January 2017 Moms

Randoms 2.0


Re: Randoms 2.0

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    @teach123 yesssss. I feel like it's weird to stand up during Sunday school and announce or something but the side eye is annoying. Plus then I worry that people just think that because my 1 year old is small that she's younger than she is and that I'm just holding pregnancy weight from last time haha
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    @hj.morgan yes please! My entire news feed is Donald Trump this and Hillary Clinton that and "here lemme sell you this multi level marketing crap" ugh. I'm addicted to instagram lately trying to keep up with people and avoid all that junk. 
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    I am an idiot! I went to the gym to workout yesterday in FLIP FLOPS! I didn't even realize it. The fitness director had to.come over to me to tell me it was unsafe. I totally blamed pregnant brain! WITH is wrong with me lol?!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm usually a watch an entire show all the way through on Netflix kind of person but Buffy really messed me up! I forgot how dark and not fun it got after she saved Dawn. So now I'm bouncing around shows and it's bumming me out. I've been trying with Supernatural for a month and I keep getting distracted   :/
    I'm not sure what season of Supernatural you're on, but it tends to get more addictive the further in you get because they start focusing more on overarching story lines rather than individual cases. The character development over the years is quite excellent. I also feel you on Buffy, but I could watch the musical episode every day.

    I'm on season 2 and I like it but dang, there are so many episodes per season! I'm glad there'll be longer story lines soon because it's easy to get distracted from 22 one-off episodes.... I might break fit another round with Twin Peaks but I'll try again for sure...
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    The 2nd tri thread is off the first page and I don't feel like looking for it so I just want to say yayyyyy to 2nd trimester!! 
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    @adorebella our Kroger just started doing it here! With two kids it is AMAZING!!!!!! Total gamechanger except I do have to be on top of it to order well in advance of when I need things. 
    Baby Boy 3 is on the way! 
    Due 1/21/17
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    I'm usually a watch an entire show all the way through on Netflix kind of person but Buffy really messed me up! I forgot how dark and not fun it got after she saved Dawn. So now I'm bouncing around shows and it's bumming me out. I've been trying with Supernatural for a month and I keep getting distracted   :/
    I'm not sure what season of Supernatural you're on, but it tends to get more addictive the further in you get because they start focusing more on overarching story lines rather than individual cases. The character development over the years is quite excellent. I also feel you on Buffy, but I could watch the musical episode every day.

    I'm on season 2 and I like it but dang, there are so many episodes per season! I'm glad there'll be longer story lines soon because it's easy to get distracted from 22 one-off episodes.... I might break fit another round with Twin Peaks but I'll try again for sure...
    Right now my Netflix palette-cleanser is Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. H promised I was allowed to sing along without getting any eyerolls.
    *************************************************************************************************************Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @adorebella the Harris teeter where my husband works does this. He's 40 minutes from home- and it adds a little time to his commute but it's still worth it and it's still cold when we get them home! 
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    @scgirl76 @emilyn2012 Every time I do the curbside I want to pinch myself - it's too good to be true! The only thing I don't trust them with is getting the produce because I'm impossibly picky so I just hit Costco for that. Still a win. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @adorebella I was really impressed with the produce selection from our Kroger. I am super picky also and was able to specify yellow bananas, with green stems and no brown spots, apples that are not bruised, soft avocados, etc and they nailed it!
    Baby Boy 3 is on the way! 
    Due 1/21/17
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    aishmcaishmc member
    While curbside sounds good, does anyone have experience with grocery delivery? I'm really starting to consider it. I HATE all the smells in the produce section lately.
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    My Netflix go to is Psych. I will watch all 8 seasons and as soon as the final episode is over start the pilot again lol sometimes it becomes background noise in my house because I have it on all the time lol
    DS1 - 03/31/2006
    DS2 - 12/31/2008
    DS3 - 06/26/2012
    DS4 - 08/07/2014
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    My constant Netflix play is Friends. It's always on in our house. Sometimes we switch it up and put on Bob's Burgers, but somehow I always find an episode I swear I haven't seen before and I end up sitting down to watch it. 
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    aishmcaishmc member
    Just watched Ali Wong's stand up on Netflix and loved it.  She's talks about pregnancy so it was so very relevant to my feelings.  
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    @aishmc I used to use Peapod for Stop & Shop deliveries and I loved it.  It's not available where I live now, otherwise I would definitely be using it periodically when getting to the store is a real pain!

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    cjs260cjs260 member
    Guys. We have a lab volunteer who is an older ( 65+) Chinese lady. She works a decently erratic schedule (being a volunteer and all) especially during our lab downtime which is basically the second half of June and all of July. We sit in the same room, and she likes to ask about the baby. Well, today, she tells me that in the 70s and 80s in China, she was an OB. Now I'm hearing stories about their delivering of babies feet first, a baby with two heads (obviously conjoined twins), and other birth horror stories from rural China in broken English. 

