Baby Names


In your opinion, has Family Guy ruined the name Stuart, nn Stewie?

We're trying to come up with boys names, and Stuart fits all of our parameters, but DH is worried that we'll get a lot of references to Family Guy, and that like the Simpsons it's a show that will remain on air for many more years. My mind hadn't jumped there, but I can't stand the show.

Re: Stuart

  • I didn't think of Stewie at all. I actually thought of Stuart Little. If you love it, use it! 
    My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny :)
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  • I'm gonna go with no. Family Guy pretty much only uses Stewie, and it doesn't have the staying power that The Simpsons has (will it be rerun forever,  yes. Will it remain as culturally relevant,  no. Seth MacFarlane and his writing team has glimmers of brilliance amongst mediocrity. Mediocrity fades in time) I think you'll find most people won't think of family guy unless you use nn Stewie exclusively. In addition,  Stuart is a much more common name then Bartholomew,  and has other pop culture references  (Stuart Little for instance )
  • I actually think more of the Stuart character from Mad TV ("look what I can do!"). That probably dates me quite a bit but oh well. If you referred to him as Stewie, I do think of Family Guy a little bit. I don't think either of those warrant a deal-breaker scenario though.
  • A second on the Mad TV Stuart and also Stuart from TBBT. But - you'd be hard pressed to find a name that hasn't been used in a TV show or movie, so if you love it - GO FOR IT! 
  • Thanks! I thought Stuart Little, and totally forgot about mad men! We would probably use Stewie when he's little (all if our kids have "e" nickname), but I assume eventually he'll be too cool for it.
  • fiscally3 said:
    Thanks! I thought Stuart Little, and totally forgot about mad men! We would probably use Stewie when he's little (all if our kids have "e" nickname), but I assume eventually he'll be too cool for it.
    You could probably get away with Artie I'd you wanted to avoid Stewie
  • @Bringmemylongswordho that's a good idea, but might be too close to our Alfie, and our pet named Arthur. I'll have to think about it. 
  • I don't think of Family Guy at all and this is pretty much my life with three kids: 

    I actually really like it

  • Thanks again everyone, we've been really stuck on an ideas, and I don't want to dismiss something unless it's an obvious "bad" association. This is potentially our 4th boy and its been a real struggle to find names that fit with the others. 
  • I like it. Stuart doesn't make me think of family guy but Stewie definitely does. 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • Eko14Eko14 member
    Stuart didn't make me think of Family Guy at all. If anything it drifted to Stuart Little and Mary Stuart Queen of Scots.
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  • I grew up with a Stuart (who also went by Stu), and grew up knowing a Stewart (that worked with my dad). I only have good associations with the name. I don't think of Family Guy or The Simpsons, because I don't watch those shows. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I like Stuart a lot and know a few irl.  Only one goes by a nickname and it's always Stu....totally fits him. 
  • Vivi20Vivi20 member
    I really like Stuart. It's a strong, classic name. I don't think of any bad associations with it at all.
    BabyFetus Ticker

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