December 2016 Moms


Sugargirl1019Sugargirl1019 member
edited April 2016 in December 2016 Moms
Go ahead , confess! 
(Not guaranteed to be flame free though)

Tell me you ate a deli sandwich this week ;)

Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
Married in July 2014
TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
1/12/16 6.7%
5/25/16 6.0%
11/2/16 6.1%
3/22/16 5.8%
4/27/17 5.4%
6/13/17 5.3%
"Sugar Fancy Tutu"


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    I had Firehouse Subs. Could not say no to that. It was so delicious and I don't regret it.

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • Options
    I brought my PomChi to our PD day today. She is sitting on my lap and eyeing my donut.

    Formerly known as Kate08young
    August '18 Siggy April Showers:

    Me: 28 H: 24
    Married: 7/22/14
    Baby L: 8/4/2015  August 2015 Moms
    Baby E: 11/18/2016   December 2016 Moms
    TTC #3 08/2017  BFP 11/27/2017. 
    Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well. 

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    I have a good one. I've never cheated on DH and never will... but I regularly have dreams where I am.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
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    I drove by Quiznos yesterday only to find out it was closed. The rage I felt was otherworldly.

    Me:27   H:30
    Till death do us part: 7.2.2011
    Trying to conceive since 01.2014
    Low AFC and azoospermia
    IVF #1 03.2016 - BFP 03.28.2016
    Due: 12.05.2016

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Shwee25 said:

    I definitely have my jeans unbuttoned and fastened with a hair-tie.  The bloat is real.

    cat cute fat lazy

    Yes, this is exactly me too! I also had to get to the food store last night for cherry frosted pop tarts
    Me 32 DH 34
    Married 9/2012 

    TTC #2 starting 9/2019
    BFP 7/13/2020!
    Due 3/18/2021

    TTC #1 since 2/2015
    Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
    IUIs #1-#5: 9/2015-2/2016 all BFNs
    Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016  Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
    Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016

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    erica0901 said:
    Shwee25 said:

    I definitely have my jeans unbuttoned and fastened with a hair-tie.  The bloat is real.

    cat cute fat lazy

    Yes, this is exactly me too! I also had to get to the food store last night for cherry frosted pop tarts
    My nice thick belt is holding up my jeans! Buttons are evil! Might be time to dig out my older (and bigger) pants! 

    And once again, reading the bump and looking at houses is winning over real work.
    EQD born 12/15!

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    @Sugargirl1019 I totally did. I had an italian from Jimmy Johns. It was so delish. The main reason was I forgot my lunch and didn't have time to leave work to really go get anything. So it was delivery - pizza or a sandwich. lol 
    December 2016 August Siggy Challenge: Embarrassing Back to School Pics

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @jptrumptone that's what I'm doing today too! We were planning on moving next May when our lease is up anyways, but now that we know we will have another baby in the house, it can't come soon enough. We have 2 big dogs, 1 cat, and 3 (to be 4) people in a 1,200 ft house (and an awful layout). I don't know why I torture myself looking at houses this early though. 

    My FFFC I can't wait to tell people I'm pregnant so they cut me some slack at work. I've been really irritated and lacking all patience and it is really showing. Pregnancy # 2 = no poker face for me. I need these people to know I'm growing a baby so they leave me alone. 

    DS1: 12/17/2014
    DS2: born sleeping at 26 weeks on 8/8/2016 due to chromosomal deletion
    Pregnant with baby 3 -  EDD 9/14/2017

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    lrg14lrg14 member
    Shwee25 said:

    I definitely have my jeans unbuttoned and fastened with a hair-tie.  The bloat is real.

    cat cute fat lazy

    I did this on Wednesday.
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    I have an unhealthy obsession with any competition based show (Cupcake Wars, Dancing with the Stars, Survivor, etc) so I'm currently binge watching one I just found on Netflix, Guy's Grocery Games, while my toddler naps. 
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    My FFFC I can't wait to tell people I'm pregnant so they cut me some slack at work. I've been really irritated and lacking all patience and it is really showing. Pregnancy # 2 = no poker face for me. I need these people to know I'm growing a baby so they leave me alone. 
    No shame, I'm starting to do this already. It's either that or I get roped into a colostomy change and puke everywhere. 