                                                Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker                                       
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    @cjs260 omg that sounds terrifying
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    :-O I couldn't imagine listening to all that while pregnant! I'd politely ask her to only tell me positive birth stories! 
    DS1 - 03/31/2006
    DS2 - 12/31/2008
    DS3 - 06/26/2012
    DS4 - 08/07/2014
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    cjs260cjs260 member
    It was crazy. I can escape out of the room, which normally stops the story, but today she wouldn't pause long enough to make me not rude! 

                                                Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker                                       
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    @cjs260 the stories she told sound like they could be the basis of one of those crazy shows TLC has
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    @cjs260 nightmares!  :s
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    @cjs260 So I'm likely a horrible person, but I'm very intrigued. I think I'd like to hear what she said... I'll admit to being a little twisted though. Sorry she didn't read the room right and you got stuck! 
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    cjs260cjs260 member
    edited July 2016
    @Mylitta I am too, twisted in the curious way, but this was a little much. I can PM you the conjoined twin story, if you'd like. 

    She's the sweetest lady in the world, and I know she wasn't trying to scare me or anything, but it was just a bit morbid. It was just super surprising for this super nice lady who sits beside me to spout out with these stories. Also, I will say that almost every one of these stories could have been saved by an ultrasound or a c-section. 

    Edit typo

                                                Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker                                       
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    Count me on board with the "normally love hearing things like that" but what on earth possessed her to tell you stories about her weirdest deliveries?
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    sagoonsagoon member
    Ordinarily I too love hearing medical oddity stories, but the exception is pregnancy horror stories while I am pregnant.  For some reason, people love to tell their horrible  labor stories to pregnant women.  I am all for trading war stories afterward, but wait until baby is safely extracted before telling me about your 15 lb breech 4th degree tear story thx..

    Jan17 Sept Sig: Pumpkin Spice gone too far
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @dinozaur Agreed. Part of me likes to think it follows the "1 out of 5 people are crazy. Look at 4 of your friends and if they seem normal then it's probably you" mentality and if I hear enough crazy birth stories, surely mine will be the normal one, right? It's so weird that we're so quick to talk down hypochondriacs but encourage people to be anxious about labor and expecting the worst.

    I totally love watching I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant though and taking solace in the fact that none of THOSE crazy stories are going to happen to me because I already know I'm pregnant.
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    Omg @canavara like the one where the girl was at work and just thought she had to poo really bad, and then had the baby in the toilet...I just cannot even imagine, lol.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Jan '17 August siggy challenge: Cat fails

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    @canavara I have a love/hate relationship with that show! It's definitely a guilty pleasure! I really don't understand how it happens to these women. Although I did recently have a friend that found out at 21 weeks. She has PCOS so she was misjudging her symptoms. She even saw her OB and tested negative for pregnancy. Now she's set to have a healthy baby in a few weeks! I can't imagine going a full 40 weeks though. Also it makes me sad that they didn't get to experience the fun/exciting parts of pregnancy. 
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    @ThePax89 my last bmb started Facebook when I was about 30 weeks and it was perfect. Long enough that you're invested in each others lives and have had time to weed out the crazies ha. I was going to ask how yours and @underthesea 's weaning was going? Still feeling good? 
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
    Our Rainbow Baby H arrived at 37 weeks on 12/20/16!
    Baby E arrived at 37 weeks on 01/31/15!
    Married my Marine 05.23.14

    TWIN LOSS 7.2.15
    BFP 9.7.15 CP 
    BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16
    BFP 10.14.17 CP
    BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
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    @cjs260 I might have been high on epidural at the time but I distinctly remember thinking "omg this feels like having to poop so bad!" 
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    ThePax89 said:
    No way @underthesea. Is she being nice or is she a monster?!!!! I'd lose my mind 
    @ThePax89 she still isn't napping. I am losing my mind. I've been making her stay in her room for at least an hour. She is happy to just play and get into whatever she can. I should mention that we just switched to a toddler bed 9 days ago. She is totally not ready but we had no choice in the matter since she was escaping her crib. She's an absolute monster in the late afternoons and evenings. I am about to become a millionaire because I'm going to invent a crib that has rails to the ceiling. 
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    @ThePax89 my last bmb started Facebook when I was about 30 weeks and it was perfect. Long enough that you're invested in each others lives and have had time to weed out the crazies ha. I was going to ask how yours and @underthesea 's weaning was going? Still feeling good? 
    @AshleySparkle720 thanks for checking in! It's so unfortunate that my milk drying up is coinciding with her transition to a toddler bed. The toddler bed wasn't in my plans. I thought maybe that would happen in a year and a half when she is three. I planned to work on her sleeping and not nursing her to sleep for naps before having to completely wean. Well now, I just don't have the milk and she won't nap because she is used to being nursed to sleep. She asks for "mimi" all the time and will take almond milk in a sippy but when it comes to waking up and nap/ bedtime she wants the boob. I've nursed her once a day the last three days, but that's not going to last into next week. 
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    @cjs260 I might have been high on epidural at the time but I distinctly remember thinking "omg this feels like having to poop so bad!" 
    Yes! When I arrived at the hospital I told the nurse I really have to poop. She checked me and I was fully dilated. It's one of the signs of being ready to push!
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