Baby Names

39 weeks and still looking

we are due next week and still don't have an idea what this baby's name will be.  We are team green so need both boy and girl ideas. Older sister is Evelyn.  Names we've talked about but are not sure... Oliver, Jude, Colin, Leo, Niall...... Eleanor, Zoe, Nora, Alexandra, Harper..
Thoughts or suggestions?
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Re: 39 weeks and still looking

  • FluffleSproutFluffleSprout member
    edited May 2016
    I'd toss Zoe, Niall and Harper. I like Julian nn Jude or Eleanor nn Nora. They're great with Evelyn. 

    To add to the list, I'd consider Miles, Theo, Margot, Alice
  • Do you tend to like gender neutral names, or was Evelyn a one off? I don't know why but Hilary was one of the first names that popped up when I saw your list. 
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  • I think all the boy names are solid. Eleanor is a bit to close to Evelyn for my style and Harper is so so so trendy. I really like Alexandra.



  • Oliver and Zoe get my votes! Good luck!
  • I like Jude and Nora, so adorable!
  • Love Oliver, Jude and Leo for boys and Nora for a girl. Alexandra is good too, but I'd toss Harper!
  • Niall and Alexandra are my faves.
  • Isn't Niall one of the guys in One Direction? I'd avoid that and Harper.
  • Jude and Harper are my picks from your list.

    What you could do... write down all the names you like on slips of paper and put them in containers separate for boy and girl. While you're in labour, go through the choices again and see which ones still feel awesome to you. You could also try to get some of the nurses in on it too, they might come up with a new idea.

    But I would leave the absolute final decision until baby is on the outside. You might take a look at them and realize they seem like more of a (insert name here) than your ideas.
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