Im an April 16 mama, but this board seems to still be active, so I thought I would ask here. Hope you mamas dont mind!
In a nutshell, MIL babysat last weekend for the first time. LO is 3 months old. I brought his portable bassinet (its flat with mesh sides) and his sleepsack. We stopped swaddling arms in, so now we just use the sleepsack as a blanket with his arms out. His bedtime is 7:00. Well she didnt use the bassinet, she put him on her bed and surrounded him with pillows and gave him a blanket. She didnt use the sleepsack. He woke up at 10:45 to eat, and instead of putting him back to sleep, she kept him up and played with him. We picked him up at 12:30 and he was wide awake and fussing. We got home and dealt with him screaming until 2:00 in the morning from being over tired.
He is rolling easily to his side and can roll back to tummy sometimes with effort. Am I overreacting aboit her putting him on her bed with pillows and a blanket to sleep? And not using the things we brought for him to use? I know Im not overreacting aboit her keeping him awake, that is just ridiculous! I feel like she is not respecting my wishes, and I am concerned with sids and the safety of my baby, and Im not comfortable with him being om a bed with pillows and a blanket. I havent said anything to her, but I will be firm about it the next time she babysits (which won't be anytime soon!). I just wanted to hear perspective from other mamas. Thanks!
Re: Am I overreacting?
Were you very clear with your mil about how to put him to sleep? Older generations would put babies to sleep on their tummies and there was less of a public health message about sids. I would make sure you tell her why you use no pillows and blankets around you LO. I think you and your hubby need to be on board together about the boundaries for anyone watching your baby. And be explicit that anyone watching him needs to respect your wishes.
You're not overreacting at all. I would be furious! You are right with your mom instincts on this one.
This shows she doesn't respect you as a mother.
What if a baby sitter did this? Would you keep the sitter?
Here is a DWIL (dealing with in laws) board.