December 2016 Moms


I know. It's so early to even be thinking about delivery.... but it's a point of contention in our house right now so I'm looking for some good articles/research to support our decision either way.
DS was induced at 40w- labored 23 hours, ended in an emergency c-section due to the cord being wrapped several times. Pretty much a horrifying and scary situation I would like to avoid at all costs. But I can't help but miss and long for that "typical delivery" for next baby. 
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    I wouldn't see any reason you couldn't have a VBAC if the catalyst for your cesarian was a cord around the neck.  I understand that the cord is wrapped around baby's neck in roughly 1/3 of births.  You're situation sounds like it was more of a concern, but this specific issue alone doesn't normally affect outcome of vaginal vs cesarian birth.  

    Has your doc suggested you aren't a candidate?  If that were the only complication, and there's no indicator that it would happen again, I'd certainly push for a VBAC if it were me.  There's no medical reason to elect into serious surgery.  
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    DiFazette said:
    I wouldn't see any reason you couldn't have a VBAC if the catalyst for your cesarian was a cord around the neck.  I understand that the cord is wrapped around baby's neck in roughly 1/3 of births.  You're situation sounds like it was more of a concern, but this specific issue alone doesn't normally affect outcome of vaginal vs cesarian birth.  

    Has your doc suggested you aren't a candidate?  If that were the only complication, and there's no indicator that it would happen again, I'd certainly push for a VBAC if it were me.  There's no medical reason to elect into serious surgery.  
    We don't see our OB for another 3 weeks. At the postpartum visit (October 14) we asked and she was unsure. She said that she is confident in the c-section holding up during a delivery but she said that depending on how many more children we have it may not be safe to do it? I don't know- honestly I am not be remembering all that took place. I think the c-section happened due to his decreasing heart beat and I only progressed to barely a 4. 
    DH says no way. I think he's still too scared over what happened last time. I guess I'm not sure of the risks/benefits either way except to not have a major surgery and a newborn. 
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    So this is your second child?  You can have up to X amount of cesarians and that decision is made based on provider feedback on how you've healed and scar tissue present.  Mostly I've heard up to 4 births (sometimes 3) with cesarian, but it has nothing to do with it 'holding up' and more to do with complications from too much scar tissue after the cutting and healing.  At some point that becomes risky.  

    Obviously i'm no doctor, but what happened in your previous delivery is a chance based situation. It's not medically caused or correlated and there's no indicator it would happen again.  I understand being fearful, I delivered at 33 weeks incredibly ill (I was not able to move for 36 hours post birth) and had a baby in the NICU for over a month.  If I were a candidate for a VBAC even with all of that, I'd sign up today.  If it's important to you, I hope DH is supportive of at least an attempt.  If things become risky or your end up with a low HR again, the decision can always be made for the c if medically necessary.  
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    I have found that the mayo clinic has some great advise on their site.

    I am hoping for a vbac myself. I was induced due to Eclampsia, and was progressing well until L turned breech when they broke my water. He then got stuck, and had a BM. So emergency C section happened.

    My OB told me that I needed to wait at least 15 months from birth to pregnancy, but when I asked the other OBs in his practice they said 15 months from birth - birth. 

    I have never heard of a vbac being unsafe if you want more children. I have heard that most OBs won't do/recommend more than 3-4 C sections though.

    Formerly known as Kate08young
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    TTC #3 08/2017  BFP 11/27/2017. 
    Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well. 

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    Thanks ladies for your insight. Yes, this is baby #2 for us- and we probably will go for #3 for sure, maybe a #4. My OB is pretty amazing- I think she would sign up for whatever I wanted to choose if it was safe. It's more getting DH on board ;-) I will look into the Mayo clinic and read up! 
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    I am thinking about it this time around. only reason I had one last time was because ds was breech. I expect I will be HR this pg, so that's a consideration. I am going to think about it some more and talk to the doctor about it more seriously toward the 30 week mark. if the baby is breech again, it'll be another c/s. 

    When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.

    Baby Boy M - 08/01/2013 

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    Check out ICAN

    They have lots of articles and a great support system of women trying and succeeding with VBACs. I'm going for one if I can (delivered emergency section under general anesthesia  at 28w due to severe pre-e, lost heartbeat, and BM) and found one of only a few OBs in the area that will do one. So far I qualify as long as I don't have to be induced again.

