Baby Names

Thoughts on these names?

We are team green- but I really think pink...Thoughts? 1 sibling (Jack)
So Girls

Dandelion (for real....)

Jonah Pedro
Rex (MN?)

Re: Thoughts on these names?

  • Ruby Mae
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  • CaboBride2015CaboBride2015 member
    edited June 2016
    Dandelion is the equivalent of Winter to me... at least you have it in the MN spot. Prefer Mae, by far, of those options.

    NAF of June but the other 3 fn options are OK, Lucy is my favorite.

    ETA: the equivalence to Winter is that generally, people think winter sucks. Most people consider dandelions a weed they need to kill off.
  • June Consuela

    i do not like jonah and pedro together at all
  • Jonah is nice but odd with Pedro. 
    Rex is all dog and Dino. My cousin used it and has openly addicted they wish they had not used it. People always make Trex and we had a dog named that comments. 

    I like Lucy or Molly

  • Lucy or Ruby Mae.  I don't like Jack and June together.  
  • Molly or June Consuela.

    Rex is bad. Jonah is nice but awkward with Pedro.
  • I never thought of dandelions that way! I always think of them as strong- as they are the first thing to come up! Interesting! :)

  • Lucy Mae. 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • I love, love, love Ruby! I had an obsession with naming my pets Ruby as a child so it ruined it for me but I adore the name!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Jack and Lucy Mae is my favorite. Second choice would be Ruby Mae. Molly is okay, but I don't care for Jack and June together.

    Jack and Jonah is great! But I think I would vote for Jonah Rex over Jonah Pedro, and definitely no on Rex as a first name.
  • I love Ruby but as soon as I say it with your DS' name I just think of Jack Ruby. I like either Lucy Mae or Molly Mae, though the alliteration of Molly with Mae might sound too cutesy or country.

    Like PP I think Pedro sounds awkward and clunky paired with Jonah. How about Jonah Amadeo or Jonah Mateo?
  • Lucy Consuela or Ruby Consuela

    Definitely Jonah over Rex. But I'd keep an eye out for other names that don't start with J
  • tuicatmamatuicatmama member
    edited June 2016
    I love Ruby but as soon as I say it with your DS' name I just think of Jack Ruby. I like either Lucy Mae or Molly Mae, though the alliteration of Molly with Mae might sound too cutesy or country.

    Like PP I think Pedro sounds awkward and clunky paired with Jonah. How about Jonah Amadeo or Jonah Mateo?
    I love Ruby but as soon as I say it with your DS' name I just think of Jack Ruby. I like either Lucy Mae or Molly Mae, though the alliteration of Molly with Mae might sound too cutesy or country.

    Like PP I think Pedro sounds awkward and clunky paired with Jonah. How about Jonah Amadeo or Jonah Mateo?
    I love Ruby but as soon as I say it with your DS' name I just think of Jack Ruby. I like either Lucy Mae or Molly Mae, though the alliteration of Molly with Mae might sound too cutesy or country.

    Like PP I think Pedro sounds awkward and clunky paired with Jonah. How about Jonah Amadeo or Jonah Mateo?
    I love Ruby but as soon as I say it with your DS' name I just think of Jack Ruby. I like either Lucy Mae or Molly Mae, though the alliteration of Molly with Mae might sound too cutesy or country.

    Like PP I think Pedro sounds awkward and clunky paired with Jonah. How about Jonah Amadeo or Jonah Mateo?

  • Sorry- that last post had a gremlin in it... :(
     I was trying to quote it to say that I love the suggestion "Jonah Mateo"- never would have thought of it in a million years...
  • I think they all sound good except for Molly (drug reference) and Consuela, but only because Family Guy ruined it for everyone lol

    Met DH - 9/2003
    Dating - 9/18/2012
    Married - 8/16/2014
    NTNP - 7/2014-5/2015 
    TTC #1 - 5/2015 (CP October @ 4w2d)
    *PCOS/Hypothyroid/Ectopic Kidney/High DHEA-S*
    HSG - All clear, ectopic kidney didn't affect uterus (yay!)
    CT Adrenal Scan - no tumors! :D
    SA - sperm count excellent, 2% Morphology
    March/April IUI scheduled -  surprise BFP w/ help of Progesterone - 3/18/2016
    Beta #1 @ 11dpo - 45.7 #2 @ 14dpo - 163 #3 @ 18dpo - 997 #4 @ 21dpo - 3799 :D
    EDD 12/1 based on O, 11/28 per Ob/Gyn (but he's wrong lol).

    *TEAM BLUE!*

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Image result for funny i hate football memes

  • I think they all sound good except for Molly (drug reference) and Consuela, but only because Family Guy ruined it for everyone lol

    This is my association with Consuela:
    Married 6/20/2015
    Mirena removed 7/6/2015
    TTC#1 July 2015
    BFP 12/4/2015
    Sam born 8/4/2016

  • No problem @tuicatmama, glad to give you another option!
  • I like all your girl names except for Dandelion. They are weeds to anyone who gardens or takes care of a lawn. They make weed killer specifically for dandelions. For a flower name, I like Magnolia, Hyacinth, Daisy, and Rose. 

    I like Jonah, but not with Pedro. Since Pedro is Spanish for Peter, how about using Peter instead?

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