Baby Showers

Baby shower guestbook "book" recommendations please

I am throwing a baby shower for a friend, and wanted to use a children's book as a guestbook.. Any suggestions for specific books that would be cute to use for that purpose?


Re: Baby shower guestbook "book" recommendations please

  • I like using something the child will be reading for years on his own...Like Where the Sidewalk Ends or A Light in the Attic

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  • I've often heard the suggestion of Dr Seuss' Oh The Places You'll Go. Another idea that I like is to ask the mom to be her favourite childhood book and use that. (If you want it to be a surprise, you can just ask her out of interest and not say why.) I would like to vote against Love You Forever by Robert Munsch because I have a deep hatred of it.
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  • I bought a number of Golden Books and put them in a basket, that way people could choose their favorite to sign. I think I bought 5 or 6. Then when she was reading to my nephew, she could see the messages. My SIL loved it.
  • I am pregnant with my first and have only been to 2 baby showers, so all this is pretty new to me. But I LOVE the idea of this kind of a guest book especially those "Little Golden Books" as I grew up reading those books. I actually came across one months ago before becoming pregnant and bought to keep for my own. Maybe the MTB has a favourite book she grew up with you can use.
  • For my SIL's shower, I used Richard Scarry's Best Story Book Ever.  Its like a giant compilation of a bunch of the Little Golden Books mentioned in PP.


    Jacob--Born October 5th, 2013
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  • I'll echo PP in suggesting use of either a book that the child can grow with (Shel Silverstein is always a winner in that regard) or the MTB's favorite childhood book. If you can't decide, there is no rule against getting more than one and having guests select which one they want to sign, like another PP has suggested.

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