August 2016 Moms

Can you see baby's kicks?

In the last 24 hours or so, I've definitely seen actual movement in the bump when baby kicks/punches.  26 weeks, but measuring 2 weeks ahead.  The visible movement is all around my belly button, and just all of a sudden.  Super cool, and let's be honest, a little creepy to this FTM.  Anyone else just started seeing this? Correspondingly, I woke up this morning and holy static nerve pain... ouch.  I've had hip and back pain the entire pregnancy and been seeing a chiropractor, but this is new!!

And, any hunches on what position baby might be in?  Baby was transverse at 24 weeks still.

Re: Can you see baby's kicks?

  • Katm89Katm89 member
    Yes its amazing!!!! I think my baby is side ways or breech... very low movement across my belly... I did some exercises to move baby into a better position and for 2 days I felt high movement and then baby flipped again haha
  • Yes! 25 weeks tomorrow and I've been seeing them for the past couple of weeks. Did not think they'd be so obvious visually since they told me at my anatomy scan I have an anterior placenta.

    I took a video on my phone to keep the memory!
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  • Yes! I'm in week 26 now, but I started seeing the movements at week 24. I'm a FTM too and thought this wouldn't happen until later. So cool!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Yes, a couple weeks ago I started being able to see some kicks.  Over the past couple days I've actually been able to see actual moving around, rolling and shifting :smile: 
    DD  <3 6/15/2014
    Baby #2 due 8/11/2016

  • Me too! I'm 27 weeks and it started 2-3 weeks ago. Totally freaked me out the first time. I had my hand resting on my belly in a meeting and it very noticeably jumped. This baby is going to be strong like his daddy! 
  • oh yes, my belly jumps about!

  • Yes! I love it! My placenta is more anterior on my left side so I feel and see most of baby's movement on my right lower side. She sure feels like a strong one!!

    TTC 9/2013

    BFP#1: 9/28/2013, EDD 5/28/13, MC confirmed 10/15/13, D&C 10/17/13

    BFP#2: 1/10/2014, EDD 9/19/2014


  • I haven't yet but I still remember with DS I was wearing a dress with a ruffle down the front and all of the sudden the ruffle started bouncing. It was too funny!

    ive been getting ultrasounds every 3 weeks so I kind of know position from that but the head is down on my lower right side, which makes sense since the kicks are mostly on my left side. 
  • The other night I was lying on my back on the bed, with my legs hanging off the edge of the bed, so my abdomen was kind of stretched. I was feeling around for kicks and whatnot and felt this rather hard, round part. I showed it to DH and we were both touching it, and he was like, "that must be his head, right?" And we both kind of yanked our hands back in horror. It is a bit creepy, and also I don't want to be poking our kid in the head! What if I bruise him or something? 

    Then later I realized it could just have easily been the fibroid that I've got going on down there. And that is not a pleasant thought, either. 
  • I can see my stomach move now too!!!
  • @Snaps816 - SO GLAD I'm not the only one a tad creeped out by visible movement. 
  • Not yet! But with anterior placenta I really wasn't expecting it yet. Finally started feeling lots of movement a week or so ago and loving it. :)
  • Yes! I'm 25 weeks now and a few weeks ago I started being able to see twitches from the outside. Now you can see my stomach moving in every direction when she's really active. The creepiest thing to me is when she's not really kicking and punching but when she's just moving and rolling around. My belly moves in this really creepy weird way and I feel like you can almost see the head when she pushes it against my skin. So creepy! But I absolutely love it.
  • Yes! I'm about 25.5 weeks and I've seen the kicks from the outside for the past few weeks even with an anterior placenta. Most recently, I find either DS's head or butt in my ribs on the right. 
  • I can't see it yet :( but I'm only 24 weeks and have an anterior placenta. 
    *TW Spoiler*

    DD: Aug '16

    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • Yes! I'm 26 weeks with an anterior placenta and I started seeing movement last week. I'm fascinated by it! It's always just to the right of my belly button. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Yes! I started noticing it at about 24 weeks. I love it!
    TTC History:
    Started dating DH 2006 . Married 2015

    TTC July 2015-November 2015
    BFP November 2015
    Baby boy born August 2016

    Oops BFP February 2021
    MMC March 2021

    Back on BC for a year to decide what we want to do.

    TTC Since March 2022
    MMC June 2022

    BFP September 2022 - Due June 2023!

  • KatienuKatienu member
    Yes! I tried to video it but it is subtle. My DH thought I was nuts!
  • Yeah I can see it and it's kinda awesome.  I started laughing and told hubby to watch - his eyes bugged out when he saw my tummy pop out. 
  • Yes! I totally recommend recording it. I have recordings from both my little ones and I plan to do one with this one too. It's so amazing to watch it :smiley: 
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  • I really noticed it last weekend. I pulled my husband into the bedroom and he thought something else was going on!! LOL 25 weeks today.
  • The most amazing feeling ever :) just first time made me cry 
  • Yes! I was laying on the couch earlier and DD had her head on my stomach and LO kicked and her head bounced. She looked at me all confused it was cute. 
  • Yes! I made a video of it because every time I go to show DH or have him feel my belly, baby stops all movement. The baby karate chops me all day long when DH isn't around, so I was so excited to be able to show him the video of it. My mom and dad are in town this week and got to see some of his movement too; that was really exciting for them.
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  • I'm 27 weeks now and I've been able to see movement  for quite some time now. Maybe around 20 or 22 weeks? But it's definitely become much more noticeable in the last couple weeks. Sometimes when I have my arm resting on my tummy when I'm using my phone, baby actually kicks hard enough that I've almost dropped it lol
  • Yes! Omg yes, I had to put my hand over my belly today because the baby was having a party in there. I wore a tight fitting dress for work but kept getting distracted by the fact that these kicks were poking through my dress! I am closer to 28 wks though. Kicks are now a lot higher (less and less bladder kicks thank goodness). 

    One thing that's annoying is the kicks all of the sudden seem to stop when I press the record button to capture it. Ugh!
  • Baby must have moved yesterday, because the kicks are down low now, and not as visible.  Interesting!
  • Do you guys notice your baby kicking when you're hungry? It's so weird! I get reminded by my baby's strong kicks when I realize I haven't eaten and that I'm starving! I wonder if they feel hungry too but don't they constantly feed themselves through the umbilical cord? Ha, FTM so I may sound like a noob!
  • @AliKay20 I've noticed this too! I wonder if they can hear our stomachs growling or something?
  • Is there any correlation to how active your baby was in your belly and how they actually turned out to be after birth? Personality wise? Mine was always described as an active baby/she won't stay still by a few techs and my OBGYN from the beginning. 

    Apparently babies are supposed to be sleeping a lot more around 33 weeks. Mine is always moving!! Kicking, rolling, what have you. I'm afraid she will be a very hyperactive kid. I'd be nervous to keep up with her!!
  • AliKay20 said:
    Is there any correlation to how active your baby was in your belly and how they actually turned out to be after birth? Personality wise? Mine was always described as an active baby/she won't stay still by a few techs and my OBGYN from the beginning. 

    Apparently babies are supposed to be sleeping a lot more around 33 weeks. Mine is always moving!! Kicking, rolling, what have you. I'm afraid she will be a very hyperactive kid. I'd be nervous to keep up with her!!
    For me, this was true with DD. The ultrasound tech always commented on how active she was. Yesterday was her 2nd birthday & this girl doesn't stop moving. She is very active! Now with this pregnancy, I feel like DS is even more active & way stronger. His movements hurt, whereas, I don't remember DD hurting me up until the very end. A little over 8wks til we meet our little strong man...we shall see!
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