Baby Names

Opinions on using one childs MN for another childs FN?

DD#1 MN is Grace and DH and I love it, but don't know if it is weird to use our daughters MN as a siblings FN



#1 DD June 2009
#2 DS July 2011
#3 DD June
CP December 2015
M/C 8/2016
Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18


Re: Opinions on using one childs MN for another childs FN?

  • I would never personally

  • Great big NOPE.  Give your child her own identity
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

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  • The only time I could see this being remotely acceptable is if it was a very popular family name that is traditionally used a lot but still no.
  • Yes it's very weird.

  • ok! that's what I was thinking initially but my MIL was like
    "No... that's totallt acceptable"

    at least we have 36weeks to figure something out

    #1 DD June 2009
    #2 DS July 2011
    #3 DD June
    CP December 2015
    M/C 8/2016
    Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18


  • I wouldn't, especially in the first name spot. But I'm of the mindset that they should have their own separate names. The only time I would recycle a name is with a double middle and a family name. Hubby was trying to tell me the other day that reusing my maiden name for a single middle spot would be acceptable, and I just can't do it. :)
  • Where I grew up it's very common to use someones FN and/or their MN, so I couldn't imagine reusing a name for your next child!
  • I don't think it's a big deal at all. Gives them a nice connection and only close friends and family will ever really know middle names anyway. I don't love the Jr. for a father/son but this is totally different. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I know brothers named James Robert and Robert Joseph and it is no big deal, in fact , I bet that only close family and friends are the only ones that realize this.It is NMS but I feel like it is fine if you love the name.
  • No. Please dont. It's a common name and you have thousands of options. 
  • I vote nay unless it is a family name or tradition with a lot of meaning to you
  • As an older sister, I would feel very strange if my MN were my sister's FN. Like you suddenly decided the name was so amazing you didn't give it to me as a FN but instead used it for my sister. There are millions of names out there, give your LO her own name that shows you took the time to find something you really love and thought was just right for her.
  • Fun story: My grandfather loved the name "Ann." My mother is Pamela Ann, my aunt is Beth Ann, and I kid you not he tried to name my other aunt Anne Ann. My grandmother vetoed and she is Amy Lynn. 

    Maybe go on nameberry and find another name that means Grace? Then you "get" the name, but each child gets their own identity. 
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
  • I love one of my daughter's mn and would love to use it as a first name, but I never would! What is funny is that my dad's middle name is the same as his younger brother's first name, and my mom and her sister have the same situation! I asked my dad why my grandma did that when I was like 8 and he was dumbfounded and said he never noticed that before!!!!! Lol
  • TheMcC3 said:
    Fun story: My grandfather loved the name "Ann." My mother is Pamela Ann, my aunt is Beth Ann, and I kid you not he tried to name my other aunt Anne Ann. My grandmother vetoed and she is Amy Lynn. 

    Maybe go on nameberry and find another name that means Grace? Then you "get" the name, but each child gets their own identity. 
    Whoa. My moms name is the same as your moms! 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • I considered this for about a day too. But I realized it was probably because I have major namers regret with my daughter. I REALLY wish I would have used her middle name as her first! I tried the whole calling her by her middle name instead, but it didn't stick for anyone. :(

    That being said, I think it's weird when siblings share names. I have some friends who give all their boys the same middle name. They have three boys. It's weird.

    Baby 1 - 10/2010 | Baby 2 - 8/2012 | Baby 3 - 6/2014 | Baby 4 - EDD 8/2016 - MC 12-27-2015 | Baby 5 - : 9/2016

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My dad's name is Enrique Salvador and his younger brother's FN is Salvador. Granted they're Hispanic and my dad was boy #5, my uncle #6, my poor gerandma was running out of ideas. My grandpa's FN was also Sal lol.
  • My husband's middle name is Brian (the same as his dad's) and after his parents had two more boys in a row they decided to use Brian as their third son's first name. At first I thought it was odd, but I doubt very much anyone outside of family realizes the specifics. The only thing I'd worry about is your first daughter realizing that you guys regret not naming her Grace (& therefore she might inadvertently think you don't like her actual name). 
  • I'm not saying to do as the celebrities do, but Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have daughters Esmeralda Amada and Amada Lee. That being said, I think you should at least try to think of other names you like before you just name her your other daughter's MN. 
  • As an older sister, I would feel very strange if my MN were my sister's FN. Like you suddenly decided the name was so amazing you didn't give it to me as a FN but instead used it for my sister. There are millions of names out there, give your LO her own name that shows you took the time to find something you really love and thought was just right for her.
    this was my first thought
    DX PCOS Jan 2012
    IUI #1 Feb 2012= DS1 born 11/2012
    Unmedicated BFP (first post-weaning cycle)=DS2 born 9/2014
    Unmedicated BFP (first post-weaning cycle again)= EDD 11/2016
  • My older son is Danilo Gianni
    My daughter is Gianna Marie

    not exactly the same but close
    most people do no know and will never know what their middle names are
  • My son's first name happens to be my nephew's middle name.  They're first cousins and 12 years apart in age.  I didn't specifically name my son after my nephew, but it's a name DH and I like.

    I would not do this with siblings.  Too close; too weird.  Each kid gets his/her own name.
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • TheMcC3 said:
    Fun story: My grandfather loved the name "Ann." My mother is Pamela Ann, my aunt is Beth Ann, and I kid you not he tried to name my other aunt Anne Ann. My grandmother vetoed and she is Amy Lynn. 

    Maybe go on nameberry and find another name that means Grace? Then you "get" the name, but each child gets their own identity. 
    Whoa. My moms name is the same as your moms! 
    Huh! That's kind of fun. :)
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
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