July 2016 Moms

Re: FFFC 7/15

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  • benten24 said:
    I stole so many pads and mesh undies from the hospital that I now have a great stash for when we decide on having baby #2. 
    Ya take all the mesh undies, I washed a few of mine and they held up really well. They might be my time of the month undies when aunt flow shows up again.

    DH 30 Me 29
    Married May 16th 2015
    EDD July 1st 2016
    Pregnancy Ticker

    July BMB June Siggy 

  • FFFC: Quite relieved I didn't have to have sex as a means to induce labor. Was going to start once I went overdue but that morning she made her appearance.

    Looking back to a couple of days ago, I was just so, so uncomfortable, I am sure it would have sucked donkey balls. Now I get to wait at least 4-6 weeks and that's great with me! 
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • You ladies are awesome...my SO is begging for sex all the time and I'm just not into it...even if there is a chance that it will help get this LO to start coming out. Although he had his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so now he's leaving me alone!
  • I'm so not concerned with poop, pee and spit up that DH has had to remind me to wash myself off. 
  • I'm keeping my kid in her stinky onesie that smells like sour milk. She spits up too much for me to even bother trying.
  • LF93LF93 member
    @jodi1980 I'd be all for nipple stimulation if I wasn't afraid I'd squirt milk everywhere! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
  • setoshsetosh member
    Second FFFC- 
    Apparently I have new upstairs neighbors. They are pounding around above me and they parked their uhaul truck about 2 inches from my car. Of course they start unloading and making tons of noise just when I want to take a nap. I already don't like them and they haven't even officially moved in yet. 
  • @LF93 LoL...collect it and freeze it for future use! I believe it's got a 6 month life :relaxed:
    whitehall, pa
    every adventure requires a first step- C.C.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • WVUPetuniaWVUPetunia member
    edited July 2016
    AshGee18 said:
    For those ladies who haven't had their babies yet.  Take as many pads and mesh undies as you can from the hospital as mentioned above. They have been great. I put witch hazel on them and froze them and they are lovely!!!!!! We took as much as we could from the hospital including diapers and some swaddle blankets. 
    I'm jealous of these hospitals that give out stuff in a way that you can swipe extra. My hospital gives a mom bag of supplies and a baby bag of supplies. With my first, I asked my nurse for an extra ice pack, and she acted like it was killing her and like it was coming out of her own paycheck to get one. Could have just been that nurse, but I didn't bother asking this time.
    Me: 32 DH: 32
    Married: 05/31/2008
    DS: 11/06/2012 at 38w 1d
    M/C: 06/11/2015
    DD: 06/14/2016 at 37w 3d
  • I asked dh for ONE FUCKING NIGHT to ourselves before the baby is here because someone has been over almost every day since I can't even remember. And all I asked for was one damn day just him and i. And he's all pissed off because I don't want to physically go do something. I'm fucking tired. Physically and emotionally drained. And he doesn't understand this. I'm having this baby in one week, so sorry I don't have the energy to go do anything.his friend called asking to hangout, instead of telling him we already made plans together for the night, he tells him that he will talk to me and let him know, so now I get to be the ahole, and say no. Long story short, he went to his friends and I'm home by myself. As usual. I may be over reacting but he really Pissed me off tonight. 
  • I am considering getting my pump out to try and induce labour. Yes I am only 38 weeks but this kid is legitimately dislocating my hips, and as he drops my hips are popping out more. I can barely sit or lay down without crying and I am taking a lot of paracetamol to be able to just be a human. I want him out but I have made a pact with DH to wait as long as I can but I am about to break.

    Little boy due July 31st 2016

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