    Also did have a cold sandwich yesterday. I was getting hungry and nauseous and that's all that was really available. It was tasty. 
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    My FFFC I can't wait to tell people I'm pregnant so they cut me some slack at work. I've been really irritated and lacking all patience and it is really showing. Pregnancy # 2 = no poker face for me. I need these people to know I'm growing a baby so they leave me alone. 
    Me. Too. 
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    @blessdtxas One of my co-workers keeps asking me if I'm ok, so today I told him we are looking for a house and I'm stressed from that. He seemed to buy it :-) Might work for you too! 

    All the talk & guilt about sandwiches makes me happy that I'm not allowed sandwiches anyway cause of a wheat allergy.
    EQD born 12/15!

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    My MIL came to hang out yesterday. She started obsessively cleaning the floor and she wanted to sweep the patio. I pointed her to the broom. I couldn't even muster the energy to be maybe has been a while since I've cleaned. 

    June Siggy Challenge: Dad Fails

    Married 7.28.2012
    DD born 7.27.2014
    BFP 09.2015 - m/c 10.21.2015
    BFP 4.12.2016...EDD: Christmas Eve 2016!

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    @blessdtxas I agree! I have been good about keeping it secret mainly because I only found out 5 days ago, so I can't really pat myself on the back yet lol. I'm a vet and had a euthanasia today that hit me right in the feels, more than usual, and I had a hard time keeping it together when I left the room. I can't possibly imagine how emotional I'll get the further along we go. 

    Many FFFC is work related. If you're going to bring your pet to me to fix him, but then tell me in the same breath that he's "just a cat" and you don't really want to do anything for him, then why did you waste both our time and come in? My crystal ball is in the shop, I don't know what's wrong with your cat that hasn't seen a vet in the 15 years you've had it. 
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    I am so annoyed at work right now. I feel like my role is so stupid and not respected. I am project manager and I keep the projects going, but all this people do is complain about the process. I wish I could disappear for like 1-2 weeks and see how they survive without me...arghhhhhh so pissed I could walk out right now.
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    My FFFC is i still don't believe the 6 tests from yesterday. I ran another CB that was positive but faint. I swear they are not very sensitive. I tend to only trust FRER but I was out so I took my Dixie cup of FMU with my in my cup holder, stopped to get some, dipped it and let it run while I drove to work. So shameful. Mind you I went to have a beta drawn today so I will have a definitive answer soon. 
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    My FFFC is that I just went out to walgreen's and wasted $20 on a first response digital. I feel like a total idiot now for spending that much money on *yet another* confirmation, but I'm still so early and really feeling the nerves/stress of wanting this to be a healthy pregnancy. Ooooops. Still positive though, so yay for that!
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    @meganh2016 , with $20 you can get like 30-100 cheapie tests from Amazon. I still have some left and at over 6 weeks still test randomly!
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    RatsPJ said:
    @blessdtxas I agree! I have been good about keeping it secret mainly because I only found out 5 days ago, so I can't really pat myself on the back yet lol. I'm a vet and had a euthanasia today that hit me right in the feels, more than usual, and I had a hard time keeping it together when I left the room. I can't possibly imagine how emotional I'll get the further along we go. 

    Many FFFC is work related. If you're going to bring your pet to me to fix him, but then tell me in the same breath that he's "just a cat" and you don't really want to do anything for him, then why did you waste both our time and come in? My crystal ball is in the shop, I don't know what's wrong with your cat that hasn't seen a vet in the 15 years you've had it. 
    @RatsPJ - I wouldn't be able to deal.  A lizard died in our garage yesterday and I was crying.  I am not a tearful person, but that stuff really gets to me when I'm pregnant.  I can't imagine euthanizing a beloved family pet with these emotions I'm dealing with.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker     

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    My FFFC is that I just went out to walgreen's and wasted $20 on a first response digital. I feel like a total idiot now for spending that much money on *yet another* confirmation, but I'm still so early and really feeling the nerves/stress of wanting this to be a healthy pregnancy. Ooooops. Still positive though, so yay for that!
    That's okay. Since I have yet to have a period since DD2 I bought the digital with the week estimator. The thing came back 3+. Of course it did, because that's the highest it'll go. I should of just stuck with my Walmart 88cent tests. They always registered before the FRER anyways!

