I'll start! They started oral cervical ripening meds yesterday at noon. Its now 5:36AM and I'm less than 2cm dilated and it's getting frustrating. I secretly wish I could throw in the towel and have a c-section even though I know that isn't what's best at this point or what I really want. Pity party for one...
We're getting maternity pics today and the photographer has been super flaky. She sent an email at 1am telling us tips on wardrobe, props and poses...yea this would have been helpful like a week ago.....
@theshannondee That must be so frustrating! Hang in there and remember that no matter what happens, labor has a start point and an end point - even if it feels like it will never end, it will!
July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
I wanted to do lots of stuff today. My DH is deep cleaning the bedroom and I was planning on laundry and cleaning out a few closets and deep cleaning my car. But instead I'm having sharp pains when I walk or move too fast. It's making it hard to do stuff when I have to keep sitting.
@theshannondee hang in there! Can you at least rest right now since there isn't much action happening? I hope stuff starts picking up! Sending you positive thoughts! Keep us posted!
My bitch is just generally being a miserable sack of shit. This baby has dropped his head so far down in my pelvis that I swear there is not one single position that is even mildly comfortable. Combined with these increasingly painful BH that feel like they are knocking the wind out of me and the back pain I am struggling just to exist right now. And being this tired has turned me into an emotional wreck.
Sounds like my complaint is the common one. There is so much cleaning that needs to get done around my house and I can't do anything that requires standing and bending and lifting for more than ten minutes without feeling like I need to sit and recover for an hour. Which means at most I manage to get the dishes done and maybe a load of laundry before feeling totally maxed out. I am so tired of sitting on my butt watching tv and being generally useless. I am so so ready to have this little man outside of me. I don't know how you ladies who are still working at 37 weeks or being moms to other little ones are doing it, mad props to you.
Married 6/1/13
BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
BFP #4 4/2015 MC 7/1/15
BFP #5 10/21/15 EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow!
Thanks ladies. A little decent sleep has talked me off the edge. Its hard to remember at this point that I wouldn't be here for another 3 weeks really, so I should chill out. You guys are the best. Contractions are going and I have some mild/moderate cramping. Its just my cervix that is so "unfavorable" (teeheehee) at this point. So we shall see!
It's 95 degrees and humid here in Minnesota my parents had to move today of all days so we just spent last 4 hours helping them I only carried small items but I'm hot sweaty and pissy so I'm taking my pregnant butt to the pool. DH of course doesn't want to go and just wants to play video games but I don't care I want to float drink a smoothie and turn my pasty skin into something a little more human tone
Went to my nieces dance recital today and this little girl behind me kept pulling my hair. Granite she was only about a year and a half so I wasn't really upset with her, but her parents who kept letting it happen!
Omg I can't cool off. My a/c has been on all day and my house is a (normally) cool 72 degrees. And I cannot for the life of me get cool enough to be comfortable and it's making me lazy as hell when I have a shit ton to do (like writing thank you cards and doing laundry).
I have GD and all I want to eat for dinner tonight it pizza. I miss pizza so bad!
I still get pizza occasionally...I just make sure to take a quick 10-15min walk afterwards...or have two slices and a big salad with healthy dressing. HAHA
I have this awful lingering nonproductive cough that is serving no purpose. I don't feel sick anymore, I just can't stop coughing. My body is now immune to robitussin. I know I'm pissing this baby off. Meh.
@DarkCat does pizza make your sugar go up? I've had a decently easy time with my GD and pizza seems to have no excessive effect. So I didn't know if I was just lucky, or if it was more of a people don't try it because type issue.
Pitting edema, that isn't going away (but also not getting worse or spreading and is really uncomfortable) is very annoying right now... Blood pressure is fine, has been the whole time. It started randomly (I blame the heat) and no amount of being off them/elevated/hydration is making it go down. Way to be a jerk, body!
