Yep. I was walking around and around my neighborhood, had to pee, but wouldn't take my shoes off to go walk on our white carpet, so I peed behind our truck in the driveway. It was kind of raining out so I didn't even feel gross about it. No biggie!
All the time. No shame either. Went for a walk in the woods on sunday to go fishing...couldnt hold it. Pants off, husband behind me for balance...what a nice day though lol
~* Met Husband: July 26, 2009Said Yes: July 26, 2010Married: September 10, 2011Baby Due: June 17, 2016 *~
Not while pregnant, but I did have one too many beers at a golf outing with no bathroom in site. Ducked into the woods and managed to not get anything on my brand new golf shoes!
Before my son was born, I was a field biologist. I preferred peeing outdoors (and I've done more than that, as well). I was peeing outdoors while pregnant with him until I was six months along. Can't say I've done it since, but it would be no big deal if I had to.
Our friend was doing a 100 mile ultra trail run a few weekends ago so we went out to the trail to hang with him. There was a bathroom but it was horrifying. No way was i peeing in there. So squatting it was. And apparently my balance is good cause I could do it all on my own. We were out there long enough that I peed 3 times outdoors. No shame in my game.
Not while pregnant or since my surgery but I used to pop a squat anywhere that was convienent. At a bar and the bathroom is digusting or too busy? In the parking lot I go. In the woods camping or the latrine closed on a trail? Move over and handle that.
Not since I've been pregnant but there have been many a squats in the woods, horse stall, or horse trailer in my day.
One of my friends has horses, when I went with her to see them, she took a break to pee in a horse stall. I've always wondered if that's normal for folks with a barn?
I pee outside all the time . However there are a couple reasons why lol. We own cattle and have to go feed in the morning and driving around in the field makes my kid do jumping jacks on my bladder so I can never make it back to the house . ... And we buy houses on the side to flip so the last one we just got 2 weeks ago was morbid inside ... There was NO way I was going in this bathroom without some serious work and cleaning so I was forced to go outside the house for a week or so . You can't see neighbors though .
Re: Have you??
Mrs. H
Crohn's Dx: August 2008
Endometriosis Dx: May 2010
Married: 05/19/2012
TTC #1: June 2013
BFP: December 2013
DS: Born 08/29/2014
TTC #2: July 2015
BFP #2: September 25, 2015
Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.
DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!
Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20