    DH & I are both 28    Together: 12 years    Married: 09/24/2011

    BFP#1: January '12 - DD1 09/16/2012

    Preterm labor 31 weeks. Monitored for Hellp and diagnosed with oligohydramnios July '12

    BFP #2: 06/25 - EDD 03/05/15 MMC confirmed 8/1 - D&E 8/4 retained tissue discovered 8/20

    BFP #3 11/24 - 12/15 Heartbeat detected - DD2 07/29/15

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    I was in tears today booking a rental car. I couldn't imagine euthanizing an animal!! 

    I took the the day off to have a me day and then ended up dealing with the title issues on the house we are buying, cleaning our apartment and booking travel. The travel thing would be normally fun but we moved our trip up from sept to June because of the baby and its high tourist season and things are booked
    Me: 38, DH: 36 
    Married Jan 2008 
    DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18" <3 so in love <3
    Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020

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    My husband is out of town for work. He left in the middle of the night Wednesday and won't be back until after I'm asleep Sunday night. I stayed up until midnight last night watching a cheesy movie I got sucked in to and then told him I was super tired this morning because I couldn't fall asleep due to allergies so he would feel bad for me. The kids have actually been amazingly good and I let them stay up last night and sleep in the same bed so they would go in their rooms sooner and I could do sit on the couch and do nothing. I then counteracted letting them have a "sleepover" and stay up past their bedtime by taking them to Dunkin Donuts to avoid making breakfast and as a bribe to get them moving faster.
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    I'll hop on the sandwich train! Our local grocery store had a meal deal of two footling Italian hoagies and pasta salad for 10.99. I got for DH and me, it was so good. I baked it in the oven, so I didn't feel as bad. All I've been craving are salty meats!
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    Instead of having something healthy for lunch...I went and got a BIG poutine AND a coke from Harveys and then hid the evidence
    TT#1 July 2015
    BFP#1 & MC:August 2015 
    BFP: #2 10/01/2015 MC: 10/09/2015   BFP #3: 12/22/2015 @ 5 weeks  MC/CP: 12-23-2015
    Fertility Appointment: Feb 23/16, Hysteroscopy 03/02/2016,
    BFP #4: 03/31/16 EDD 12/01/2016 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    RE: crying over animals dying.. Btw @RatsPJ  Idk how you do it.. Animals are so so sweet.

    I had Basic Life Support checkoff today, and totally cried having to perform CPR on an infant. I told my checker-offer, "how terrible I hope I never need to do CPR on a baby." It's a good thing ACLS is in 2 weeks, and that it's not PALS. I could not deal with pediatric life support right now!

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
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    I have a kitchen full of food but i'm sitting here scrolling the bump instead of whipping up something fantastic.  I think we will just get take out. 
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    I have a kitchen full of food but i'm sitting here scrolling the bump instead of whipping up something fantastic.  I think we will just get take out. 
    OMG that is totally me right this moment. Lounging in the couch and DH is on his way home from work and I'm like.. Errm.. Too tired to cook..

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • Options
    I just dropped ds on his face. Just from a few inches up while we were playing but there was still a thud. :(
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
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    I'm a therapist and I'm really struggling to listen and stay present with clients in sessions; my thoughts keep wandering off to food, Hulu, and naps, in that order :/  
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

    DH: 33⎹ Me: 32
    Married: July. 2005
    DS1: Born Feb. 2013
    DS2: Born Feb. 2015
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    I just dropped ds on his face. Just from a few inches up while we were playing but there was still a thud. :(
    DS tumbled backwards down the stairs yesterday, and much as I tried to scramble after him to stop him - nope, he made it all the way to the bottom with a loud thud. Oooof. The confession part? I had been sending a text when he tumbled. :s  :#
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

    DH: 33⎹ Me: 32
    Married: July. 2005
    DS1: Born Feb. 2013
    DS2: Born Feb. 2015
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    My FFFC is that I told my boss at work I was pregnant befofre I told my mom. To be fair I had to give my two weeks notice and she was completely shocked and my mom is out of town until next week. Still...felt really weird.

    Blended Families Rock!

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