Baby Names

Team Green Girl Name

We are pretty set on our boy name, but nowhere close for girl name.
Older brother is Garrett.  Last name starts in long-A sound.
I prefer a name not easily shortened into nickname.  Current contenders/thoughts:

Eliza Mae (great-grandmother's middle names are Elizabeth and Mae--I think DH feels slighted since both on my side)
Elise Mae
Margot Elise--DH does not like Margot
Cora Elise
Hazel Mae--too many long A's?
Hazel Elise--not sure about 'els' running together
Molly--we have both always liked, but not sure how well it ages, and concern for drug reference.

Any feedback, suggestions appreciated.

Thank you!

Re: Team Green Girl Name

  • Eliza is Definitly the front runner to me.

  • I definitely prefer Eliza. Maybe you can go with a different MN as a compromise to your DH? Also, if he isn't a fan of Margot then that should probably be out. You both need to love the name.
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  • Love Eliza! What about Eliza Marie, if you don't want to 'claim' every part of the name for your family. Cora Mae would be nice too. Congratulations, mama! 
  • I'm bored of Eliza, I know 2 baby Eliza's born this year already. 

    I'd say no to both Hazel combos for the reasons you listed. Cora is nice, no to Margot if your DH doesn't like it.

    Resounding yes to Molly, I think it ages fine and by the time she's in kindergarten there will be some new cool drug anyway. Not like people ever stopped naming their kids Mary Jane or Lucy. If you have both always liked it, go for it. 
  • Eliza is my favorite but I do love Margot as well.

    Big Bro 7/14/13
    Little Bro 2/6/17

                                                                  Pregnancy Ticker   
  • I think Molly is adorable and I doubt most people will think of the drug reference. 

    I also like Cora, Elise, and Hazel. Not a fan of Eliza.

    Me: 33     H: 36

    Married: 12/14/13   DS: 1/29/09

    BFP2: 10/9/15  MMC: 11/12/15

    BFP3: 4/6/16   DD: 12/12/16

  • Agree with pp that if your DH dislikes Margot, it should be out. Hazel Mae A- is a lot of long A sounds...Cora seems really popular right now. Do you like Elsie? I think Elsie Mae is darling and flows better than Elise Mae.
  • My favorite on this list is Cora.  I prefer Elizabeth to Eliza.
  • As a kid I used to swim with a girl named Molly.  I thought it was the coolest name ever and to this day still love it.  I think it ages beautifully!
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

  • Thank you all for the feedback! Super helpful!
  • JDMRSJDMRS member
    I am Margot and growing up I was called Maggot. I love my name but I have given up correcting people. I get "Mar-Get", "Mar...?" and "Margaret" ALL OF THE DAMN TIME. The priest who married us called me Margaret. 
  • Eliza and Hazel are my favorites. I agree Hazel Elise doesn't quite flow. I know several adults named Molly and feel like it ages fine. 
    Me: 36, DH: 40
    Married: July 22, 2008
    Fur babies: Yeti (cat) 

    #1 Boy E 9/30/17 
    #2 Girl A 7/27/2020
    #3 ?? ? est. 1/5/2025 
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