May 2016 Moms

Baby's First Vaccine Shots

I know a lot of you don't have this appointment for another few weeks, but I thought it would be nice to get this thread going as some of us have these appointments coming up this week.  Admittedly, I scheduled this appointment a week early because we are traveling during 4th of July week and I really wanted my baby to get vaccinated before getting on a plane.

Ask questions to help you prepare or vent because this may have been the first time you heard your sweet baby cry from pain. 

My LO just got her first shots today and her crying from pain just about broke my heart. I tried to give her a pacifier to help sooth her but she was not taking it. I just had to stand by and watch until all the shots were done. Then I finally got to pick her up and calm her down. She has been okay since we got home but the nurse did warn me that she may be irritable today. 

I wish you all luck and I'm crossing my fingers that your babies are all growing and getting stronger (: 

Re: Baby's First Vaccine Shots

  • DS was premature, so we got our shots a month ago. I can attest to the irritability. It seemed like he was ok for about an hour and then he had the worst meltdown he has ever had. It lasted hours! What worked for us was just cuddling and rocking all night. The next morning, he was totally fine and you would never have known what had happened!

  •  I'm anticipating it being nothing compared to having to literally be a human straitjacket when she was one week old and a hold her while they shoved a scope up her nose and down her throat ...

     I guess the big thing will be whether or not she needs Tylenol afterwards 
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

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  • emsnedemsned member
    @kbrands7 thank you for all that info! I'll be sure to check her temperature to make sure it doesn't get too high, and I'll probably be more hands-on next time so I can attemp to soothe her. Does anyone else have more tips to soothe baby during shots? 
  • As far as soothing during the process, DH held DS's arms down and I stroked his head just so he knew we were there. Our nurse was insanely fast and I would say was done with the shots in about 10 seconds so that was helpful. As soon as she was done and the bandaids were on, I scooped him into my arms and cuddled while he cried. He was done crying in about a minute. Like @kbrands7 I cried when he got the shots and so did DH! I think being calmer would have helped.
  • Ezra got his shots on Tuesday. I ended up taking him during a sleepy time in his day and fed him immediately after his shot and when we got home and I kept the rest of his day really relaxed. I also made sure the diaper was a little loose on his shot leg so it didn't get irritated. He ended up sleeping for about five and a half hours! He also had a lot more poopy diapers and was a bit warmer than usual.
    im not looking to start a debate and I'm not an anti vaxxer at all, but I do think Ez did okay with the shots because he only got one (one was out of stock and we decided to wait on hep b). He was also hungry when he got the roto so he sucked it down :)
  • Poor things, it's always so hard to see them cry. :( We have another month to go before we get any shots, but I was wondering if any of you ladies are doing delayed vaccinations and what your schedule looks like if you are? 
  • We had ours yesterday. Took the rotavirus like a champion...she's gotten used to us shoving syringes down her mouth with her reflux meds. Then I started a feed and they gave both injections into separate legs at once while I was feeding. Short scream then she was good and kept feeding. She did have a MASSIVE meltdown a few hours later and I just had to hold her for 5 hours and not move an inch or she would scream again. I gave her some Tylenol about 2 hours into it and she settled right down and was totally fine after that. Back to normal today. I'll be prepared for the next round but that was not my idea of a fun day!! 
  • Haven't gotten them for this baby yet, but I will say, with my son the most he ever cried while getting the actual shots was like 3 seconds. He may just be a weirdo though. He was a but fussy the evening after his first TDaP and then I remembered how sore I was after that shot and just made sure to lay him down not on that side and he was fine. I also always rub the injection site pretty vigorously a few times in the hour after the shot because I've been told that helps, can't remember why because my brain no longer works properly. 
  • My son was a preemie so he had them last month. He was very fussy for about two days after but, after that, was fine. I checked his temperature and he never developed a fever. 

    In in case anyone is curious, preemies usually get their shots on the same schedule as term babies despite their size and age. I found this a tad confusing at first since we are meant to use their adjusted age (age based on due date) for everything else. 
  • Jonas got his two days ago, I guess we got really lucky because he didnt even cry, and he's doing great.  The only thing that happened is the last two nights he's been a bit more noisy and fussy whilst sleeping
  • emsnedemsned member
    @ayeshaohara I'm happy your babe is doing better! It's so tough when they cry like that and there isn't much we can do. Update, my LO did have a total melt down after we got home from the doctor yesterday and I had a similar experience of just having to hold her until she would calm down or fall asleep. I was also struggling to get her to eat because she would cry so much. It wasn't until bedtime (12 hours after the shots) that she started behaving normally again. She went right to sleep and I'm so happy she stayed on her normal sleep schedule considering how messed up her day was. Today she seems like my happy baby again (:
  • Kasper had his shots this morning at his 2 month visit. He cried as expected during the shots but after some cuddles and a bottle was sleepy enough to walk home quietly. He's been fussier than normal, wants to be held and sleep on me which usually doesn't happen. I'm so happy that my husband is home today while we wait for his parents to arrive from the airport so our toddler is occupied while the baby and I lounge around. 
  • Our little guy had his shots on Friday, and I came prepared. No issue with the oral one, and then I had a bottle ready so DH held him, I fed him, and the Dr was administering the shots. He was surprised at the first one and cried about 5 seconds with the second shot. He was a little cranky that evening and we gave him a dose of Tylenol, but we spent the day shopping yesterday and he handled it like a champ. Just again a bit fussier last night. But distraction (with a bottle if you can) is your friend. 
  • BCFiggins said:
    Poor things, it's always so hard to see them cry. :( We have another month to go before we get any shots, but I was wondering if any of you ladies are doing delayed vaccinations and what your schedule looks like if you are? 
    My pediatrician does an alternate schedule by default, but only for babies who won't be in daycare or have siblings who are in daycare or school (barring parent's choice) his researched opinion is that the current schedule is for the baby at highest risk because of daycare and the inevitable germs that come with it.

    So first vaccines are at 6 months and they get no more than two at a time. He says they eventually get caught up, but not until the end of elementary school. But he will adjust if parents request it sooner or want to go by the traditional schedule.
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • edited June 2016
    Our appointment for shots is scheduled for 7/22. My nephew's 5th birthday party is the next day, and DH wants us to go. Nephew lives 3 hours away, so that would require us to drive down there on Friday afternoon and spend the night with my ILs.

    Would it be miserable trying to do that after he had his shots?
    Married: May 2012
    DS1: May 2016
    DS2: Jan 2019
    Baby #3 EDD: 6/18/24

  • bshurdy said:
    Our appointment for shots is scheduled for 7/22. My nephew's 5th birthday party is the next day, and DH wants us to go. Nephew lives 3 hours away, so that would require us to drive down there on Friday afternoon and spend the night with my ILs.

    Would it be miserable trying to do that after he had his shots?
    You'll know a few hours after your LOs shots. Ezra slept a bunch and was a little warm but mostly fine and his usual self, but other moms have a really hard time.
  • So our LO had his first shots on 6/13. I had read up on alot on ways to help with immunizations so LO received his shots while he was strapped to DH in the Baby Bjorn. The pediatrician looked at me like I was nuts, but I  insisted on either that or swaddling him while DH held him.

    The oral serum was no big deal since DS is used to taking Prevacid, but the shots were rough. I tried to BF him immediately after, but he was so upset that he was just screaming and scratching at me and refusing to latch. He calmed down in the car and was willing to BF as soon as we got home.

    He cried most of the afternoon and was only calm after I stripped us both down to do skin to skin. He was warm and threw up on me a few times and had some explosive diapers (which he never normally does.) We got him in a bath after DH came home and he slept skin to skin on DH for several hours. He slept a lot over night and the following days, but was no longer fussy or warm. 

