July 2016 Moms

thursday ticker change

How many weeks are you? Size comparison?

36 weeks, baby is the size of a papaya

Doing anything baby related this week?

nothing planned but just got back from my weekly appointment. Had a lovely GBS swab and cervical check - made it 1 cm lol. I've been having regular contractions about 9 minutes about since yesterday evening. This is definitely false labor but I can tell my body is getting ready to go!


I'm now starting to sympathize with you folks in the false labor club. The constant contractions are painful and are definitely starting to weigh me down a bit, and not helping me sleep at all!  Also, the swelling is out of control folks. My feet look like marshmallows!

GTKY: ARE YOU READY?? Is your bag packed, carseat installed, nursery ready, etc?

I actually packed all the bags this morning since the contractions were starting to wig me out a bit. The carseats are not installed yet. I plan on having hubby digging the bases out of the garage. The nursery is for the most part ready. Just need to finish hanging up décor and stuff. It's not like LO will be using the room until he's at least three months old though.

Re: thursday ticker change

  • How many weeks are you? Size comparison?

    35 week - Pineapple!

    Doing anything baby related this week? 

    Non-stop praying for him to flip head-down. :smile: Plus all the standard spinning babies exercises. 


    I suddenly got giant shrek feet along with sausage toes out of nowhere the other day. Hands swelled up a bit too - I was afraid I couldn't get my wedding band off but just got off yesterday, phew.

    @rnyland1 Sorry you are so uncomfy with the contractions - but at the same time, that is exciting!!! 

    GTKY: ARE YOU READY?? Is your bag packed, carseat installed, nursery ready, etc?

    Um - No! Hang in there baby! 

    The nursery is organized but not decorated. I guess that is NDB. We have the carseats but just need to install them and get it inspected!  And um.. still need to pack those bags!  Our goal is to get all this stuff done by the end of June, since I'm due July 28th.  

    Also - baby is not allowed out til he flips head down.  ;)

  • dolewhipperdolewhipper member
    edited June 2016

    How many weeks are you? Size comparison?

    38w, an Oscar statue. 

    Doing anything baby related this week?

    I have my weekly today. GBS came back neg so happy about that. 


    Really just trying to focus on this pregnancy, jot down anything that made me particularly happy, and spend some 1:1 time with MH before baby. Swelling is the worst, but I';m coming to terms to not sleeping well since I won't be sleeping well for a long time. 

    GTKY: ARE YOU READY?? Is your bag packed, carseat installed, nursery ready, etc?

    I have a list of things I want in my bag so I don't forget anything, but I'm going to use packing as something to do while I wait for labor to progress far enough to leave for the hospital. Car seat was installed and checked by Fire Dept. Nursery is about 80% done, just need to get the glider in, some book shelves painted and hung up, and crib set up, which is being donated by my cousin. Mentally I'm ready :)

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  • How many weeks are you? Size comparison?

    36 weeks, baby is the size of a papaya

    Doing anything baby related this week?

    Having an ultrasound next week to see baby's position. Midwife thinks he is breached. I hope he turns on his own.


    My legs have been swollen for a while but now with the hot weather here my ankles and feet have started to swell too. Nothing helps them go down except go to sleep at night.

    GTKY: ARE YOU READY?? Is your bag packed, carseat installed, nursery ready, etc?

    My bag is not packed except my sons coming home outfit. I'm not putting the car seat until I'm 38 weeks. I was overdue with #1 and had to be induced so I don't think #2 will come early maybe be on time but not early. He doesn't have a nursery. He will be in own room for a while. My husband has to put an addition on our house so he won't have his own room for a while.

    Side note: Today is my last day of work. :smiley: I'm a home daycare provider and have teachers kids so I'm off for the summer. I will get to spend some one on one time with my daughter before my son arrives. Unfortunately, with that being said I start back right after labor day. So I won't have much of a maternity leave.

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