'll be in obvious labor when I wake up so I can just call into work and have more energy.
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    @JournoGrl23 and @katm89 I'm hoping my water just breaks so I know too. With DD, I actually didn't know I had been in labor. My water broke at home and that was really the only indication of labor. My body didn't start contracting seriously until hours later when I finally gave in to some help. Even though my water broke, I was basically induced. 

    I am super crampy now and having contractions, but I also had a check up this morning and am thinking it is because of that. So much discomfort but no clue if this is going to lead to the real deal or not. Water breaking makes it so much easier.
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    @Katm89 we have the same due date :) i feel the same way i just want baby girl out already, being uncomfortable is not helping out no more, hopefully tomorrow afternoon my doc says it is baby time since she has dropped, and everyone tells me I have become more mean than ever but only if they knew how uncomfortable and getting asked why the baby is not out yet drives me off the wall :neutral:
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    @emmeline714 we share a due date with @JournoGrl23 too! this whole time my mom has assumed I would deliver 2 days after my due date.. and it pisses me off.. I want baby to come early just to prove her wrong!
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    well that is exciting tomorrow I am going to ask Dr at my appt if there is anyway that if i can just get induced but then in the back of my mind I am like I should just wait it out naturally and let my body do its thing but I just feel so uncomfortable at this point idk what to do. Hopefully he just says oh the progress is better and you are actually going to give birth today lol @Katm89 (hopefull mind)
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    @emmeline714 I know its tmi... but I think sex, walking, Evening Primrose oil and masturbating has really helped me progress... The masturbating has caused some serious contractions.... ( it has been a hurdle to get sexual this pregnant.. but I want this baby out)
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    @katm89 i haven't been wanting nothing to do with anything sexual these couple weeks and it does not help that DH is not here either so that goes out the window lol I am going for walks but she is just teasing me because contractions go from 5mins to 15mins apart :neutral:
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    So baby has been kinda quiet today, my doc has never really talked to me about kick counts or anything? Whats the standard?
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    10 kicks for an hour @texasmama2014 that is what my doctor told me
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    So baby has been kinda quiet today, my doc has never really talked to me about kick counts or anything? Whats the standard?
    I believe it's 10 movements an hour
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    @texasmama2014 I believe you're supposed to drink something sugary, then find a quiet place to lie down (preferably on your left side) and count movements. You're shooting for 6 in the first hour or 10 in two hours. 

    The one time my doctor told me to do it, I had to do it sitting at my desk at work and she said that was ok. 
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    @Stephanie7693 @emmeline714 10 kicks per hour every hour or just a few hours? In any case I am drinking Dr. Pepper and it appears little one has decided to move again! 
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    @Snaps816  Perfect! Dr. Pepper FTW! 
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    @Katm89 I totally would be pissed too! They try and make the delivery about them and their convenience. It's like umm I'm going to have this baby when I have it not based on your schedule! I haven't told my parents or DH's parents about the induction yet. I don't feel like hearing my say anything about giving her more time or have her try to tell me how much I don't want to be induced! Plus there is a possibility I could be bumped so I don't want to get everyone excited if it isn't going to happen. 
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    10 kicks in one hour at one point throughout the day (so not every hour) my little one got to ten within 10-15 minutes so I was supposed to call with anything significantly slower.
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    @texasmama2014 as long as you counted 10 kicks for an hour a day you are fine my doc said
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    I dropped DS1 off at camp and made sure I gave him extra hugs and told him how much I loved him and that he's my special boy. But I didn't actually say a good bye that he realized what may happen that day. I ended up going right to the hospital from my ob appt that morning and didn't see him until 2 days later since I labored overnight and they couldn't visit the day I had the baby. I did leave a gift for him that my ILs gave him but I still feel bad that I didn't explain to him what was about to happen. 
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    I am seriously so anxious about missing a "goodbye/last hug as an only child" with my DD before having this baby.  She is super attached to me and I fear she will have a difficult time with the transition.  I really hope I get a chance to have a few special moments with her before baby arrives.  Honestly, just thinking about it makes me tear up!

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
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    I did try to prepare my kids for the possibility that they would wake up one morning and mom and dad wouldn't be there. I reminded them baby could come at any time, so if they woke up to grandma or our neighbors in the house watching them, not to worry bc it would mean baby was on his way! Apparently my kids were super excited when they woke up to my mil that day and found out baby brother was finally going to be born! I know my son missed me but I think I was the only one who was truly sad they way it happened 
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    Yeah, @AliKay20 @midwestbaby I wanted to buy a set like that so badly!!! Drs kept telling me they thought this little guy would be here any day and I never did it! I thought I'll buy it and then go into labor and never have it in time. So sad I didn't! The pics are adorable! But I did have a boy idk how cute mom and boy matching would be lol. Not near as cute and mom and baby girl!
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    @alikay20 the first shots are the worst. I cried more than DD did when she got hers. It is SO hard to watch. 

    And @midwestbaby you are a champ. Your birth story was not for the faint of heart. Hope recovery goes as smooth and as quickly as possible!
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    This app is so horrible! It kicks me out of the birth announcements every single time. I can't read any that have happened since I last read them on Tuesday, and I can't post mine.
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