    He was born at 37 weeks so these shots were technically early, but I'm completely opposed to a modified schedule. Hopefully now that DS is over 10 lbs, his body will process the next shots more easily. 
  • I'm not interested in a delayed vaccination schedule but rather spacing the first round out over the course of a couple of visits so that he isn't getting more than two at one time. Has anyone done something similar to this? I obviously want my LO protected as soon as possible but it does worry me to give him so much at once. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm not interested in a delayed vaccination schedule but rather spacing the first round out over the course of a couple of visits so that he isn't getting more than two at one time. Has anyone done something similar to this? I obviously want my LO protected as soon as possible but it does worry me to give him so much at once. 
    I'm doing that sort of. I'm VERY pro vaccinations, especially after having a brother who couldn't get some and working with someone who was immuno suppressed, I just think it's a lot for a little baby. I give him all the big ones (tDap, roto, polio) but I'm holding off for later some of the other ones (hep b for example). He'll definitely get them all though. 
  • BCFiggins said:
    Poor things, it's always so hard to see them cry. :( We have another month to go before we get any shots, but I was wondering if any of you ladies are doing delayed vaccinations and what your schedule looks like if you are? 
    My pediatrician does an alternate schedule by default, but only for babies who won't be in daycare or have siblings who are in daycare or school (barring parent's choice) his researched opinion is that the current schedule is for the baby at highest risk because of daycare and the inevitable germs that come with it.

    So first vaccines are at 6 months and they get no more than two at a time. He says they eventually get caught up, but not until the end of elementary school. But he will adjust if parents request it sooner or want to go by the traditional schedule.
    This scares me a little...actually a lot. You never know when you will come into contact with the bugs that cause these horrible PREVENTABLE diseases. There is a reason the vaccination schedules exist! In my opinion I want to take EVERY step possible to prevent my baby from getting sick! I would give her the vaccinations from the minute she's born if that was possible!! 
    Yes, there are risks to delayed schedules just like there are risks of serious reactions. Both are pretty low, and I'm trusting my pediatrician on this one. The reason the two month wait exists is because their immune systems are still developing and there are risks with giving young babies vaccines, but nothing magical happens to a baby at 2 months across the board to make it OK. My child will have all of his vaccinations, and because he won't be around other children except his cousins (who are vaccinated) in more than passing, my pediatrician thinks the best thing is to wait 6 months to give his system even more time to mature. I appreciate that the vaccine schedule exists, but as wil all AAP, WHO and CDC guidelines, it represents what is best for the highest risk population. My pediatrician wants to treat his patients as individuals, and that's why I like him. I'm not at all anti-vaccine, and not all pediatricians follow the traditional vaccine schedule.  The schedule has changed much over time and will likely continue to change. It's a good guideline, but to deviate from it slightly isn't more of a risk than the risk of a serious reaction when other risk factors are not present, according to my pediatrician's research. It's the decision I've made, and just because you wouldn't make the same decision doesn't make me a bad mom, especially if I'm following the guidelines of quite a few pediatricians and getting all of the vaccinations. 
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • JoMunson said:
    I'm not interested in a delayed vaccination schedule but rather spacing the first round out over the course of a couple of visits so that he isn't getting more than two at one time. Has anyone done something similar to this? I obviously want my LO protected as soon as possible but it does worry me to give him so much at once. 
    I'm doing that sort of. I'm VERY pro vaccinations, especially after having a brother who couldn't get some and working with someone who was immuno suppressed, I just think it's a lot for a little baby. I give him all the big ones (tDap, roto, polio) but I'm holding off for later some of the other ones (hep b for example). He'll definitely get them all though. 
    I'm with you exactly on this. I'm also a big believer in vacs- my husband has cystic fibrosis so vaccinations like the flu shot have been key to keeping him healthy and out of the hospital. It does worry me to give such a little baby so much at once. I'll prob end up doing something similar to what you've done.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • BCFiggins said:
    Poor things, it's always so hard to see them cry. :( We have another month to go before we get any shots, but I was wondering if any of you ladies are doing delayed vaccinations and what your schedule looks like if you are? 
    My pediatrician does an alternate schedule by default, but only for babies who won't be in daycare or have siblings who are in daycare or school (barring parent's choice) his researched opinion is that the current schedule is for the baby at highest risk because of daycare and the inevitable germs that come with it.

