Today was the first time I called the nurse line with a question at 38 + 1. Plus I put on my socks and shoes by myself. What's your 3rd trimester brag?
As for the rest of this noise, I cannot believe not calling the nurses line is something to brag about 2 weeks before you are slated to bring another life into the world.
Today was the first time I called the nurse line with a question at 38 + 1. Plus I put on my socks and shoes by myself. What's your 3rd trimester brag?
@JMelody02 -- So where did you get the idea to do a "Let's brag" post? Help me get to know you better and welcome you!! Did you see this on another board...?
I guess my brag is that I've never started a rando AW post.
Oh and bragging isn't cute by the way. Does it make you better than me that I called my nurses line when I was concerned I was having another MC? Good for you honey. Go pat yourself on the back some more.
Gold star for you? But wait, what about all the moms who had health scares and needed to call the nurse's line? How do you think they feel reading this?
Oh that's right. You don't know about them. You weren't around for 8 months to support them. Just here to brag. Your parents must be proud.
I've called the nurse line/gone into L&D 3 times now and I'm not ashamed of it. I rather be that over paranoid pregnant lady and hear that everything is fine then God forbid something happen and for the rest of my life wonder if things would have been different if I had just gone in and got checked. I guess that's my brag? This thread is stupid.
Let me think about how many times I called the Nurse/after hours line. 1) fever over 104. It was Influenza 2) a week later, couldn't breathe. Pneumonia 3) extreme swelling and vision changes : gestational hypertension. 4) right flank pain: kidney infection that caused hydronephrosis 5) the several times that my BP has increased with vision changed. Admited once, now have Pre E
I have never called the nurses line... I assume it's because I'm too ignorant/unaware of my body to recognize when I should be concerned. I feel like it's more of a confession than a brag though... Hmm.
Re: Let's Brag
Plus everyone here loves @HenchBytch so good luck with that nastiness.
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
That sounds so boring. Good job.
Oh and bragging isn't cute by the way. Does it make you better than me that I called my nurses line when I was concerned I was having another MC? Good for you honey. Go pat yourself on the back some more.
Gold star for you? But wait, what about all the moms who had health scares and needed to call the nurse's line? How do you think they feel reading this?
Oh that's right. You don't know about them. You weren't around for 8 months to support them. Just here to brag. Your parents must be proud.
July16 JULY siggy challenge
1) fever over 104. It was Influenza
2) a week later, couldn't breathe. Pneumonia
3) extreme swelling and vision changes : gestational hypertension.
4) right flank pain: kidney infection that caused hydronephrosis
5) the several times that my BP has increased with vision changed. Admited once, now have Pre E
i'm here today tho
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
Me: 31 & Husband: 40
Married: November 2014
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy