July 2016 Moms

Monday Bitchfest

What's got your goat?
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Re: Monday Bitchfest

  • Stupid Charley horse 1 hour before my alarm goes off. Let me sleep legs! 
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  • I've been torn about bitching about it, but it's bothering the heck out of me, so here goes. My mother's day kind of sucked. DH is in denial that he has allergies which have likely now turned into a sinus infection. He was snoring like a buzzsaw Saturday night. He decided to turn off the a/c as well as the fan we usually have running in our room - blaming his sore throat and cough on them. I was sweating my ass off, and I had no other sound to drown out his snoring, so I finally went downstairs and slept on the couch in our living room. I ended up waking up at 6:30 (with a sore back) because DH was less than quiet sneaking out of the house to go fishing. And, not only did he wake me up, but he woke DS up. No sleeping in for me. No breakfast in bed, or at all unless I wanted to make it/go get it myself. DH left a stack of cards he had made for me, which were funny/sweet, but I know for a fact that he made them in less than an hour on Saturday... so the lack of forethought outweighed the fact that he did anything sentimental. He didn't have DS help/do anything with him for me at all. Seriously, the kid LOVES crayons and markers... all you have to do is put him in his high chair with some paper, and he'll go crazy. No greeting card. No flowers. In fact, over the course of the day, he never even said, "Happy Mother's Day" to me. He got back from fishing at about 11:30 in a super crappy mood because he didn't feel well and didn't catch any fish. I felt somewhat vindicated that at least he didn't have a great time. I tried to make conversation with him, and all I got were one-word answers. He went and got his oil changed and mowed the lawn... then came inside and showered and went down in the basement where he took a nap. I went grocery shopping while DS (and DH) was napping... no, "Hey, why don't you go get your nails done..." I carried all the groceries into the house by myself, which was fun because I had to park halfway down the block from our house. DH was in such a shitty mood that I didn't even bother waking him up from his nap to go to dinner with my family for mother's day. I just took DS by myself. He really sucks at mother's day... he was crappy to me last year too. Maybe if it hadn't been a holiday... just any other day... he would have actually been decent. And I should have stayed off of Facebook for the day, but I didn't, so I got to read all of my friends' posts about how they got the royal treatment for the day, which just amplified my pity party.

    The reason I was torn about complaining is because, in terms of getting to spend time with my little boy, it was a great day. We went to two different playgrounds, and it was fun watching him run around and have a good time. He colored... we watched a little TV together, snuggled... and he was really good at dinner with my family.

    I just really want to punch my DH in the nuts. ...Especially for making me look forward to Monday just so the weekend would be over.
  • @soberkfell my DH is pretty oblivious when it comes to holidays in general...he basically skipped our anniversary this year.  But look on the bright side -- you can get away with just getting him a card on Father's Day then.

  • MDmomma1217MDmomma1217 member
    edited May 2016
    I'm just really not feeling this work thing today. Yesterday I cooked for my mom and MIL, and had enough dishes to do 2 loads in the dishwasher. By the time I sat down and wanted to take a nap, I realized it was 6:30, and if I napped I would never go to bed. Here it is Monday, and between the sciatica pain and dizzy/nausea (I'm assuming from the anemia) I just want to lay down and not do anything. 28 work days until I stop working.....not like I'm counting or anything.....

    Oh and one more thing - so a few weeks ago there was lots of drama with IL's because my MIL kept complaining about our LO's name (we are naming him after DH's paternal grandfather - which she doesn't like because she said she didn't have a good relationship with him, no major issues the guy just wasn't her cup of tea). So this year for Mother's Day DH and I hosted a lunch at our house for both sides of the family, and of course gave gifts to the moms. Since DD was born, my mom has always given me flowers on Mother's day, and my MIL has done the same in years past. This year, nothing from her. I know she's still irked about the name thing, but I really am done with the drama.
  • @rnyland1 You're very right... at least there's no pressure to do anything special for him for Father's Day now.
  • TM14TM14 member
    edited May 2016
    My legs started hurting last night and are now slightly swollen. I barely did anything yesterday.  Why legs, why? They hurt like hell!
  • lizhurtlizhurt member
    The only thing my hubs gave me for Mother's Day was his cold. 

