I'm kind of irritated that my own sister has not taken any interest in my pregnancy. She never calls or texts me (or returns my texts/calls to her) or asks me how I'm doing. . .EVER. She doesn't even know that we're having a boy and we've known for 8 weeks. I've tried calling her to tell her but it's no use. She claims she gets no cell phone service where she lives (in Virginia) so she doesn't see my calls/texts. OK fine. I know she has internet service though, so how come she can't return my facebook or google hangouts messages then? I'm not sure what's worse: a clingy family or one that doesn't care at all. Personally I would prefer clingy at this point. How much is it to ask that your own sister offer you a simple congratulations on your pregnancy!! WTF!
WTF to my MIL. A week or so ago, DS had a tick bite him on his scalp at the base of the back of his head. I removed the tick and treated the bite, but he still itched... and a 4-year old who's itching will scratch. A lot. He scratched a spot probably 1/2 inch across where the bite was and a couple other little tiny spots beside it and the spots formed scabs, and I've been very vigilant with making sure that we keep an eye on them and that he leaves them alone. DS went to visit the IL's last night, and MIL calls me and the the follow ensues: MIL: Have you seen the back of DS's head? me: Ummm... yeah... MIL: I really think he's got poison oak on the back of his head. me: No, that'd be where he had a tick bite and has scratched it. MIL: That doesn't look like a tick bite... I believe he's got poison oak. me: No, I pulled the tick off of him, so I'm very certain it's a tick bite. If he has any poison oak, it's because he got into some and scratched the bite. I'll put some calamine on it when he gets home. MIL: Well since it's on the back of his head, I think he needs to go to the doctor. me: I'll look at it when he gets home. I put calamine on it last night when he got home to pacify MIL... sometime during the night he got the scab off... there's nice pretty pink skin underneath where it was, just as there should be. Sorry, MIL, he's not going to the doctor for a scab from a tick bite, and he doesn't have poison oak.
So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"
my gyno's office botched up and had me scheduled for my 2nd Rhogam shot yesterday but on my way there, I get the phone call from the nurse who said I am not to receive the injection until my 28th week (this Sunday) and ALL the bloodwork and glucose testing has to be done a week prior which means I have to do it ASAP. me: "No sweat, let's reschedule that "nurse's visit" for the injection for next week with my appt. I already have!" nurse: "sorry, nothing available" me: "how about the day before?" nurse: "i don't have anything either" me: "I can come on my lunch break the day of my other appt?" nurse: "okay, that works"
LOL...I can't win! My frustration was blindsided by the apologetic nurse. I knew it wasn't her fault.
My WTF is to my wonderful husband. He's all excited for my first mother's day and keeps hinting about an extravagant gift on the way. While its so sweet he's excited, this now means I need to find something for him for father's day and I am out of shits to give about most things these days. Can't we just get Salt & Straw and high five that we're going to have a kid? Isn't that sufficient?
Edit: I REALLY don't mean this to be humble braggy if it comes off that way. His idea of an extravagant mother's day gift could be new floor mats for the car.
On my way into work this morning, my water bottle decided to open and empty itself into my purse. So I leaked the entire way up to my classroom and then had to lay everything out on my floor with fans blowing on it.
WTF pooch??? Your allergies are out of effin control and you decide today that pill pockets dipped in peanut butter no longer suit your delicate tastebuds and immediately spit it out, ate the pill pocket, licked the peanut butter and left the pill on the floor. Awesome!
@rnyland1 Right there with you! While my mother and MIL seem over clingy and I would like them to back off a little we have my younger brother who hasn't asked me how I'm doing or asked any baby questions since we told him at Christmas that he's going to be an uncle. He text me out of the blue the other day only because he wanted me to do something for him. No "how are ya?" or anything.
WTF pooch??? Your allergies are out of effin control and you decide today that pill pockets dipped in peanut butter no longer suit your delicate tastebuds and immediately spit it out, ate the pill pocket, licked the peanut butter and left the pill on the floor. Awesome!
You are one of those nice dog moms, my dog get their mouths opened, a pill shoved down their throats, and their mouths held shut until they swallow. Mean dog mommy plays no fuckin' games!
@PinkLady2015 - I know cats and dogs can be very different but I give my cat his twice-daily meds in a tiny bit of american cheese. I got the tip from a dog owner and it has worked like a charm for the past 4 years. For some reason, the pill pockets worked for a couple of weeks then he stopped taking them.
Yes, I see your side eyeing of the gigantic amount of snacks I'm purchasing. I'm stressed, tired, and can't drink alcohol to relax myself so I want a zebra cake. Idgaf
Took our dog to dog daycare for an assessment day. If he passes, he can continue going there to play. I had to fill out paperwork while there, and halfway home, realized that I not only forgot to put the vet's number on the paperwork, but I also forgot to pay (you are suppose to pay in advance). Where the hell did my mind go?
Oh well, I guess they could hold my dog ransom until I pay.....
@PinkLady2015 We use to roll our previous dog's pills up in the small chunk of bread. If we smashed the piece of bread around the pill hard enough (you just use enough to cover the pill, not a whole slice), she would just down it and not try and get the pill out of it.
