July 2015 Moms

Shovel it in

I need tips to stop my baby from just stuffing food in her mouth without chewing. Last night she had mixed vegetables as finger foods. She continued to shove them in her mouth and didn't chew until all what was on the tray was in her mouth. I only have her like 5 pieces at a time, but they can easily get them stuck in her throat. She even started chocking twice yesterday. She'll do it to puffs as well. Any tips?

Re: Shovel it in

  • Try giving her smaller portions, so she doesn't get too excited and put everything in her mouth. Once she is done with that, give her another small portion. And same with the puffs, try giving it to her one at a time. It's better to be safe! Keep us posted mama! 
  • I have to do the same, LO will grab 3 or 4 puffs at a time and try to stick them all in his mouth so I limit him to one or 2 at a time.
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  • AKOL0AKOL0 member
    She'll can only grab one at a time. We've only had this problem for a week now. Before she was really good about it. But now she'll grab one, put it in her mouth, and the grab another within a second. 
  • mbilbrey00mbilbrey00 member
    edited April 2016
    Are you sure she wasn't gagging from too much food in her mouth? Baby's gag reflex is closer to the front of their mouths and recedes as they get older. I understand your worry. My kiddo does the same thing. He has even put so many peach pieces in his mouth that he gagged and all of it came back out! It's scary but that is how they learn. If he starts gagging I am ready to step in if need be but I let him handle it. I continue to talk to him in hopes that he will pick up on it. "Slow down." "Chew your food." And I make sure to have water available to drink. I'm trying to teach him 4 bites to 1 drink of water. I'm hoping that will slow him down too. Good luck. I know it's hard to watch.  
    This is a good article that talks about choking vs gagging. 
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