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    DiFazetteDiFazette member
    edited April 2016
    Reigh007 said:
    Check out ICAN

    They have lots of articles and a great support system of women trying and succeeding with VBACs. I'm going for one if I can (delivered emergency section under general anesthesia  at 28w due to severe pre-e, lost heartbeat, and BM) and found one of only a few OBs in the area that will do one. So far I qualify as long as I don't have to be induced again.

    @Reigh007That's awesome that your doc will allow it.  Mine has said no.  Simply put, can't even try... with similar circumstance as you.  I'm sure age, health history and other factors play a role, though. 
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    DiFazette said:
    Reigh007 said:
    Check out ICAN

    They have lots of articles and a great support system of women trying and succeeding with VBACs. I'm going for one if I can (delivered emergency section under general anesthesia  at 28w due to severe pre-e, lost heartbeat, and BM) and found one of only a few OBs in the area that will do one. So far I qualify as long as I don't have to be induced again.

    @Reigh007That's awesome that your doc will allow it.  Mine has said no.  Simply put, can't even try... with similar circumstance as you.  I'm sure age, health history and other factors play a role, though. 

    @DiFazette I guess I should clarify. My OB from my last c-section cleared me to attempt a VBAC but I have not yet seen this OB since I moved out of state. I guess I was assuming she would feel the same but with your response I wonder now. So I guess I will find out when I see her next week! 
    My original OB's thought process was the pre-e is a bit of crap shoot of if you will get it again, though as I'm sure you are aware, we are at higher risk for how early and severe it came on. Fx! 
    And FX for you for a safe delivery as well.
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    Reigh007 said:
    DiFazette said:
    Reigh007 said:
    Check out ICAN

    They have lots of articles and a great support system of women trying and succeeding with VBACs. I'm going for one if I can (delivered emergency section under general anesthesia  at 28w due to severe pre-e, lost heartbeat, and BM) and found one of only a few OBs in the area that will do one. So far I qualify as long as I don't have to be induced again.

    @Reigh007That's awesome that your doc will allow it.  Mine has said no.  Simply put, can't even try... with similar circumstance as you.  I'm sure age, health history and other factors play a role, though. 

    @DiFazette I guess I should clarify. My OB from my last c-section cleared me to attempt a VBAC but I have not yet seen this OB since I moved out of state. I guess I was assuming she would feel the same but with your response I wonder now. So I guess I will find out when I see her next week! 
    My original OB's thought process was the pre-e is a bit of crap shoot of if you will get it again, though as I'm sure you are aware, we are at higher risk for how early and severe it came on. Fx! 
    And FX for you for a safe delivery as well.
    Good luck!  My BP did not stabilize for 16 months, so that's part of the reason why on my end, it became pregnancy induced hypertension after delivery beyond all the other fun things!  I hope your new doc will give you a shot at it!  FX for you!
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    i totally know how you feel, my DH was not so supportive of VBAC early on, and it took a lot of persuasion to get him on my side.  you absolutely must do your research, the cards are stacked against you and even if you find an OB who will let you attempt VBAC, you need to make sure they support VBAC, and that the hospital supports VBAC as well.  be mindful that not all practitioners in your group will have the same level of enthusiasm for it.
    on a positive note, my VBAC was successful and the recovery was leaps and bounds better than my CS.
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    If you do aim for VBAC, make sure your OB actually offers them. We had similar first labor: 24 hrs, heart rate dropped with contractions, only dilated to 5cm, scalp monitor- no heartbeat= emergency c-section. BUT, my daughters head turned out to be over the 100th percentile! And she was 8lbs 11oz. 
    With my second, I found an amazing Ob (we had moved). When I went in for my 1st prenatal appointment, she told me they don't offer VBACs because of the risk of rupture. So I ended up with repeat cesarean, and was glad, my 2nd daughter was 8lbs 7oz at 39 weeks! Plus I was kind of traumatized from our first labor experience, I swear I had PTSD for years. And then I realized I wasn't going to go through a traumatic labor just to end in a c-section again. 2nd c-section recovery was WAY easier. Maybe because I didn't go through a day of labor before? 
    But since your labor was actually fairly successful - you dilated like normal, it could be worth a shot! Like I said- make sure your OB offers VBACs, not all do. And good luck on your decision, either way, you will have a cute little baby :)

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    I will be attempting a VBA2C. The best thing is to find a supportive OB. 
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