Wtf usps!! I had to physically mail in taxes this year. I mailed them off the first week of April. My state came out, but federal still hasn't. I checked the tracking number and they have been sitting in Colorado for 3 weeks?! They are supposed to go to California! I live in Oregon so this makes no sense. I called and they said the postmaster would contact me. It's been 2 days and nobody has called me back. I just want this over with.
I also do the shove the pill down the throat and massage their necks until it goes down haha. They will not take pills any other way. I'm dreading giving them their flea meds tomorrow. Even when I shove it down their throat they still somehow manage to spit some out. They're such pains in my ass! @Nerdchild@PinkLady2015
@soberkfell Thank you! I wouldn't mind if they were just delayed because I know as long as they get there we are ok, but I am starting to get concerned that they were lost completely. Hopefully that isn't the case.
I'm kind of irritated that my own sister has not taken any interest in my pregnancy. She never calls or texts me (or returns my texts/calls to her) or asks me how I'm doing. . .EVER. She doesn't even know that we're having a boy and we've known for 8 weeks. I've tried calling her to tell her but it's no use. She claims she gets no cell phone service where she lives (in Virginia) so she doesn't see my calls/texts. OK fine. I know she has internet service though, so how come she can't return my facebook or google hangouts messages then? I'm not sure what's worse: a clingy family or one that doesn't care at all. Personally I would prefer clingy at this point. How much is it to ask that your own sister offer you a simple congratulations on your pregnancy!! WTF!
@rnyland1 My SIL acts the same way. We even live in the same town, and anytime we've seen her she never asks how I'm feeling, how the pregnancy is going, nothing baby related. No interest in her nephew at all. I can kind of deal with it a bit better because it's DH's sister, not mine. I don't know how I would feel if my own sister acted like that I hope your sister eventually comes around, maybe she will get more excited when the baby is actually here?
My WTF is my back/sciatic pain today. Dealing with it since January, and I actually called out of work today. I have an hour long commute each way to work, and about 30 minutes in my back is killing me. I hate starting off my day like that, and how I've felt yesterday, and leg numbness/no sleep last night, I just couldn't do it today.
@PinkLady2015 a ER vet I work with gave me the best advice a few years ago for my very difficult piller. She told me to put the pill in a marshmallow. It's too sticky to pick out and she LOVES them! My WTF, is this lady came in a bit ago and was saying that the weather is predicting grapefruit sized hail. Grapefruit? Really? It's been the going joke of the morning.
@randishane011804 I've heard the same thing about marshmallows! When we make s'mores during the summer the dogs always get graham cracker and toasted marshmallows. Watching their eyes pop out of their heads as soon as they see the marshmallow bag is the greatest.
My WTF is to my wonderful husband. He's all excited for my first mother's day and keeps hinting about an extravagant gift on the way. While its so sweet he's excited, this now means I need to find something for him for father's day and I am out of shits to give about most things these days. Can't we just get Salt & Straw and high five that we're going to have a kid? Isn't that sufficient?
Edit: I REALLY don't mean this to be humble braggy if it comes off that way. His idea of an extravagant mother's day gift could be new floor mats for the car.
Still a humble brag even if you "didn't mean to". Simply avoiding the word "extravagant" easily changes the tone of this to not a humble brag and just saying how your husband is excited. Word choice = important.
The fact that you added "not a humble brag" should tell you it's a humble brag.
WTF bosses....it's Administrative Professionals day, apparently. They've never missed acknowledging this in the years past. However this year, there's been no mention. They didn't miss their vacation Monday-Tuesday, nor will they be missing their all day golf tourney tomorrow. Icing on the cake, we're supposed to do a birthday lunch for me on Monday, for my Saturday birthday. One boss has decided he'd like to leave for his next vacation early and he'll now be out Mon-Fri next week. He emailed and asked if we can move my lunch. I kindly wrote back that it looks like your schedule is too full. The rest of us will just go to lunch. Don't act like you CARE that you're missing it, douche!!
Wtf ninja baby. I don't remember feeding you crack at any point, so if you could stop violently rocketing from one uterine wall to another, that would be awesome.
@NerdchildI think I know how you feel - two nights ago it felt like he was in an Olympic swimming competition, flipping at the end of the pool and pushing off into another lap!
WTF to rude comments today. First I got the "are you sure there aren't two in there?"
Then, I had to see the nurse instead of my OB for my appointment. She looks through my chart and sees that they had to use a vacuum for my son's delivery and says, "well you won't be needing that again! Haha." I know she meant well by it, but it just rubbed me the wrong way and I wanted to respond. "I effing hope not!"
WTF my body. How can I feel like I'm starving AND like I'm going to puke at the same time? There's no way to fix this. I give up. Someone give me that calorie dense drink those nerds in Silicon Valley invented.
@benten24 Haha I can never win! Extravagant was his word choice, not mine. I'm always careful of editing original posts so I didn't think to change it...Good to know that's okay. The point of my WTF was that he wants it to be a big ole deal and I don't, womp womp.
I feel like I could eat a giant meal but I just look at my food and want to cry because after a bite or two I feel all pukey. It's fucked.