    So first vaccines are at 6 months and they get no more than two at a time. He says they eventually get caught up, but not until the end of elementary school. But he will adjust if parents request it sooner or want to go by the traditional schedule.
    This scares me a little...actually a lot. You never know when you will come into contact with the bugs that cause these horrible PREVENTABLE diseases. There is a reason the vaccination schedules exist! In my opinion I want to take EVERY step possible to prevent my baby from getting sick! I would give her the vaccinations from the minute she's born if that was possible!! 
    Yes, there are risks to delayed schedules just like there are risks of serious reactions. Both are pretty low, and I'm trusting my pediatrician on this one. The reason the two month wait exists is because their immune systems are still developing and there are risks with giving young babies vaccines, but nothing magical happens to a baby at 2 months across the board to make it OK. My child will have all of his vaccinations, and because he won't be around other children except his cousins (who are vaccinated) in more than passing, my pediatrician thinks the best thing is to wait 6 months to give his system even more time to mature. I appreciate that the vaccine schedule exists, but as wil all AAP, WHO and CDC guidelines, it represents what is best for the highest risk population. My pediatrician wants to treat his patients as individuals, and that's why I like him. I'm not at all anti-vaccine, and not all pediatricians follow the traditional vaccine schedule.  The schedule has changed much over time and will likely continue to change. It's a good guideline, but to deviate from it slightly isn't more of a risk than the risk of a serious reaction when other risk factors are not present, according to my pediatrician's research. It's the decision I've made, and just because you wouldn't make the same decision doesn't make me a bad mom, especially if I'm following the guidelines of quite a few pediatricians and getting all of the vaccinations. 
    I just want to say you are NOT a bad mum and I'm sorry if my comment made you interpret it that way...not my intention at all. You're a good mum and you did your research to have a doctor that aligns with your own beliefs. That's not a bad thing because it's what you feel is best. Yes, you're getting all the vaccines and at the end of the day that's what counts the most. I'm just personally over the top paranoid about my kid catching something from some germy stranger who sticks their head into my baby's face when I'm not looking eg grocery store (people are stupid). 

    in reference to the few of you who have talked about waiting for a few of them so baby doesn't get so many at once, you might be interested to know that in Canada and Australia the kids don't get their Hep B shots until they're in grade 8 because it's pretty hard to contract hep B because it's spread through blood, semen and other body fluids and isn't air borne or spread through surfaces like pertussis etc so it is actually totally reasonable to wait to not give that straight away, unless you yourself have Hep B then I'd probably get it straight up. 

    Its actually of no detriment to baby to get them all at once though other than the overwhelming nature of being stuck with the needles. 
  • Thank you for talking about how hep b is delivered! That's actually why I chose to delay it since he was at such low risk.
    the cool thing about vaccines is the research has been done! Google is your friend on this one- find out what the vaccines protect against and also find out if your area is a hot spot for unvaccinated people, my town is so whooping cough was a MUST.
  • @ayeshaohara I get it! There is so much conflicting information even in the medical community it's so hard to weigh it and know what's best to do. The fact that other countries use different schedules is part of why I'm comfortable doing things a little differently. Obviously there is debate about when is the best time to give them, and the schedule, which was just changed in 2013, will probably change again in the future. If circumstances or feelings change I may change my mind either now or with future children. I definitely didn't want to start a vaccine debate! I know a big concern the medical community has is that alternative schedules makes it seem like negative reactions to the vaccines gives weight to those who choose not to vaccinate at all. But of course there are potential side effects or allergic reactions with any medical treatment, but the benefits out weigh the risks, which is why we will definitely be getting them all!
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • I also use a modified schedule - I do believe strongly in the importance of receiving most vaccines, and my 5-year-old DD is now almost completely caught up to her peers on the standard schedule (she has one more MMR booster remaining, I believe). The schedule I use is one that limits to one or two shots per visit, and I will take him in on alternate months for shot-only visits (i.e., we go in for additional shots at 3 and 5 months, even though his well baby appointments are at 2, 4, etc.) I prioritize DTaP, rotavirus, Pc, and HIB in the first six months, with Polio and Hep A following. Hep B gets delayed quite a bit because the risk is low, assuming it's not transmitted at birth, so I make sure other riskier things get covered first.

