I didn't change my baby's clothes when I changed her diaper at 430am because there was only a little tiny poop smudge on the outside of one footie. She pooped on the changing pad and then tried to pee on me so I feel like one tiny poop smudge is NBD, especially on 3 hours of sleep that I got one hour at a time. Poop shmoop.
SO goes into work at 8:45 PM now and gets off around 7:15 AM. He failed to let me know that he was going skateboarding and I had to call him at 9 to see where he was. I hope he knows that shit is gonna stop when this baby comes! When he got home I made him detail and clean my car. So there.
I told BF that any sex from here on out will only be happening to see if it helps baby get moving. Sorry not sorry. I haven't really enjoyed sex in about a month so I don't feel to bad using him haha
I stole so many pads and mesh undies from the hospital that I now have a great stash for when we decide on having baby #2.
Ya take all the mesh undies, I washed a few of mine and they held up really well. They might be my time of the month undies when aunt flow shows up again.
My FFFC: we are bedsharing and we love it. We are following all the safety guidelines and have the support of my midwife team and our pediatrician. So far we are sleeping wonderfully and so is M. He never cries at night and neither do I! It's not for everyone but we are very happy with our choice.
I told BF that any sex from here on out will only be happening to see if it helps baby get moving. Sorry not sorry. I haven't really enjoyed sex in about a month so I don't feel to bad using him haha
I just talked to DH about this today. I told him we could have sex every day and he said no! I just want my damn cervix to start dilating!!
I told BF that any sex from here on out will only be happening to see if it helps baby get moving. Sorry not sorry. I haven't really enjoyed sex in about a month so I don't feel to bad using him haha
I just talked to DH about this today. I told him we could have sex every day and he said no! I just want my damn cervix to start dilating!!
I definitely harassed DH into having sex with me the night before we were supposed to be induced. He was adamant he didn't want to but I wore him down lol. Must've worked because my water broke the next morning.
I see now why some of you all decline those cervix checks. I was quite disappointed to hear I've only dilated an extra HALF a centimeter since last week...but I'm like 80% effaced so silver lining right?
And about the sex: I told DH he's gonna have to get over his weirdness and GET IN THERE!! I need to stretch it back out! Lol
I just said to BF "Come on let's do it" his response "Nah I don't want to". I don't know what amuses me more, the fact that he said no or the fact that he thinks he has a choice hahaha
FFFC: Quite relieved I didn't have to have sex as a means to induce labor. Was going to start once I went overdue but that morning she made her appearance.
Looking back to a couple of days ago, I was just so, so uncomfortable, I am sure it would have sucked donkey balls. Now I get to wait at least 4-6 weeks and that's great with me!
Now that I have all this time to sit around and think about things, I'm really starting to freak out about all the unknowns. Will baby be healthy? Will we be happy with our new family? Just thinking of all the "what if" scenarios with birth and life, from this point forward.
You ladies are awesome...my SO is begging for sex all the time and I'm just not into it...even if there is a chance that it will help get this LO to start coming out. Although he had his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so now he's leaving me alone!
Second FFFC- Apparently I have new upstairs neighbors. They are pounding around above me and they parked their uhaul truck about 2 inches from my car. Of course they start unloading and making tons of noise just when I want to take a nap. I already don't like them and they haven't even officially moved in yet.
For those ladies who haven't had their babies yet. Take as many pads and mesh undies as you can from the hospital as mentioned above. They have been great. I put witch hazel on them and froze them and they are lovely!!!!!! We took as much as we could from the hospital including diapers and some swaddle blankets.
For those ladies who haven't had their babies yet. Take as many pads and mesh undies as you can from the hospital as mentioned above. They have been great. I put witch hazel on them and froze them and they are lovely!!!!!! We took as much as we could from the hospital including diapers and some swaddle blankets.
I'm jealous of these hospitals that give out stuff in a way that you can swipe extra. My hospital gives a mom bag of supplies and a baby bag of supplies. With my first, I asked my nurse for an extra ice pack, and she acted like it was killing her and like it was coming out of her own paycheck to get one. Could have just been that nurse, but I didn't bother asking this time.
I'm glad I didn't go with the sex to induce, my husband might have sworn off sex, being as my water just broke by moving to a new sitting position on the couch. However, hilarious to see the visual of that happening.
I asked dh for ONE FUCKING NIGHT to ourselves before the baby is here because someone has been over almost every day since I can't even remember. And all I asked for was one damn day just him and i. And he's all pissed off because I don't want to physically go do something. I'm fucking tired. Physically and emotionally drained. And he doesn't understand this. I'm having this baby in one week, so sorry I don't have the energy to go do anything.his friend called asking to hangout, instead of telling him we already made plans together for the night, he tells him that he will talk to me and let him know, so now I get to be the ahole, and say no. Long story short, he went to his friends and I'm home by myself. As usual. I may be over reacting but he really Pissed me off tonight.
I am considering getting my pump out to try and induce labour. Yes I am only 38 weeks but this kid is legitimately dislocating my hips, and as he drops my hips are popping out more. I can barely sit or lay down without crying and I am taking a lot of paracetamol to be able to just be a human. I want him out but I have made a pact with DH to wait as long as I can but I am about to break.
Re: FFFC 7/15
I didn't change my baby's clothes when I changed her diaper at 430am because there was only a little tiny poop smudge on the outside of one footie. She pooped on the changing pad and then tried to pee on me so I feel like one tiny poop smudge is NBD, especially on 3 hours of sleep that I got one hour at a time. Poop shmoop.
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
My FFFC: we are bedsharing and we love it. We are following all the safety guidelines and have the support of my midwife team and our pediatrician. So far we are sleeping wonderfully and so is M. He never cries at night and neither do I! It's not for everyone but we are very happy with our choice.
And about the sex: I told DH he's gonna have to get over his weirdness and GET IN THERE!! I need to stretch it back out! Lol
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
YASSSS! to sex and nipple stimulation....LOL
Hell NO to castor oil!
Looking back to a couple of days ago, I was just so, so uncomfortable, I am sure it would have sucked donkey balls. Now I get to wait at least 4-6 weeks and that's great with me!
This is really a "shit's getting real" moment.
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
Apparently I have new upstairs neighbors. They are pounding around above me and they parked their uhaul truck about 2 inches from my car. Of course they start unloading and making tons of noise just when I want to take a nap. I already don't like them and they haven't even officially moved in yet.
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
Little boy due July 31st 2016