October 2016 Moms



Re: L&D

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    Oh my gosh, echoing everyone else: hang in there! You're being a super strong mother already for these girls!
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    Hospitals are awful. By trying to keep you safe, they make you miserable. I'm so sorry you're on ice only. Thoughts and prayers that your next post says all the meds they pumped you with worked and you're going home!
     Countdown to Baby H!
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mommy to Elizabeth (6/18/09), preemie at 34 weeks
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    Wife to Dan (10/4/14), together since Dec 2010
    Working Mom
    BFP Feb 2016, Due Mid-October
    Team Blue!
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    Can they just do an ultrasound to check your cervix? I've heard that mentioned but I don't know about in your situation. I'm assuming it wouldn't be accurate as they're can be off for specific measurements and all but, maybe a backup to actually checking it? Lol sorry it's just an idea that popped in my head when I read that....now, Dr Bump will be off duty hehe
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    I'm so sorry you are going through this. FX things get better and you can go after your next steroid shot. Did they say when they can check your cervix again? Have the contractions eased? 
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    Ughhh that sounds absolutely awful. Fingers crossed no more mag and you can go home soon!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I am so sorry. That sounds so horrible!! I am sending tons of positive vibes that you can get the f out of there today and get some food, water, and a good nights sleep. Hang in there!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    That sounds terrible, but I'm glad the girls are staying put. Hope you're able to eat, drink and pee to your heart's content by tonight! Hang in there! 
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    Fingers crossed that you get to go home soon! 
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    UFJenUFJen member
    Ugh I'm sorry you are dealing with all that, but you've got this! stay strong for those girls!!
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    Hang in there!  Thinking of you and the girls!
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    Just read through all of this. What a scary situation. I know what it's like to get unexpectedly admitted on an empty stomach and not able to eat or drink for a while. Talk about being hangry! Hoping your uterus is in a better mood today and all is well and you are able to go home!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Just returning from our holiday and read this. I'm so very sorry you're going through this! It sounds like you're doing an amazing job getting through for your girls and my thoughts are with you! Hope everything is okay and you can get out of there soon! 
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    Just reading your updates, I hope you can go home today or soon. So sorry about the painful catheter, the mag, the sleepless night... Hang in there mama. Xoxoxoxox
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    And another round of mag for the next 24 hours... Here we go. 
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    And another round of mag for the next 24 hours... Here we go. 
    :( Hoping you and your family are still doing okay, despite the magnesium. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
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    I have had a couple breakdowns. One being when she told me I had to undergo 24 more hours of this with no relief. I am so hungry. There's a "clear diet" coming my way, maybe.. But as for real food? Unknown. I can't get off my back and I am just so miserable. Ugh ugh ugh why body? Why you gotta be 2 dilated? 
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    You've got this! Hang in there and keep those ladies cooking!

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

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    Gosh, I am so sorry! Hang in there. That clear diet does help some. I got broth when they put me on that. Positive vibes to you!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    And another round of mag for the next 24 hours... Here we go. 
    Oh boo. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. At least there's the prospect of liquids in your future. Ask for all the jello and Popsicles 
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    Ugh nooooo  :'( hang in there!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    And another round of mag for the next 24 hours... Here we go. 
    Oh no! I'll be sending positive vibes your way. Do you live close enough that someone could go to your house and get your Snoogle? Or anything else that will help you feel a little more comfortable in bed? 
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    Oh @sjo_thetwins, my heart goes out to you and your family! You got this. I was on magnesium and a clear diet for 3 days right before DD was born (although that was for pre-e) so I feel your pain on that, hopefully they get you started on it ASAP as it sure is better than ice. I also second having somebody bring you stuff from home to get comfy. Have you asked them about your lack of sleep? When I was in for my pre-e, they gave me Ambien to sleep the fetal monitoring and the BP cuff going off every hour. It might worth discussing with them to see if there are any options, if you haven't yet.

    Prayers and good vibes that in 24 hours you will be in your own bed!
     Countdown to Baby H!
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mommy to Elizabeth (6/18/09), preemie at 34 weeks
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    Wife to Dan (10/4/14), together since Dec 2010
    Working Mom
    BFP Feb 2016, Due Mid-October
    Team Blue!
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    I'm sorry you have another 24 hours. Stay strong and keep those girls cooking. I agree with others about seeing if someone can bring comfort items. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    kmtz89kmtz89 member
    Awwww lady I hope the next 24 hrs are the last! And I hope at least the liquid diet helps you feel a bit better than not eating at all! I can't even imagine. If you spoke Swahili I would give you all the "pole sana"s which is like I'm so sorry but is very empathetic 
    *American in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD January 2, 2025
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    I'm so sorry, girl! Hang in there! You are a strong mama and you can do this! <3
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    I'm so sorry!  You are stronger than you think you are!  Hoping for relief for you and the promise of real food and sleep soon!
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    so sorry @sjo_thetwins! Hang in there mama!
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    Well shit, I'm sorry! I second Jello and Popsicles. Keep that chin up, it's not for forever.
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    I have crohns and have been on liquid diets more than I have enjoyed. I can tell you that the taste of chicken broth when youre on a liquid diet is the most euphoric thing ever, get the broth!!!!
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    KaessiKaessi member
    You've been on my mind so just stopped in to check on you. So happy you got some chemical soup! :) And a coke, heck yeah!! Here's hoping the next 24 hours fly by!
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    Glad you finally got something in your tummy!! Sending so many good vibes your way and hoping you get sprung from the hospital soon! Focus on how everything you're doing is helping your little ladies - stay strong and here's to a fast 24 hours!!
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    Mmm, chemical soup ;) glad you're getting something other than ice! 
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    Hang in there mama! Glad you're allowed more than just ice chips! Ask about Ensure Clear. I have a friend who was on hospital bedrest with triplets and said it really helped her. 


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    Glad to hear u get something other than ice!  Hoping that the next 24 hours speed by for you and you get to head home to your snoogle! 
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    Yay!! So glad you got some food. Coke sounds delicious!! Still praying you get out of there soon.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    So sorry you are going through this! Hospitals suck. Hope you get to leave, eat, and pee soon and don't have to set foot in that place again until October. ;)
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    Ah! Stay strong, and positive. You can get through this!!!
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    Yay for getting some liquids! I'm sorry you are stuck on your back, that has got to be a pain. Let the nurses know and see if there is anything they can do with the pillows to make you more comfortable. Those l&d beds are horrible. I had them bring in all the pillows and H and I made a pillow top mattress for myself. It didn't make a huge difference, but it helped a little. I hope everything goes well today. 
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