    Our nurse is fine with letting us hold him during shots, assuming we can hold him still. I don't usually cry, but snuggling afterwards is definitely a thing. Poor babies.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • BCFigginsBCFiggins member
    edited June 2016
    It's helpful seeing all the different responses to my delayed vaccine question. It just goes to show once again there is no one right answer. I do plan to have her vaccinated as well, I just planned to do a modified schedule like it sounds like some of you are doing. I was specifically looking at Dr. Sears schedule. I just have a hard time doing the vaccinations blindly since in my research I found that in the 50s you were considered fully vaccinated with 2 shots, now it's something like 44+ shots to be considered fully vaccinated. I'm hoping that was more of an exaggerated article than the actual truth though. It was by a few anti Monsanto groups after all so maybe a little biased? ;) I get that the times and evidence based medicine changes, it just worries me a bit when I think what a difference there is and why. But I mean you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. 
  • yogahhyogahh member
    Harper had her second hep b shot today (seven weeks), and will be getting her tdap and another one end of next month. Our dr seems to like to spread them out which I'm ok with. When we got home from the visit I put her down for a nap and she slept three hours (a normal nap for her). Was up for two hours and now passed out again, which isn't normal at night. I just hope that this doesn't mean she's up at 2am since her schedule is thrown now! She seems to be ok though otherwise, but did wail when she got the shot. A bottle of course calmed her down ;)

    cat fail animated GIF

  • totally pro-choice here but glad to see that everyone seems to be taking getting you babies vaccinated seriously, but I thought I would just add that I'm from Canada (lived in both New Brunswick and Alberta) and from what I understand all the other provinces also have their babies vaccinated with Hep B at the 2 month appointment. Then the follow up series at 6 months and a year (or somewhere right around that). They deffinitely do not wait until grade 8. Although if I dig out my immunization records Im almost positive I did get a booster for the hep b series in grade eight, which might be why you thought they waited until that age. @ayeshaohara
  • kwrightnb said:
    totally pro-choice here but glad to see that everyone seems to be taking getting you babies vaccinated seriously, but I thought I would just add that I'm from Canada (lived in both New Brunswick and Alberta) and from what I understand all the other provinces also have their babies vaccinated with Hep B at the 2 month appointment. Then the follow up series at 6 months and a year (or somewhere right around that). They deffinitely do not wait until grade 8. Although if I dig out my immunization records Im almost positive I did get a booster for the hep b series in grade eight, which might be why you thought they waited until that age. @ayeshaohara
    Hey! Thanks for clarifying that. I just assumed it was a nation wide thing. I'm in Ontario and my LO isn't getting hep B for quite a while! Grade 7 according to my immuniseCA that sounds nationwide to me! Weird!!
  • I talked to my doctor about how I got hep b when I was in 8th grade (us here) and she said it was common but they moved it for a variety of reasons so I'm okay with waiting on that one.
  • Oh wow ! That's actually good to know. Crazy how different provinces can be ?? My son maverick just got his hep B shot yesterday, I wish I had of known and I would have research more reasons on waiting if I knew Ontario waited, it's a huge province so they deffinitely know what they're talking about. @ayeshaohara
  • DS2 got his vaccines two days ago. No extra fussiness or anything, surprisingly. He only cried briefly for the shots but was very angry about the oral rotovirus vaccine because he wanted to nurse. 
  • DS did not have any issues with his first round of shots (no fever, no fussiness, no magical 3 hour nap - he was NOT a napper, ever).  I'm prepared for things to be different when DD gets her later this month but I'm hoping she'll have the same experience.  I do remember crying myself a little during the first shots but comfort nursing definitely helped.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Today! LO was a champ.

    We gave him Tylenol right before the shots, then the nurse gave him his oral one and then gave the other four with lightning speed, two in each leg.

    After a minute of crying, DS was fine, and has been super mellow all evening, taking an intense nap from 6-9 and then going to bed like a rock star. I'm thinking the Tylenol is dulling his usual gas pains? He's now in his second hour of his second sleep of the night (and I should be sleeping, too!), which is unusual, because usually he is up every hour after that first stretch. Crossing fingers he lasts til 7!
  • Did everyone's doctors recommend giving Tylenol before the shots? Mine didn't say anything and I'm wondering whether I should call and ask or just go for it?
  • @babyfmama with my older son the pediatrician said not to give Tylenol before vaccines or even with a low grade fever as it lowers the efficacy. Generally I've only ever given Tylenol for high fevers as a low grade one is a sign the body is responding to the vaccine appropriately. I've found that the best pain relief during the shots is feeding and cuddles directly after. 
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