    Just when I was trying to stop being such a bitch all the time, he goes and pulls that. Worst of all, his ongoing 'joke' excuse was "You're not a mother yet." Okay, cool then I guess I will just stop carrying this child around in my womb everyday, you know, nurturing him and giving him life.
  • DH is terrible when it comes to Mother's Day. When I was pregnant with DD, he told me it didn't count because I "wasn't a mother yet." Then last year--  nothing. I received the little gift DD "made" at daycare last year. I pretty much expected the same this year. DD's new daycare didn't even bother to make anything, so this year I literally got nothing.

    DH slept in (he got home around 2 am on Sunday morning from helping friends put their docks in at the lake, and I was still awake when he got home) and left me to get up with DD. Aside from not getting to sleep in, I got to spend the day cleaning the house because he didn't keep it up while I was gone for work. At least DD was alive and happy when they picked me up on Thursday evening. Still not so happy about it though.

    Today's BF goes to myself.... I managed to put on 8 lbs between my last doc visit and the one this morning. Ugh. Time to really start watching what I eat
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

  • Working. I've had enough of it. Also UTI- bladder kicks hurt SO bad right now!
  • Per my wretched scale I've gained 4 pounds in two weeks... My doctor will probably lecture me today and of course its the appointment my husband is attending. Between teacher appreciation week, my shower and mothers day I've eaten like crap.
  • @lizhurt That's annoying - I'm sorry you caught his cold. And yea, you're totally a mom already, so he can suck it.

    @jwittwer DS doesn't go to school yet - he stays with my mom during the week - so I don't get the arts and crafts either. Sounds like we had a similar day. It would have been nice to have someone else take care of the stuff I typically do during the week/on the weekend... and to just get a little break. I guess DH is just going to be like my dad was, and I'll have to wait until my kids are old enough to make their own crafts, sleep later than 6:30 in the morning, etc.
  • Feel kind of silly complaining about it, but I'm over feeling like my pelvis/pubic bone is breaking every time I try to roll over in bed. 
  • My husband was also in the "you're not a mother yet" camp yesterday. Thanks to my inability to control my emotions due to hormones, it led to a fair share of tears. He didn't care. Rage. 
  • Jodi1980Jodi1980 member
    edited May 2016
    I'm in the same bandwagon with the rest of the DH snorers! My DH's nickname is "snoreaga". He has not slept in the bed the past week and 1/2 because of it. He even wears a cpap machine but lays sideways and somehow the mask presses against his pillow and buzzes which makes the vibration felt through my pillow and buzzes....uh, SO ANNOYING!
    Anyway, we said our good nights, (foolishly he went to bed without anything) and sure as shit about 30 mins later, I woke his ass up and gave him an ultimatum, leave or something different, a breath right strip. Would you believe nothing the whole night! I'm beginning to think those things as better than his 600 dollar machine! LoL

