Hi Ladies, I'm 36 and 10 weeks pregnant with my second child. I had a miscarriage in February and the embryo tested positive for a chromosomal abnormality. I can be anxious and my doctor and I decided that a CVS was right for my first pregnancy. My experience was great and I loved knowing that everything was healthy so early on. I have a CVS scheduled for next Wednesday. Being the anxious person I am, I'm over thinking everything! Should I just be doing the blood screening this go around? It was not an option for me last time. Also, there are two options for the CVS. The FISH panel and the prenatal array. From what I understand there is a 1% chance that you can get an indeterminate result from the array test. Would this drive me nuts? Please note that my doctor suggested the CVS again and the performing doctor is one of the best in Manhattan- his miscarriage rate is less than 1:1000. What would you do? Thank you!
As for the two types of tests, which does your genetic counselor or doctor recommend? I would personally do the array (if an array is the same prenatally as it is post-natally) because it would give you a more accurate idea of any chromosomal deletions or duplications, correct? The FISH will look only for specific chromosomes? At least that's what that terminology means in the NICU world. Good luck. And congratulations on your pregnancy. Wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months.