My midwife recommended mixing honey with the ACV because it creates a coating that helps with the reflux and then to also try papaya enzymes after I eat. I haven't done it yet but I will report back on results.
I have my first pregnancy stretch mark. Surprised it has taken this long, and it is really high up on my rib cage. Weird. I was ready for stomach marks, but not here. I need to reassess everything I know about life. Brb.
WTF to my own butter-fingers. I spilled part of my tea on the floor in my work kitchen area this morning... then I spilled the rest of it on my desk. Luckily only a few papers were damp, and I stopped it before going too far under my computer docking station. Oy... I need to sew some velcro onto the handle of this dang cup and then the other side to my hand.
WTF to my time management. I have like 1,000 things I need to get done today, since I am not working today. Really, the only thing that had to be done at a certain time, was get DD to swim lessons, and get her to soccer practice this evening. But....I have yet to do anything else today (besides drop the dog off at his daycare assessment), because I am so damn "busy" watching the dog daycare webcam. Its addicting, probably because we have never had him around other dogs, since he is five and we didn't know how he would respond (we certainly didn't want to be paying vet bills if he went after someone else's dog). Anyway, he will be there 10 hours today, he is 6 hours in....and I have spent way too much time watching him run around to sniff other dogs asses and hump everything in sight. I am guessing that if that is the worst he is doing in a sea of 50 dogs......he will pass his assessment.
And for your enjoyment......screen shots of the dog from the webcam....(he is the gray one in the center)
Re: WTF Wednesday
MIL: Have you seen the back of DS's head?
me: Ummm... yeah...
MIL: I really think he's got poison oak on the back of his head.
me: No, that'd be where he had a tick bite and has scratched it.
MIL: That doesn't look like a tick bite... I believe he's got poison oak.
me: No, I pulled the tick off of him, so I'm very certain it's a tick bite. If he has any poison oak, it's because he got into some and scratched the bite. I'll put some calamine on it when he gets home.
MIL: Well since it's on the back of his head, I think he needs to go to the doctor.
me: I'll look at it when he gets home.
I put calamine on it last night when he got home to pacify MIL... sometime during the night he got the scab off... there's nice pretty pink skin underneath where it was, just as there should be. Sorry, MIL, he's not going to the doctor for a scab from a tick bite, and he doesn't have poison oak.
So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"
Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards
me: "No sweat, let's reschedule that "nurse's visit" for the injection for next week with my appt. I already have!"
nurse: "sorry, nothing available"
me: "how about the day before?"
nurse: "i don't have anything either"
me: "I can come on my lunch break the day of my other appt?"
nurse: "okay, that works"
LOL...I can't win! My frustration was blindsided by the apologetic nurse. I knew it wasn't her fault.
Edit: I REALLY don't mean this to be humble braggy if it comes off that way. His idea of an extravagant mother's day gift could be new floor mats for the car.
So that's how you're going to play, Wednesday???
WTF pooch??? Your allergies are out of effin control and you decide today that pill pockets dipped in peanut butter no longer suit your delicate tastebuds and immediately spit it out, ate the pill pocket, licked the peanut butter and left the pill on the floor. Awesome!
@rnyland1 Right there with you! While my mother and MIL seem over clingy and I would like them to back off a little we have my younger brother who hasn't asked me how I'm doing or asked any baby questions since we told him at Christmas that he's going to be an uncle. He text me out of the blue the other day only because he wanted me to do something for him. No "how are ya?" or anything.
July BMB May Signature Challenge
Yes, I see your side eyeing of the gigantic amount of snacks I'm purchasing. I'm stressed, tired, and can't drink alcohol to relax myself so I want a zebra cake. Idgaf
Oh well, I guess they could hold my dog ransom until I pay.....
My WTF is my back/sciatic pain today. Dealing with it since January, and I actually called out of work today. I have an hour long commute each way to work, and about 30 minutes in my back is killing me. I hate starting off my day like that, and how I've felt yesterday, and leg numbness/no sleep last night, I just couldn't do it today.
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
My WTF, is this lady came in a bit ago and was saying that the weather is predicting grapefruit sized hail. Grapefruit? Really? It's been the going joke of the morning.
The fact that you added "not a humble brag" should tell you it's a humble brag.
Wtf house. Why can't you clean yourself?!
Obviously I'm pretty worthless today. So tired.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
WTF to rude comments today. First I got the "are you sure there aren't two in there?"
Then, I had to see the nurse instead of my OB for my appointment. She looks through my chart and sees that they had to use a vacuum for my son's delivery and says, "well you won't be needing that again! Haha." I know she meant well by it, but it just rubbed me the wrong way and I wanted to respond. "I effing hope not!"
I feel like I could eat a giant meal but I just look at my food and want to cry because after a bite or two I feel all pukey. It's fucked.
My midwife recommended mixing honey with the ACV because it creates a coating that helps with the reflux and then to also try papaya enzymes after I eat. I haven't done it yet but I will report back on results.
yesterday I was asked if I was having three. Um.... WTF people. WTF.
And for your enjoyment......screen shots of the dog from the webcam....(he is the gray one in the center)