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  • WevilleWeville member
    @soberkfell I'm sorry your husband put forth no effort!  He deserves some shin kicking
  • @soberkfell I'm sorry about your husband! Do you guys do it big for Father's Day? Maybe you can 'forget' Father's Day this year? He might take a hint.
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  • Thanks, @Weville and @Kellyj103. Last year when he sucked at Mother's Day, I decided to go all out for Father's Day just to make him feel bad... I don't think he got the point. So yea... this year, I think I'll do a craft of some sort with DS, buy him a greeting card, SAY, "Happy Father's Day," and still feel way ahead of the curve.
  • WevilleWeville member
    @soberkfell Since he sucks at it consistently can you tell him he's doing a lousy job of recognizing the day 
  • So my mom just posted this on her facebook wall, with my name tagged: "well Rosie, if you hadn't chosen to move so far away from your family members, then we'd be able to babysit for you all the time!"  and then included some article about how hard it is to parent while being away from family...ummm yeah I get that, I just don't understand why it has to be posted on facebook with my name tagged to it. And it's not like I chose to move far away just to spite her, I had to move away to find a decent job to support my family.  I made the best choice for my family, regardless of the hardships that we face having zero support system where we live. I'm not sure why she has to rub that in my face on the internet.
  • @Weville I do think by the end of the day he might have gotten the hint. I refused to spend the day in a bad mood, but I think by last night when he made some crabby remark about how I washed most but not all of the bedding (look buddy, so I forgot a few pillow cases... it's not my fault our sheets and all of your pillows smell like your sweaty balls) and I just threw my hands up in the air, it was somewhat apparent I was done with the day. When I finally laid down for the night, he said, "Sorry I didn't get around to doing much for you for Mother's Day." So... I think he got that he dropped the ball, but I don't think it'll change anything in the future. Just my bitch for the weekend/day... I know there were other ladies who got the same/less/worse treatment, so I shouldn't complain! I'm giving myself today to feel sorry for myself... then I'll get over it tomorrow.
  • @PootsDragon I am carrying twins! He just genuinely doesn't get it. We saw a friend of ours briefly yesterday and even he told me happy Mother's Day, in front of my husband, and he was still completely clueless. Let's hope he makes up for it next year when they are on the outside. 
  • ncm1919ncm1919 member
    lizhurt said:
    The only thing my hubs gave me for Mother's Day was his cold. 

    Just when I was trying to stop being such a bitch all the time, he goes and pulls that. Worst of all, his ongoing 'joke' excuse was "You're not a mother yet." Okay, cool then I guess I will just stop carrying this child around in my womb everyday, you know, nurturing him and giving him life.
    I'm sorry but that first line made my day. I'm sorry you had a shitty Mother's Day. 
  • @pinklady2015 omg that would be perfect. My DH did at least give me flowers, a card, and make me pancakes for breakfast. Didn't help with DS or chores at all but it sounds like my Mother's Day was pretty lavish compared to some of the folks on here (sorry guys, you deserve better!!). So I will probably get DH at least a card/gift card for Father's Day.  He hates/refuses to eat breakfast so I guess I'm off the hook for that! But if I ever need time to "take a break," I will, with or without DH's encouragement to do so.  Lawd knows he takes enough time for himself without necessarily having my blessing. There's nothing wrong with saying "hey DH, I'm going out to go window shopping/go to the nail spa/have a lunch date with someone/whatever and I'll be back in a couple of hours."  If I didn't do this every once in a while I might completely loose my sh*t.
  • The next week or so for me is going to be one school awards ceremony after another... I have at least one per day.  I love being able to publicly recognize the participation in the 4-H programming in my county, particularly that which occurs at events outside classroom clubs, but pregnancy brain has struck - two of the 4-H members I tried to award certificates to this morning don't even go to the school where I was presenting.  Everyone clapped for the kids when their names were called, and I just sat their certificates aside to be given to the teachers since I thought the kids were absent... nope when I handed them to the teachers, they were like "This one's home schooled... this one moved... and we don't know this one or that one..."  Score: 4-H lady - 0, pregnancy brain - I've lost count.

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

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  • @rnyland1 I'm sorry you have to deal with guilt trips about living far away. I moved 2000 miles away from family when I got married (same distance from his family), and while the grands are sad about being far from my kids, they are still supportive of our decision to live here. We make extra efforts to FaceTime at least weekly so that they feel part of my son's life, and will continue that with this baby. Maybe that would help their disappointment?  Also, mommy friends help a lot with the difficulty of being away from family. Swapping off for date nights is awesome.
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