@DarkCat does pizza make your sugar go up? I've had a decently easy time with my GD and pizza seems to have no excessive effect. So I didn't know if I was just lucky, or if it was more of a people don't try it because type issue.
Pitting edema, that isn't going away (but also not getting worse or spreading and is really uncomfortable) is very annoying right now... Blood pressure is fine, has been the whole time. It started randomly (I blame the heat) and no amount of being off them/elevated/hydration is making it go down. Way to be a jerk, body
*Stuck in a box*
With me it depends. I can either get a really good number or have it spike. It's not a horrible spike but it's usually over my meal limit. I've also noticed if I get Papa Murphy's with lot's of cheese and the thin crust I get excellent #'s.
I went to L&D today (at the recommendation of the on call doctor) with false labor, and I am frustrated. On the other hand, today was also the anniversary of my miscarriage last year, so I guess I didn't really want to have her on this day anyway... Not really a day with good associations. I'm just perpetually grouchy now.
@WVUPetunia oh what a difficult day. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and my heart aches for you on this anniversary. Being grouchy totally makes sense. Hoping tomorrow is a better and brighter day for you
@WVUPetunia oh what a difficult day. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and my heart aches for you on this anniversary. Being grouchy totally makes sense. Hoping tomorrow is a better and brighter day for you
Thank you. Fortunately, the nurse was wonderful, and even though I felt stupid, she reassured me that I was absolutely not wrong to go in there. It was for the best that she wasn't meant to be born today because I wouldn't want her birth to be "marked" that way permanently.
My mother is being an absolute bitch lately. After what seems like the millionth time explaining how I want things to go for birth and after she just still doesn't get it. Tell me if I'm wrong but I don't think my requests sound too unreasonable. 1. I don't want anyone told I'm in labour unless it's an emergency, I can't be dealing with the phone calls every other minute to see how I'm progressing. 2. After we come home I'd like at least 2 hours to shower and settle in back home before having visitors. 3. I don't want anyone spending the night. To me, that sounds pretty normal but she thinks I'm asking for to much, mainly because she wants to come over before I come home to be here first. Umm no. She actually said to me that she hoped baby would cry all night because I refused to have her stay the first night. Don't even get me started on the fact that after telling her numerous times, she still refers to my baby as "her baby". That's my rant done for the day!
@LF93 not unreasonable at all! Is she planning on being at the hospital with you? Maybe you don't have to tell her you're in labor and wait until LO is born and have her come to the hospital when you're ready. As for coming home, you're way nicer than I. We're having no one over for at least a few days. I know I'm having a CS and want some time to heal, first. Good luck! I hope she'll respect your boundaries.
@aimz2377 My hospital doesn't allow visitors thankfully so she won't be able to come over until we are home, I'd love to tell people to come over the following day and though I know 90% of family would respect that, others would come anyways so it's less hassle! Thank you for your input, I hope she does too. Giving birth is stressful enough as it is, I don't want any unnecessary problems because someone has their panties in a bunch.
Re: Weekend Bishfest
July16 JULY siggy challenge
My bitch is just generally being a miserable sack of shit. This baby has dropped his head so far down in my pelvis that I swear there is not one single position that is even mildly comfortable. Combined with these increasingly painful BH that feel like they are knocking the wind out of me and the back pain I am struggling just to exist right now. And being this tired has turned me into an emotional wreck.
Basically this:
It's so hot and humid here, I feel like I'm melting. And DH is super cranky today for no reason and it's making me even more irritable.
enough to be comfortable and it's making me lazy as hell when I have a shit ton to do (like writing thank you cards and doing laundry).
That and this god forsaken heat wave + humidity.
Pitting edema, that isn't going away (but also not getting worse or spreading and is really uncomfortable) is very annoying right now... Blood pressure is fine, has been the whole time. It started randomly (I blame the heat) and no amount of being off them/elevated/hydration is making it go down. Way to be a jerk, body!
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018